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Should I Leave?

Premier Alexander Romanov


I keep finding myself coming back to this question.
I've called YCM my home for 5 years, but ever since the Agro incident a while back, things have never been the same for me.

The "community", if you want to call it that, is mostly full of passive-aggressive assholes who never offer any helpful advice.

It seems like I can never get any real help with any deck I submit to the Decks section.
And I can't hold an RP down, let alone two, because I can barely get ideas off of the ground and keep them flying.
Would anyone honestly care if I left, and why should I stay here if you do care, or leave if you don't?

I would really like your honest opinions and thoughts about me and these questions.

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16 answers to this question

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In some cases, you take the good with the bad.

If you feel like leaving, leave. But don't leave just due to uncertainty and annoyance. 
That's like giving into the people who annoy you. As long as your experiences here are not always negative, I'd say it is worth a shot. Try not to let people get to you! 

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I more or less can only give the same vague, non-definite answer you receive every other time you ask.


It's your choice whether to stay or not. If you feel like coming around, even if just to browse your favorite section and read some posts, or just to see what's going on, but never feel like contributing, that's fine. If you feel like the site has no value left to you and only bogs your daily routine down by eating up time without a return for the investment, then by all means, delete the bookmark or whatever and find what does hold your interest.


You might find it refreshing to just take a period of time away from here and come back if your curiosity is rekindled. That's what I ended up doing last year, when I was bogged down with school and work, and the site felt stagnant and mods had zero power to fix it. I returned on a whim about a month later, and found that my interest was back, and things were improving.


I'll admit I used to enjoy the RP section, especially if you were in them. However, my long-term interest and availability are severely hindered to the point that I pretty much can never enter RPs or even DN tournaments anymore, but I still find topics of interest in TCG to explore, and discussions on Zexal anime are interesting. Half the time, I'm aware that people don't really care or are bothered to respond to my enormous ramblings on the subject(s), but I enjoy doing it anyway.

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Who are you and why do we care?

This is an example of why one may dislike YCM's community. Apparently it's cool to show your apathy where it is not needed, rather than being some sort of mature and minding your own business. That is to say, don't let idiocy like this get you down, FinalFan. There are good members who would appreciate a good conversation once in a while and who you may find delightful to talk to. If the community is bothering you, then I am personally willing to talk to you and try to help that improve.
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Honestly,  I'd suggest for you to stay. Leaving won't change the community, and if you stay, you might be able to slowly return this community following your idea of a golden age. But yeah, the community's passion in the decks section has been dwindling lately for some reason.

Passive-aggressive arseholes will always exist, but not everyone is like that. You'll find nice people here that will be more than willing to have some nice conversation with you. 


Even if i doesn't really know you, seeing a senior(from my perspective) member leave kinda hurts. 


In the end, everything is up to you. Are you willing to give YCM another chance?

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There isn't much to say on this- A community has its idiots, its veterans, its well-doers, and its fuckups. That's obviously not a comprehensive list, but they're all real categories. To stay or not to stay... that is the ques- Yeah, let's be realistic and cut the drama. What you do is what you do. You leave, so be it, but you'll never know what may happen. You take a break, so be it. You might be interested later. You stay, be it on your own head, and don't come here and create this thread to make others feel sorry for you. To answer your question, most likely not. People tend to be like ooohhh, he's that one guy who's trying to stir up drama. 

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I've seen you around so even though I don't know you nearly enough to miss you if you leave, I can say I would notice it.


Activity is a collective work that takes time.

People are mostly interested in receiving feedback for their creations, but they don't always give the same gesture back.

I love making cards at the CC section, but don't really do it that often. When I DO go over there, I pretty much cover the 1st page of the section with my comments while I wait for a little feedback on my card. If more people did that, the section would improve in activity, which would in turn encourage people to go there because of how much more active it is.


If you don't find value in the site but still wanna stay here for some reason, strive to become that value yourself. Put an example and try to be someone else's inspiration.


Also, you can PM me with the link if you do something (if you DO practice card-making rather than belonging to other sections). Sometimes in the past, random people have sent me messages with "can you review my card?" and I mostly always did so.





There are some nice people around.

I generally try to sound as nice as possible, although once or twice I've screwed it up in the past for whatever reasons. It feels horrible to stop and say sorry when you realize where the mistake was but what can be done?

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There are nice people on YCM, just that those few that choose to act the way they do make forum life miserable for the rest of us. All I can really suggest is you ignore them and move on; if that's the way they want to be, then just ignore them and find someone who is willing to help you out. (I shouldn't be saying this, considering I was gone for an extended period of time, but that was one of the reasons I took a break from this place myself)


Personally, although I don't know you that well; you should stay around: maybe you'll find people who are willing to help you out and not act like jerks. And maybe in time, you'll have some ideas that'll flourish around here.


Like what evilfusion, Toshino and Infinite Rainbow mentioned, it's up to you whether or not you leave permanently or stay around. If you stay, then hopefully in time, YCM returns to being a lot nicer than it currently is today. Otherwise, you can try taking a break from the site to focus on other things and to think it over whether or not you want to leave this place for good.

