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Token monsters


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As of the point of posting this, there is no Token Template on the Card Maker. I doubt there will be one added, as Tokens can be replicated by anything. You can even use a Potato as a token.

However, there is an alternative that most certainly may appeal to you. Zextra, the creator of the current Card Maker Template, has a Token Template able to be used on GIMP and Photoshop. Here's a link to Zextra's topic: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/298359-zextras-new-style-series-8-card-layout-templates-final-version-complete-now-available-for-photoshop-and-gimp/

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No probem, i will use www.yugico.com for the Tokens and card maker for any other card type.

P.S. the older version of card maker was able to generate tokens (like the donald's nephews tokens) by modifyng the url of the image, but with the new version it doesn't work anymore
Also, because i can use everything as a token, i think that "realistic tokens" doesn't exists

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