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Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague [CFV]


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Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague
Grade 4/? - Kagero/13000 Power/No Shield
Activate [V]: [Limit Break 4, Counterblast 3 & Soul Blast 3 & Choose a card named 'Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague' from your hand, and discard it] Retire all of your opponent's rearguards.
Continuous [V]: During your turn, the effects of your opponent's Triggers do not activate.
Continuous [V]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, your opponent cannot call grade 0 units to the guardian circle until end of that battle.
Continuous [R]: This unit gets [Power]-1000.
Continuous [V/R]: Lord

"Continuous [V]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, your opponent cannot call grade 0 units to the guardian circle until end of that battle."

The nuts. Being able to force out like 4 cards every turn on your Vanguard attack seems so incredibly tasty. Discuss.

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Yeah, this card is quite insane, especially late game.
Although the fact that it requires a Persona Blast for its Limit Break begs the question: How many do you want to run?

4, almost definitely. Mainly because it has a Grade 1 with 7000 that lets you search a Grade 3 or above by returning Nouvelle Vague from deck to hand when you ride him or call him to RG
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4, almost definitely. Mainly because it has a Grade 1 with 7000 that lets you search a Grade 3 or above by returning Nouvelle Vague from deck to hand when you ride him or call him to RG

Oh. I actually hadn't seen the effects of the other cards from the EB that was revealed with it.

I'd be happy with running 4 g3s (Specifically Dauntless) just to keep the numbers consistent enough.

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One of you guys should make a thread for Angelica, Chain Blast, and dem awesome gundams. Also, this is pretty balls, they seems to think Silvest's main problem is the lack of Lord and being a palamedes on R.

It's literally impossible to guard. Or did we just forget about this? :u Also the fact that it can turn into any Grade 3 Kagero or a retire...
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Nukevelle Vague's silly in testing.


It's not extremely consistent, due to spinning your Vagues for Dauntless, but it's absolutely retarded when it goes off.


Conroe makes the deck a lot more consistent as well, and a Seal Dragon Engine helps.


It's also pretty much game the moment it hits dauntless, as you force a ton of advantage out of them and they have a hard time recovering. If they had a full board, the nuke takes care of that, generally.

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