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[CFV] Post-BT13 tournament standings.


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Saturday, September 28th Bushiroad, Tokyo Vanguard Tournament (157 Tournament Entry)

1st: Link Joker (Star-vader, ChaosBreakerDragon)
2nd: Shadow Paladins (Revenger, Raging Form Dragon)
3rd: Shadow Paladins (Revenger, Raging Form Dragon)
4th: Narukami (Eradicator, Dragonic Descendent)

5th-8th: Aqua Force (Blue Wave Dragon, Tetra Drive Dragon)
5th-8th: Dimensional Police (Dark Dimensional Robo, "Reverse" Daiyusha)
5th-8th: Link Joker (Star-vader, ChaosBreakerDragon)
5th-8th: Link joker (Star-vader, ChaosBreakerDragon)

9th-16th: Narukami (Eradicator, Dragonic Descendent)
9th-16th: Dimensional Police (Dark Dimensional Robo, "Reverse" Daiyusha)
9th-16th: Shadow Paladins (Revenger, Raging Form Dragon)
9th-16th: Pale Moon (Silver Thorn Dragon Queen, Luquier "Reverse")
9th-16th: Aqua Force (Blue Wave Dragon, Tetra Drive Dragon)
9th-16th: Narukami (Eradicator, Dragonic Descendent)
9th-16th: Nova Grappler (Strongest Beast Deity, Ethics Buster Extreme)
9th-16th: Link Joker (Star-vader, ChaosBreaker Dragon)

51 Link Joker (33%)
26 Shadow Paladin (17%)
19 Narukami (12.5%)
14 Aqua Force (9.5%)
9 Nova Grappler (5.5%)
9 Dimensional Police (5.5%)
7 Great Nature (4.5%)
6 Gold Paladin (4%)
4 Spike Brothers (2.5%)
4 Royal Paladin (2.5%)
2 Pale Moon (1%)
2 Dark Irregular (1%)
1 Angel Feather (0.5%)
1 Granblue (0.5%)
1 Oracle Think Tank (0.5%)

Things that we can collect from the first major tournament since the massive amount of support given to relevant clans:
- Link Joker has finally taken over tournaments and forced it's way into Tier 1 status.
- Revengers and Eradicators are still as strong as ever.
- Aqua Force, Nova Grappler and Dimension Police have all forced their way into being decks with massive potential.
- Pale Moon may still be one of the best decks due to representation vs topping results.

Also sorry if this isn't allowed, I just assumed since there isn't really a tournament report section for Other TCGs I could just post it here. If that's not the case then feel free to lock this.

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That's the third major tournament post BT-13. 


So far, Revengers and Jokers are both fighting their way for the top spot. Revenger wins by usage-top rate, Jokers win by flooding. 

Narukami still getting the shaft by competitive players(though, from what I hear, it's not because Eradicators losing to revengers and jokers, it's mainly because of they got really bored of it). Tetra and BT-13 support pushed AqF far from a gimmicky deck into a legit contender, but they still lose horribly to jokers. BD's overreliance on front-row units made them unpopular, but they'll be really strong against anything other than jokers. Luquier is Luquier, effective advantage is still nice. 


DP's just unpopular, they constantly sneaks into the top even without some real attendance. GN's underachieving is surprising, and it seems that people doesn't trust Nubatama enough to use them competitively(damn rainbow triggers!). Overall, it's mostly predictable. And Chaos Breaker hasn't really broke the meta yet.

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my disappointment on the use of angel feathers. just 1?

I have been able to take down everything but chaos breaker on the remiel reverse (only because it counters all reverse decks super hard)

and I'm surprised nub wasn't tried too. who cares about rainbow triggers, the deck kills people regardless.

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