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Paladins of Emeralda [OoC/Started/Now Only Accepting at least 2 Paladins!]

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Well, I'm glad someone else could do it, but there is actually a few things that were incorrect:

  1. Amethyte is actually a "lost" material that was about to be unveiled to the people of Emeralda when history was starting to be recorded. The First is unnamed atm, so we leave it at that for now.
  2. Obsidian Soldiers are actually the army of the Second-in-Command of the Bloodshed Generals. Gore is merely using the pawns of said army that fit his sense of power.

There's also a lot of information I intended to add in regards to the Paladins, but I can let you know about that later.

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Well, I'm glad someone else could do it, but there is actually a few things that were incorrect:

  1. Amethyte is actually a "lost" material that was about to be unveiled to the people of Emeralda when history was starting to be recorded. The First is unnamed atm, so we leave it at that for now.
  2. Obsidian Soldiers are actually the army of the Second-in-Command of the Bloodshed Generals. Gore is merely using the pawns of said army that fit his sense of power.

There's also a lot of information I intended to add in regards to the Paladins, but I can let you know about that later.

ok, cool. But how did Seth get past not being noticed as a Paladin then? does the amulet only detect current paladins, was it missed throughout the years or some other explanation?


also I anything I had put into the codex at the time was based off the initial OOC post, I would have fixed it when eventually going through the IC (I'm quite sure you say that somewhere in the IC).

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ok, cool. But how did Seth get past not being noticed as a Paladin then? does the amulet only detect current paladins, was it missed throughout the years or some other explanation?


also I anything I had put into the codex at the time was based off the initial OOC post, I would have fixed it when eventually going through the IC (I'm quite sure you say that somewhere in the IC).

The only thing I can think of is that the paladins were only recognized as such by the amulet when they showed their skill in fighting/training. Since Seth was sent away for training, he might not have been recognized as a paladin by the amulet. There's also the possibility that his own father knew he was a paladin and sent him away for training but that seems unlikely since the former generation was within the castle. Unless there is yet another former generation paladin out there to train Seth.

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The only thing I can think of is that the paladins were only recognized as such by the amulet when they showed their skill in fighting/training. Since Seth was sent away for training, he might not have been recognized as a paladin by the amulet. There's also the possibility that his own father knew he was a paladin and sent him away for training but that seems unlikely since the former generation was within the castle. Unless there is yet another former generation paladin out there to train Seth.

There wouldn't be another Paladin from a past generation, Glam describes himself as the only remaining one.

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There wouldn't be another Paladin from a past generation, Glam describes himself as the only remaining one.

That he knows of, I've come to find that within Role Plays, or stories in general, you only know what the maker wants you to know.


EDIT: Was that an attack you launched, Liz? Do you want me to respond with city defenses or are you still planning your invasion?

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I have my reasons for not explaining ANYTHING at the moment. Soon enough, you'll know the truth. ^_^

What's a role play without a little mystery?




This is a work in progress application, I actually lost it three or four times mid app due to accidentally refreshing the page or something foolish along those lines. So I'm posting it here so that it can not only be safe, but so it can strike fear into the heart of other Role Players.


[spoiler=Demonic King Balberith]

"The chaos of a world at war brings about certain...opportunities."

Name: Demonic King Balberith (Baal-ber-eth)
Age: ????
Gender: Male


None have ever seen his true facial details, all demonic figures who have ever gotten close enough to see his face say their eyes only sink into the soulless darkness of an empty helm. He stands at an impressive six feet and five inches tall and weighs in at about two hundred and fifty five pounds while possessing a muscular figure. The weapon within the picture is not the weapon he wields.

Personality: Cruelty, darkness, and destruction embody Demonic King Balberith but there is an element of insanity that his underlings fear the most about him. Many times during his rule, Balberith will simply slay handfuls of his own soldiers just to test their overall strength. Within the fighting pits, where demons can prove their power, Balberith himself will join the fighting just so he can feel blood between his fingers. However, as the ruler of Hell, he has the military knowledge and tactics to lead his throngs of soldiers through any war crises; often making room so that he can get his own hands dirty.