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do it pussy

You are everything I see this site has become over the 5 years I have been here.
With very few exceptions (Jord200, evilfusion, Kirei Kotomine, Phantom Roxas, Kingdom Lombax, and others), most of the members are either completely apathetic or are simply rude to each other.
Rarely anything insightful ever comes out of the TCG section, the Card Maker, the gimmick of the entire site, finally got updated for Xyzs LAST MONTH, and the only part of the site that seems to be thriving and producing something is the Graphics Section.
We have become the Detroit of Yu-Gi-Oh! fan sites.
We are worse than Pojo in my eyes.
I have invested so much time and energy into this site, and it pains me to keep coming back to this.
I feel like an abuse victim, thinking that, if I wait, I can finally get some sort of redemption from my favorite site, the website that was my first real online community.

Who are you and why do we care?

The same community that feels, for the most part, like I am a has-been or a nuisance, a relic of a bygone golden age for this site that simply wants the YGO fan site of his salad days back in action.
So I will stay. But in the limited capacity I have been in for a while.
The Five Dragons is on indefinite hiatus, and I'll try to scrounge up a post for The Grand Crossover.
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As to your leaving, if you want to, I suggest taking a break from the site for a while just to have new stuff to work on when you get back, and while certain people don't care much, If you do need help to work on something, or get a review on something, you could ask me at any time.


My general policy is pretty much what Akaza said: if I want to expect feedback, I have to give feedback to others as well. It's like a give and take that many people seem, to have forgotten about, I don't post in the creative cards section often, but when I do, I make sure I give information that can be used to improve whatever I'm reviewing, even if I have to leave placeholder comments to remember it.

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I honestly don't know you aside from the few cards you post in CC, as that is the place I find myself most often. There isn't much reason to force yourself to leave, though, in my eyes. No matter what site you go to, people like Zimbabwe will be there. Then, there will be those people who don't have a single clue as to who you are and won't care. There isn't anything wrong about that, as it is rare for people who don't know you to care. I agree there are a lot of passive aggressive arseholes, then there are a few who are just straight up ones, but, in CC at least, those are the comments I mostly find helpful rather than the bright and cheery "I'd use it :) !!!1!1". Your mind has a filter, apply to the stupid and useless comments. Don't take idiocy to heart, and take those who don't show it there instead.

Now, if you feel like this site has a negative effect on your in any way, you are welcome to leave. It is your decision.

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I keep finding myself coming back to this question.
- Good for you.
I've called YCM my home for 5 years, but ever since the Agro incident a while back, things have never been the same for me.
- I have met a handful of people from YCM who are very, very ignorant to this fact: Ignoring is always an option.
The "community", if you want to call it that, is mostly full of passive-aggressive assholes who never offer any helpful advice.
- I sincerely doubt that. Also, if I were you, create a network of /good/ people who you enjoy the company of on YCM. Unless introducing new people into that network, anyone outside that circle, well, why bother giving them a second of your consideration?
It seems like I can never get any real help with any deck I submit to the Decks section.
- How much help do you offer people in the Deck section?
And I can't hold an RP down, let alone two, because I can barely get ideas off of the ground and keep them flying.
- Then broaden your interests, and join other RPs with more reputable members. It is better to partake in an RP rather to start one yourself with no reliable guarantee of getting it off of the ground.
Would anyone honestly care if I left, and why should I stay here if you do care, or leave if you don't?
- I wouldn't. Do whatever you like - the fact is, as long as you're not hurting anybody, or actively involving me, I see very little reason why I should want to care.
I would really like your honest opinions and thoughts about me and these questions.
- All the above, in green, is my honest opinion.


Now I'd like to pose you a question: do you actually know anyone on YCM you could honestly say you like? If so, I would advise you stop asking the community who, as you claim are a bunch of "passive-aggressive assholes who never offer any helpful advice" this question, and ask them; or, of course, ask people who may actually help you out - many come to me for advise, and turn out for the better because of it. I'm sure there are other people able to do the exact same thing.

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Just pay no heed to those people who wish you unwell, because obviously there's no reason for you to pay attention to them. You have people you are fond of, or should I say well acquainted with, on here yes? So just stay, I've regretted every single thing I've quit, because I never know how the story ends. But meh, I don't know you, but I'm sure staying may benefit you more, especially if you just turn a blind eye to pillocks and their bs.

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I've pondered this question occasionally in regards to myself. In short, I find that the best answer is to not become overly invested in this site.


If you let every little thing bother you, you'll loose your mind sooner or later, but if you don't care too much [bad wording alert: how else should I say that?] you'll be fine.


To give a personal example, I've learned to keep cool when 2 out of every 3 of my CC threads get 0 comments. Though when I do get a good review, I still enjoy it.


My reccomendation: tone down your temporal [time related] and emotional involvement, but don't leave all together.


edit: From a brief glance, your cardmaking skills seem decent. If you still enjoy making and posting cards, feel free to post more, just don't expect alot of comments and you'll be fine.

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