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Why cant we do Tokens anymore?



Why cant we do Tokens anymore? or why cant I do them?



Before the up-date: Well, when i first founded this forum ( almost like two months ago ) i stared laying with the card creator, instead of uploading cards... and i remember something i loved. making "Tokens". 


I am using google chrome, so in the card maker there is the card information:

where it says Card Type: it apears the Monster & the Normal square.

<select name="cardtype" id="cardtype" onchange="javascript:updatefields()">
<option value="Monster">
<option value="Ritual">
<option value="Fusion">
<option value="Spell">
<option value="Trap">
<option value="Synchro">
<option value="Xyz">

( you can go to the creator window) .


so where it says monster, you right-click on it: and click on the INSPECT ELEMENT botton.

and then you change its name to any of those and change it to "TOKEN",





<option value="Monster">


<option value="Token">


and then it apeared the grey card, that we know its a token...


But, that was before...



Now, this is my question... Why cant we do this anymore? Or if you can, please tell me.

maybe it is only my computer`s problem that i can fix. 

I would be very glad if you could tell me, cuz am a 100% sure we could do tokens this way.

I founded out this problem while working on my Chevalier Set.




Please, if this post is where it doest has to be... please tell me before locking it, maybe i can delete it before you lock it, and if you find any grammar errors, also tell me about it.



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7 answers to this question

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I also was wondering why they omitted the Token option. I also opened a topic asking about it. Very unfortunate they got rid of it. It was probably the main reason why I used Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker and now it's gone. :( Are there any plans to implement it again? Because I'd really like to see it back. So do other people apparently.

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It's because we changed card templates, and the token template (which shouldn't have been the card maker at all, but was through that method) wasn't carried over.


So that means tokens are not going to be in the card maker... right.

But i was a bit curiouse about what happened to tokens...


Thanks :D

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So that means tokens are not going to be in the card maker... right.

But i was a bit curiouse about what happened to tokens...


Thanks :D

The reason that a token is not in the card maker is that it can be replced by anything. when im playing with my brother i used a rectangular paper as a token

BUT if you really want to create tokens, there is a program called Magic Set Editor. download it and you can make tokens and even yugioh cards with it.

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