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>>Three Hedgehogs Of Mass Destruction<< - [[UPDATED WITH DARK SUPER SONIC]]


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Okay! I have now added Burning Blaze as well as Sol Emerald Charge, I have had to temporarily put them on ImageCave but I will reupload them to Photobucket when I can, also I'm kinda annoyed because just when I finished typing the stuff I had added regarding Burning Blaze and Sol Emerald Charge I accidently hit back and had to rewrite it all out, anyway I hope you enjoy this addition.

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I do love the fact you put a description for each Cards effect, I should do that with my own cards as well. As for the New Cards? Well I totally Love the Picture of Amy for a start. Burning Blaze sounds really hard to summon though. It would mean having 7 of your Deck Taken up by Sol Emeralds. Still seems pretty balanced overall though. ;) Very good work Sanji :)

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nice new cards, love the halo effect, but is kinda hard to Summon Burning Blzer, i mean you have to discard all 7 sol emeralds from hand + 1 Blaze the Cat + the spell "sol emerald charge" thats kinda hard. but hey there your cards , so you must have a reason to make them like that.

still good effort as allways 9/10

you should check the new cards i made, i need your opinion too

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I have now added Emerald Life Barrier and Scattered Treasures, yet again these are being hosted on ImageCave...I don't have an image for any emerald related cards atm which is a bother but oh well, I still ain't sure about Scattered Treasures image but any feedback on any of this will be appreciated, thanks.

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