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Memories of You ['Stellar]


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3 Constellar Algiedi
3 Constellar Pollux
3 Constellar Kaus
3 Constellar Sombre
3 Constellar Sheratan
1 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear
1 Honest

2 Fire Formation - Tenki
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Forbidden Lance
1 Book of Moon
1 Constellar Star Cradle
1 Dark Hole
1 Mind Control
1 Reinforcement of the Army

3 Fiendish Chain
2 Dimensional Prison
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Warning
1 Sixth Sense
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Hmm doesn't really like Mind Control in here, since it's kinda shit against DR and mermails. You can change it to some techs/more traps. Otherwise, build seems good. Also, is the title a reference to P3?

Mind Con's really strong and is in there mainly for a match-up against Books honestly. (Taking their Casters away to disable Fate, forces out Wisdom.) That's the match-up that I'm playing to beat, moreso because Game 1 the Stellar match vs Dragons is already stupidly strong.

Also Mind Con's good against Merlants idk what you're on about. It's the only proper out to the Gaoisgineer t1 combo.
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Ah, yeah. Forgot about that combo. Well then, I think the deck is good now, just maybe some numbers of the cards that you might change due to personal preference. So far, aside from books, what're your hardest matchup?

Defo Books. A lot of my Side is dedicated to shutting them down (Deck Lockdown, Rai-Oh, Iron Wall, Gozen, etc) because I find it hard to grind against a deck that grinds stupid hard as they do.
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