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Gruul Slivers [Standard] - Needs Help


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4 Gruul Guildgate
9 Forest
11 Mountain


4 Striking Sliver
4 Predatory Sliver
4 Manaweft Sliver
4 Blur Sliver
2 Battle Sliver
3 Thorncaster Sliver
2 Megantic Sliver
1 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Zhur-Taa Druid


4 Magma Jet


4 Door of Destinies

Any suggestions?

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-4 zhur-taa druid

+4 sylvan carytaid : Doesn't do damage yes, but a 0/3 hexproof that taps for any mana is really good especially here, as they Can't out right kill it.


if you can get stomping grounds[not really a big deal]


magma jet and/or lightning strike over shock and gruul charm.


also find room for 4 ghor-clan rampagers, the card is awesome in any RG build.

I would say

-1 groundshaker : its cool, but can be unreliable at times as it is 7 mana, and you have to hope your opponent does not kill your mana acceletors before it hits.

-1 burning-tree emissary : not really the deck for her, espeically at 1. She lends herself more to an outright aggro play style instead of a semi-midrange deck


not really sure how to work in 2 more, but just play around with numbers and see what works and doesn't work,

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Took out Shocks + Gruul Charm for Magma Jet. Extremely helpful!! Took out Groundshaker and added a Forest. Still looking for the other cards you posted and testing them out. Sylvan Caryatid is a bit out of my price range. D: It costs like 32 bucks here for a full set.

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Took out Shocks + Gruul Charm for Magma Jet. Extremely helpful!! Took out Groundshaker and added a Forest. Still looking for the other cards you posted and testing them out. Sylvan Caryatid is a bit out of my price range. D: It costs like 32 bucks here for a full set.

really 8 bucks? for a 5 bucks card. 


You could playtest with a leafcrown dryad over burning-tree emissary, as you can choose not play it until you have 4 mana, and give one of your silvers an extra +2/+2 and reach[could matter if you are getting annoyed by fliers], and doubles as if they kill this silver/board wipe, you still have something on the board.

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