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Counter-Fairy [YCSLondon.dek]

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1 | Thunder King Rai-Oh  (You don't run an anti-meta deck without this)
1 | Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (Not only is it incredibly anti-meta-ish, but it gets over Dux and suicides on 1800s)
3 | Bountiful Artemis (Star player, lets you do so much. Allows for plussing off most counter-traps and 0ing off others.)
1 | Vylon Prism (I wanted a way into Crimson Blader, and this is the best way I've found. It's Monkable which is nice)
3 | Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (Safe Zone this bad boy and you practically win. It's like Vanity's Emptiness on steroids)
1 | Honest (5 LIGHT monsters are enough, also you can get away with hilarious plays from Pinpointing this. Side out g2)
2  Summoner Monk (Makes all the plays. Go into Prism for a Synchro, or Kycoo for Key Beetle, even Artemis then set 3)

1 | Dark Hole 
3 | Upstart Goblin (41 cards, 3 Upstart? It's Monk fodder.)
3 | Pot of Duality 
3 | Mystical Space Typhoon 
1 | Book of Moon 

2 | Pinpoint Guard 
1 | Compulsory Evacuation Device 
2 | Safe Zone 
1 | Sixth Sense (The mill doesn't even hurt when you have Pinpoint Guard)
3 | Divine Wrath 
3 | Debunk 
3 | Dark Bribe 
1 | Magic Drain
1 | Pulling The Rug (This card is so lulzy. It hits Debris, Blackwing thingy, Junk, Earth, Salvo, and more)
1 | Solemn Warning 

1 | Chimeratech Fortress Dragon 

1 | Crimson Blader (For the rogue match-ups like Dragon Ruler and Dragunity)
1 | Stardust Dragon (Woah woah woah. 3500 anti-destruction boss that comes back at 2500?)
1 | Number 85: Crazy Box 
1 | Gem-Knight Pearl 
1 | Number 66: Master Key Beetle 
1 | Number 39: Utopia
1 | Constellar Omega 
1 | Photon Papilloperative 
1 | Diamond Dire Wolf 
1 | Starliege Paladynamo 
1 | Fairy Cheer Girl 
1 | Maestroke the Symphony Djinn 
1 | Abyss Dweller 
1 | Gagaga Cowboy 

3 | Cyber Dragon (Machine.deks, also against rogue decks where your Debunks are dead you side into these)
1 | Psi-Blocker (It's just plain nasty to go Monk -> Psi-Blocker call Secrets/Ravine/Tenki/Ophion)
2 | Xyz Encore 
3 | Twister
3 | Imperial Iron Wall
3 | Shadow Imprisoning Mirror

Deck has tested brilliantly.
Instant win against Dragon Rulers, with a side to back up more in G2+3 (side in Twisters and Iron Walls)
Evilswarm isn't a great matchup, but there's side for that. (side in Shadow Mirrors, Encores and Psi-Blocker)
Mermail isn't a hard matchup with mained Debunk, also Iron Wall is a nice side for Tidal variants.
Prophecy is by far the worst of the "meta" matchups, but you can side into Psi-Blocker and Iron Wall (hits Justice, Fate, Life and Priestess)
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