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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


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Not sure why none of you liked it, honestly. (And Night, I'm going to stab you later, only one part of Heroes was bad). Even in the movies, Colson was fairly witty, and it helps break the show up from the drama and the action. It's an interesting concept, the Project Centiepede stuff and how unstable it is. I really like it, I think it's gonna be a fantastic series.

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Looks like a tacky version of Heroes, and Heroes was quite terrible.

You can thank Jeph Loeb for that. From what I understand, the first season of Heroes was fine, but then Loeb came along and ruined it. And now he's in charge of Marvel's television division, but I think he doesn't have that much authority here, and only got credited as a formality.

Rising Tide is the anarchist group, right? Maybe Skye is just a wannabe member of it?

And yeah, I'm not expecting this to be like the movies. I will say that I didn't mind Coulson in the first Iron Man movie, hated him in Iron Man 2 and Thor, finally hopped on the bandwagon with Avengers, and I'm actually really enjoying him in this. If I did have any complaints, it's that there were three lines that bothered me.

1. Skye's take on the "With great power" idea. Not bad, just made me sad that Sony has Spider-Man, even if I do like those movies.
2. When the female scientist referenced Journey Into Mystery. Similar to the "With great power" line, it just felt like a forced reminder that this is a Marvel show.
3. When Mike said "It's an origin story." Similar problem with the first two, I just want it to a comic book show without it actually telling us it's a comic book show.

Still, I loved how the plot ended up tying into Iron Man 3. I'm sure they'll do something to tie in with Thor: The Dark World, and I look forward to the future connections.
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Saw the Pilot. It was decent. Don't think there's any pilot that can wow me ever since Person Of Interest(another espionage show created by Nolan with a lot of Batman-esqe influence) and Homeland pilot came to the tube. Will be sticking around though but damn Whedon, you regressed! The movie reference were great, the comic reference felt force and made me rolling my eyes, the characters are a bit too bland and stereotypical(ala Buffy era).


Overall, Arrow >> Agent Of SHIELD in terms of a comic book show. 

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I liked the first episode. Coulson made me chuckle with him acting...y'know, like Coulson. And it's interesting to see him show his serious side and reminding you why a bit of an airhead like him got to this important position.

I'm glad the Extremis dude didn't die; he really wasn't a bad guy.

I think the funniest bit was the truth serum scene.

The one thing I didn't exactly like was that the anarchist girl was all against Shield and the government, but after one mission she made a complete 180.

Maybe if she got involved with them earlier in the episode, then I'd be fine, but it's a minor complaint regardless.


Solid start, I'll be looking forward to following this.

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The one thing I didn't exactly like was that the anarchist girl was all against Shield and the government, but after one mission she made a complete 180.


Well, she did think they were bad guys, which they weren't. Plus, since she was the only member of her anarchist group and living out of a van, it's not hard to imagine she'd move to greener pastures.

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