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[CFV] Mental Magus

Legend Zero

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17 Grade 0
1 Battle Sister, Eclair
2 Battle Sister, Ginger [C]
4 Lozenge Magus [H]
2 Miracle Kid [D]
4 Oracle Guardian, Nike [C]
4 Psychic Bird [C]

15 Grade 1
4 Circle Magus
4 Crescent Magus

3 Ripis Magus
4 Tetra Magus

11 Grade 2
3 Briolette Magus
4 Cuore Magus
4 Stellar Magus

7 Grade 3
4 Hexagonal Magus
3 Pentagonal Magus

Honestly haven't played any TCG since school started. I've only played a couple games on Area with it, but I'm still unsure about it. Can't put my finger on it. I think I should more Draw, but idk.

Also, if I attack with Stellar first...the revealed card goes to the top, right?

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You can choose the order yourself, all effects chain in vanguard is like that and no, you won't unflip stuffs with stellar, since you'll only unflip the one you use for her activation CB. And spamming Pentagonal's CB is not recommended, due to existence of null guards. If you want to, then you can consider using Battle Sister Lemonade. But, if you don't want to, then you can change your starter into Little Witch, LuLu, for her +1.

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You can choose the order yourself, all effects chain in vanguard is like that and no, you won't unflip stuffs with stellar, since you'll only unflip the one you use for her activation CB.



"If the revealed card is the card that you declared, put it your hand, and if it is not, choose a card from your damage zone, and turn it face up."


Is the wiki wrong? This is the translation Arena uses. ._.


I don't see how forcing a null is a bad thing. If they don't have one then its practically game. Regardless of what I do, nulls will always be there. You really can't play around them.

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Ah, so you mean you're use it to change a non-magus CB into a magus. Yes, you can, and the translation is correct. And late game, any power stages over 21000(20K for 2-pass) will be met with a null, and something with crits definitely will be guarded with it late game, regardless of its power. It forces null, but even without using the CB, you'll force it due to Pentagonal's LB. I'd rathe use the CBs for Stellar so she can continuously draw cards.

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Haven't really played a wide variety (coco.dek, Jokers, and then random awful decks). Hoping to get a lot more this weekend.

Throw up a status saying when you're on and then I'll make sure a lot of the original CFC crew get on. c:

Personally I prefer no Milks any more because I feel like Milk interrupts the entire purpose of the deck, so I play 10000 attackers instead. Thoughts?
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I"ve been playing magus as well. and while I go penta hexa for my g3s, I don't keep it pure magus, because to be quite honest, the penta +5s aren't needed if you run stellar and crescent, just remember that stellar must attack the vanguard, while crescent doesn't care who i's boosting or where it's going.

silent tom is a great help after all the big numbers, and even then I attack with it first, running stands in this deck makes it amazingly effective. so I generally can forgo a full only crit only draw builds since my vg gets auto extra crit.

the real trick to the deck is to turn every CB you have into a free draw of non triggers with stellar, the way I do this, is with a spreading of the effects.

generally I have my first stellar and my first crescent on opposite rows. and I attack with crescent row first, it requires no CB. if I see a trigger, then it's VG first for the boost, if it's not, I go with stellar and pick up the card. automatic free check-less drive.

in general, until I want to finish them with penta, I don't leave the top card on top, I try to pick it up or use the trigger, increasing hand size is very easy for this deck. and by then I have a second crescent, who I can put behind the vanguard and give myself the double check. so I just use the booster first and make sure, giving up 3k on the vanguard attack for a stellar draw isn't a bad thing, most certainly when it also gives your VG the crit back.

also for an easy effective trick, start with lulu, but don't use her the moment to get to g3. wait for the break ride, then put the trigger you want on the bottom, pick up the draw AFTER you order them, leaving said trigger alone on top of your deck. so you make the turn as productive as possible.

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