Biography: Thousands of years ago, Hell was ruled by none other than Lucifer himself, and then one day it wasn't. No demonic figure within Hell knew the identity of their new ruler but they quickly learned that he wasn't to be disrespected. Hundreds of demons fought against his rule and he slaughtered them as if he was butchering cattle. Eventually, he sat upon his thrown for a whole day without a demonic figure trying to oppose him.


After his conquering of Lucifer and rise to power over Hell, Balberith immediately went to work on improving his soldier's power. He sent small groups of demons to the surface to slay humans and feast on their souls so that they might gain power. Balberith forced each demon to learn the art of swordsmanship and the art of archery instead of relying on their natural weapons such as claws and teeth. Balberith quickly introduced his technique for fusing souls with weapons to make them immensely powerfl; his forces might never be able to master the art of Magic, but they would no longer require such human power.


Balberith had made different pockets of Hell so that he might separate his soldiers for training; these pockets were sometimes also used for punishment. One day a lowly human known as Viariun Dreathren had entered into one of Hell's now many pockets through unknown means; most likely a demon hadn't noticed her presence when it slipped back into Hell. Balberith immediately knew she was within Hell but instead of killing her on sight, had found it intriguing to what she might have actually come to achieve. After watching her best one of his Training Officers known as Hellius, he sounded off a wicked and deep laugh that had sounded out all through Hell. The human had left shortly after, taking Hellius's Heart and the control of that pocket of Hell with her. Balberith surely could crush that pocket of Hell in an instant if he felt the itch to, but instead, he had merely locked it so to speak; that pocket of Hell could no longer lead back into Hell whatsoever.


After Hellius's pocket of Hell was corrupted, Hell became one piece once more. Balberith now plans to take over the surface world, and will soon launch an invasion the world would never forget.


Magic: N/A




Demonic Hellion Driver- (Pictured Above) The Demonic Hellion Driver is a ceremonial polearm that the current ruler of Hell posses and is a mark of power to any who gaze upon its hellish form. Many history books note of its existence and any Human seeing this weapon is sure to know who they are meeting face to face. The weapon itself has many abilities that have not been documented by the most notable one is that it can appear at a moment's notice or be launched at a moment's notice. Many who have been killed by it do not actually see it until it's already inside of their stomach.


Latherine- A terribly powerful blade weld by Demonic King Balberith used in the destruction of the former ruler of Hell, Lucifer.






~Can make pocket dimensions inside of Hell to use as punishment

~Can erect gateways to Hell anywhere he chooses

~Can turn any modern-day door into a door to Hell.

~Can forge weaponry using souls.

Other: Highly seasoned within combat and possess an incredibly high point of strength.


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Ball, he's going to be quite the devious contender when I finish with him.

Shame the weapon in the pic isn't the one he's using.  That thing is quite impressive.


Anyways, I've two ideas for a Paladin app that came up which I cannot decide between.  The first is a wandering Pyromancer who is known only by the name "Lord of Ashes."  His thing would be creating and controlling fire while also having the ability to summon up living flame.  The other would be a young boy from a desert land who was a slave escaped from a pit-fighting ring and is a prodigy in dual-blade fighting.  He would have a great deal of powers relating to dark magic, though he would only know maybe one or two of the spells I'd ultimately list for him at the beginning.


I can't decide between the two, and that's why my app isn't up yet, so I ask the host and players what sort of character they would rather see.

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Shame the weapon in the pic isn't the one he's using.  That thing is quite impressive.


Anyways, I've two ideas for a Paladin app that came up which I cannot decide between.  The first is a wandering Pyromancer who is known only by the name "Lord of Ashes."  His thing would be creating and controlling fire while also having the ability to summon up living flame.  The other would be a young boy from a desert land who was a slave escaped from a pit-fighting ring and is a prodigy in dual-blade fighting.  He would have a great deal of powers relating to dark magic, though he would only know maybe one or two of the spells I'd ultimately list for him at the beginning.


I can't decide between the two, and that's why my app isn't up yet, so I ask the host and players what sort of character they would rather see.


Maybe I'll have him use that as a secondary weapon, but I have major badassery plans for his main weapon of choice.


Also, I personally don't like the word pyromancer, mostly because it's been shoved down my throat for so long.

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