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Chaos Equip Beat


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[Monsters (22)]

Dark Blade x2 

Gene-Warped Warwolf x2 

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning x1 

Chaos Sorcerer x1 

D.D Warrior Lady x2

Effect Veiler x2 

Kagetokage x3 

Marauding Captain x2 

Mataza the Zapper x2 

Photon Thrasher x2

Rescue Rabbit x1

XX-Saber Fulhelmknight x2


[Spells (15)]

Axe of Despair x3

Dark Hole x1

Fighting Spirit x2

Hidden Armory x2

Magnum Shield x2 

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Reinforcement of the Army x1

United we Stand x2


[Traps (3)]

Call of the Haunted x2 

Solemn Warning x1 


[Extra Deck (14)] 

Driven Daredevil x1

Gaia Knight, Force of the Earth x1

Gravity Warrior x1 

Lightning Warrior x1

Naturia Barkion x1

Seven Swords Warrior x1

Sirius the Blue Wolf Star x1

Blade Armor Ninja x1

Heroic Champion - Excalibur x1

King of the Feral Imps x1

Maestroke the Symphony Djinn x1 

Mechequipped Anglineer x1

Number 39: Utopia x1

Zubaba General x1 


[spoiler=Playtesting Images] 

[spoiler=Versus Blue-Eyes White Dragon Deck]



[spoiler=Versus Dark Worlds]

[spoiler=Game 1]



[spoiler=Game 2 (OTK)]Km97WyR.png



[spoiler=Versus Umbral Horrors]



[spoiler=Versus Lightsworns (Ragequit?)]
















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