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Add more Contact Methods


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I'm fairly sure you can do this with IP.Board. I was thinking of adding things like Steam Account, Desura Account, DeviantART account etc etc (if anyone wishes to add any more be sure to post)


I would just like to be able to easily add people via their profile or direct people to my profile if they ask about DeviantART.

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Honestly, I think a spot for deviantART, maybe one for personal blogs or websites and one for "Others" would be enough.

I've heard about Steam, but never heard about Desura (or Jabber for that matter) so not sure how many people would benefit from a contacting option for those.


But ICQ and such are barely used these days. Most people moved over to Skype in terms of IMs anyway.


As for adding these things, most mods look through this section from time to time, we have to wait until someone with admin access catches something. 2 things though: It usually helps if there's a lot of support for a suggestion and if the majority of the mods deem something necessary.

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