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New batch of "Gravekeeper's" stuff


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Soooo, with the the announcement of new Gravekeeper's stuff... It got me thinking about making even more Gravekeeper's support. So here goes. Bare with me if the effects are a bit broken or anything. 




Lore: You can tribute 1 other face-up "Gravekeeper's" monster to discard 1 random card from your opponent's hand. 

Nothing wrong. 




Lore: Once per turn: you can tribute 1 "Gravekeeper's" monster you control, or discard 1 card, to special summon 1 level 4 or lower "Gravekeeper's" monster from your graveyard. (This cards activation and effect are unnafected by "Necrovalley")

That just can't do, this card can tribute itself to summon another, or can dis- a card to special summon!? No, needs more limitation such as to requirements on summoning (while there is....) or limit (once during...) but as of now it's just plain unreal. 




Lore: Discard 1 "Gravekeeper's" monster; draw 2 cards. You cannot special summon the turn you activate this card.

No!, any drawing without a limitation play catch is banned, be more specific on what "Gravekeeper"(what level, ATK,)  




Lore: When this card is normal or special summoned, you can add 1 "Gravekeeper's" monster or "Necrovalley" from your graveyard to your hand. (This card's activation and effect are unaffected by "Necrovalley"). <Plain Fail, I just think this card is useless. I won't try it.





Lore: This card gains 300 ATK and DEF for each "Gravekeeper's" monster you control. Same as the one above it, it won't make it in my deck setup. 




Lore; This card cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects while "Necrovalley" is face-up on the field. 

Nothing wrong here.




Lore: 2 level 4 "Gravekeeper's" monsters

Once per turn, you can detach 1 xyz material from this card to target 1 "Gravekeeper's" monster in your graveyard; special summon that target (this cards activation and effect are unaffected by "Necrovalley"). The monster special summoned by this effect cannot declare an attack the turn it is special summoned in this way.
Nothing wrong here as well. 
Lore: 1 "Gravekeeper's" tuner + 1 or more non-tuner monsters.
"Necrovalley" on your side of the field cannot be target or destroyed by card effects. Field spells except "Necrovalley" cannot be activated. When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, you can add 1 "Gravekeeper's" monster from your graveyard to your hand (this cards activation and effect cannot be negated by "Necrovalley"). 

Nothing here too. 


Set rating:

1.     The Realistic balance of the set: 7.2/9.5 
2.     What happens if it were to be released IRL and What possible uses would it have IRL: This set will support the Gravekeepers hugely, but won't make the top. 
3.     What you think is possibly broken/ abusable: GraveKeeper's summoner. 
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Yeah, your right. I just wanted to give the GKs, A little push, but not enough to make them dragon ruler status :0 thanks for the review. 

Well, the thing with Sentinel is I thought he would up being a 1-2 card tech, just so you could recycle Necrovalleys over and over again. 

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Trying again here guys, hope these are a bit better. 




LORE: This card can only be activated when "Necrovalley" is face up on the field. Card effects that activate in either players graveyard are negated. Neither player can special summon monsters except "Gravekeeper's" monsters. Destroy this card during your 2nd standby phase after activation. Love it, i would love it even more if it was like: When "Necrovally" is destroyed, Card effects that activate in either players graveyard are negated. Neither player can special summon monsters except "Gravekeeper's" monsters. Destroy this card during your 2nd standby phase after activation. And it' would be a quick play 




LORE: This card can attack twice during each battle phase while "Necrovalley" is face-up on the field. When this card is tributed by the effect of a "Gravekeeper's" monster; draw 1 card. Banned, drawing is hard to get by. 




LORE: This card cannot be normal summoned (but can be normal set)<-- Remove, lol No need of that. If you control a "Gravekeeper's" monster other than "Gravekeeper's Swordsmaster" you can special sumomn this card from your hand. This card cannot declare an attack unless "Necrovalley" is face-up on the field. During each of your standby phases pay 500 life points or destroy this card. Remove it's fine as it is. 

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The spell was meant to be continuous btw. Idk why it isn't showing up. Also the thing is, with swordsmaster I added in the last clause because I wanted him to be in the deck to make quick rank 4's, although it could do without it. Will edit later.

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The spell was meant to be continuous btw. Slow won't help_not in the times of yu-gi-oh now, quick play open up many options and plays while the way it's is i find it as a side set. Idk why it isn't showing up. Also the thing is, with swordsmaster I added in the last clause because I wanted him to be in the deck to make quick rank 4's, although it could do without it. Will edit later.

^Made no sense, to me explain in more detail-not trying to be rude,sorry. 

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Shaman is OP, because now they have the strongest legal Hand Des card in the format, Royal Tribute. That effect should be a Once per turn then it will be better.

Summoner - Just put it as one or another for the cost, the effect overall is okay (I mean how many GK's will be in the graveyard very often that you need?)

Horus Tribute - I don't think this is OP since we have Trade-In, White Elephant's Gift and Cards, this effect isn't Overpowered, but I'd change it to Normal not Special (as a GK deck rarely SS's ever.)

Sentinel - Yea, this probably will not be used much if at all, if it has decent Stats, maybe but as it is? No.

Cobra - Just like Sentinel, this won't see play. They don't need generic beaters very much.

Oracle - That works well.

Dimensionist - That's good

Pharaoh - I don't really like the Field Barrier Monster effect... I'm fine with the 'Can't destroy it by effects' but having to destroy this to even touch Necrovalley? That's using a LOT of resources to be able to access the Graveyard which lots of decks need.

Stone Temple - I guessed it was supposed to be Continuous.... It's okay.

Brigader - I like, the Draw 1 is okay especially in a Deck that has no lone draw power at all. (Previous poster - Remember that Gravekeepers do not have their own Draw card at all, and having to lose a Monster to Draw 1 is okay, especially since Card Trooper has the same effect except easier to pull off)

Swords master - I say keep the Pay or die effect. Because if the only way this card can attack is if Necrovalley is in play then its actually a 2600 ATK Monster that becomes a major beatstick. I would say just put that it does if Necrovalley is not in play. Problem solved.

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The spell was meant to be continuous btw. Slow won't help_not in the times of yu-gi-oh now, quick play open up many options and plays while the way it's is i find it as a side set. Idk why it isn't showing up. Also the thing is, with swordsmaster I added in the last clause because I wanted him to be in the deck to make quick rank 4's, although it could do without it. Will edit later.

^Made no sense, to me explain in more detail-not trying to be rude,sorry. 

You're not being mean bro, I love the feedback. What I meant was that unless you want to take the burn damage you would use the swordsmaster to make a really quick xyz, (usually dimensionist or key beetle if these cards were real I would suppose) 

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Vigilance is kinda Overpowered. (Personally I don't like monsters that drop from Hand for ATK bonuses whenever. I don't mind if you can drop it when it's battling a Monster with higher ATK but not anytime)

Hunter: I'd drop his ATK to like 500. Other then that, it's okay. (The drop because that now can only attack directly when it's a 1800 ATK Monster. And that's really OP. 1000+500 (from Necrovalley) + 300 ( off of his eff) so yea, that's just troublesome and really dumb really quick.)

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