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Kings of the City [CFV]


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1 Evolving Reincarnation, Miraioh
4 Beast Deity, Death Stinger
4 Red Lightning
4 Beast Deity, Banpauros
4 Beast Deity, Rescue Bunny

4 Beast Deity, Maximum Beat
4 Beast Deity, Blank Marsh
4 Beast Deity, Solar Falcon
2 Beast Deity, Desert Gator

4 Beast Deity, Hatred Chaos
4 Beast Deity, Golden Anglet
3 Beast Deity, Brainie Papio

4 Beast Deity, Ethics Buster
4 Strongest Beast Deity, Ethics Buster Extreme

It's been testing pretty well so far, but I might try out 6/6 so that I can dig into Maximum Beats more because that card turns Extreme into a 1-card Hellstand. Thoughts/Opinions?
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Even if you fall, you should keep standing back up. What a way to return Koko. Anyway, I'd use White Tiger over Miraioh, 8 grade 3s that unlike reverse, you can manage well riding either first, does not have a really high priority to be searched. You'd only need 2-3 Max Beat and you shouldn't even call it before Extreme for safety reason. Maximize Gator. Pinch attacker will really be needed. The rest are fine though. Keep standing up, Koko.(Although, bizzarely, this sentence worked better if you used reverse. Oh well).

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Even if you fall, you should keep standing back up. What a way to return Koko. Anyway, I'd use White Tiger over Miraioh, 8 grade 3s that unlike reverse, you can manage well riding either first, does not have a really high priority to be searched. You'd only need 2-3 Max Beat and you shouldn't even call it before Extreme for safety reason. Maximize Gator. Pinch attacker will really be needed. The rest are fine though. Keep standing up, Koko.(Although, bizzarely, this sentence worked better if you used reverse. Oh well).

4 Max Beat has been way too good for me. Maybe I can play 3/3 for Marsh and Gator instead? Also I've never really been a fan of White Tiger and I've always preferred Riot Horn more, so I don't really want to drop Miraioh for it. (I've always loved crossride defenses, so I like to be able to get them off the correct way as much as possible.)
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White Tiger is for its amazing rush potential. This deck lacks an actual early-mid VG, so their RG should constitute for that. Without a strong early game, you'lll struggle to keep your advantages in the face of Narukami/kagero and LJ. Riot Horn will be another late-game player for the deck, but it's definitely better than Miraioh here. 

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