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YCS San Mateo [Bujins]


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Monsters (16):

Bujin Yamato x3

Bujingi Turtle x3

Bujingi Crane x3

Bujingi Quilin x3

BotFF – Bear x1

Honest x1

Maxx “C” x2


Spells (17):

Pot of Duality x3

Forbidden Lance x3

Mystical Space Typhoon x3

Bujincarnation x2

Fire Formation – Tenki x2

Kaiser Colosseum x2

Dark Hole x1

Book of Moon x1


Traps (8):

Mirror Force x2

Fiendish Chain x2

Bottomless Trap Hole x1

Solemn Warning x1

Horn of the Phantom Beast x1

Bujin Regalia – The Sword x1


Extra (15):

Bujintei Susanowo x3

Number 104: Masquerade x1

Constellar Omega x1

Constellar Ptolemy M7 x1

Starleige Paladynamo x1

BotFF – Tiger King x1

Ice Beast Zerofyne x1

Diamond Dire Wolf x1

Photon Papilloperative x1

Number 50: Blackship of Corn x1

Maestroke the Symphony Djinn x1

Abyss Dweller x1

Gagaga Cowboy x1


Side (15):

Effect Veiler x2

Prohibition x2

Mystical Refpanel x2

Royal Decree x3

Rivalry of Warlords x2

Gozen Match x2

Vanity’s Emptiness x2

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