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>>Three Hedgehogs Of Mass Destruction<< - [[UPDATED WITH DARK SUPER SONIC]]


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[align=center]Okay, welcome to my Sonic cards thread, two of these cards are entries for a contest, the third was just to compliment the other two. I may post other Sonic cards here but until then this is all I have. I do not take credit for the art used for these cards as I am only using them to improve the quality of my cards, thank you.


Upon the editing of this thread I have now added the Trap Card for my contest entry which is known as "The Dark Agenda" this card is based upon Mephiles tricks to make Silver kill Sonic to release Iblis. I have also now added the card known as "Perfect Chaos" which was made due to some words by Dj-Osiris, he is not part of my contest entry and would probably be a Forbidden card, none the less all his kickass traits have been included. I have now included Chaos Control, Heroes From The Future, and MEPHILES THE DARK.


I am now proud to update this post with my newest creation of cards, SUPER SONIC, he is the first card to be shown for Lucas' contest, but the second for that actual contest, thanks. I have now added DEMONIC SONIC and DEMONIC AMY ROSE, these two bad boys or bad boy and bad girl will certainly cause anyone some problems. Newest card has been added in the form of AMY ROSE, or rather her normal self, I feel she could be considered overpowered but go figure.


Finally added Knuckles and Rouge, as well as the lover of Tails, the female plant Cosmo. I have now updated the thread with Burning Blaze and the card required to summon her. I have now added Emerald Life Barrier and Scattered Treasures, enjoy. Not been very happy with my latest cards in this set but I have now added Formation Incarnation. After a very long time I have updated this set with the DARK SUPER SONIC card, yay.


"Silver, Show Them Your Psychic Power Control!"



Silver The Hedgehog

Once per turn during your Main Phase, you may change the control of 1 of your Opponent's face-up monsters. As long as your Opponent's monster remains on your side of the field decrease it's ATK by 200 every Standby Phase. During your Standby Phase you must discard 1 card from your hand while you control an Opponent's monster for each of your Opponent's monsters you control, if you cannot, control of your Opponent's monsters returns to your Opponent. If this card is destroyed control of your Opponent's monsters returns to your Opponent.


Okay well, I really apologize for this card's effect being so long, it only turned out that way due to the extra card text I needed to add to clear some things up with his effect, pretty nasty effect if you ask me, I wanted to give a good effect to go with his Psychic Power and this is how I could see it working. Now without making his card text any longer, the basis is to take control of your opponent's monsters but paying the price at your standby phases of discarding a card per each control monster while also reducind their ATK by 200, over all pretty deadly.


"Shadow, Unleash Your Chaos Control!"



Shadow The Hedgehog

Once per turn during your Main Phase, you may change the Battle Position of 1 monster on the field, if you do so you must send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense-Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your Opponent's Life Points.


With this card I wanted to give Shadow some of his traits from his actual character, so first we have this ability of changing a monster's battle position, this can be considered Shadow's Chaos Spear which paralyzes the opponent. next is the handy ability to inflict piercing damage, which one could call Shadow's Homing Attack.


"End It Now Sonic, Use Light Dash!"



Sonic The Hedgehog

Once per turn when a monster you control is selected as an attack target, you can change the target to this card. When this card battles with a monster by discarding a card from your hand to the Graveyard whose ATK is equal to or more than the monster this card battles to automatically destroy that monster without Battle Calculation.


Well with this card like with Shadow I wanted to give him his solid traits, part of this was making his and Shadow's ATK/DEF the same, couldn't really be bothered to give them different ATK/DEF either so go figure. So first of all he has the ability to defend other monsters because obviously that is what Sonic does with his friends, in addition he has the ability to pull through a battle which again is another trait of Sonic when he faces enemies such as Eggman, Metal Sonic, and Mephiles.


"Lets See If You Can Handle My Trump Card...I Activate The Dark Agenda!"



The Dark Agenda

Select 3 cards from your Deck and show them to your opponent, these cards are then added to your hand. If you play any of these cards you lose 500 Life Points per card. When any of these cards are sent to the Graveyard from your side of the field they are instead placed face-up in your Deck, and the Deck is then shuffled. If you draw one of the face-up cards inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points, and then remove the drawn card from play.


Now before you start to rant that this card is severely broken I'd like you to consider some points concerning the effect of this card. The effect of this card is supposed to represent someone who has an evil agenda and tricks another using tricks, in this case you damage yourself and then turn that to damage to your opponent later on. In addition to this both damage to yourself and to your opponent can be negated in different ways, so please read the effect properly before judging this card, this card is also the Trap Card for my contest entry. Just a few more little side notes for this card, the OCG is slightly iffy with some things but I don't care, also the effect states 'play' since it includes monsters as well as spell/trap cards.


"Witness The Power Of My Ultimate Monster...Perfect Chaos!"



Perfect Chaos

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Emerald Exploitation". The summoning of this card is treated as a Ritual Summon. As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field, neither player may activate Spell/Trap cards in their respective Spell/Trap Card Zones, in addition upon this card's summoning all open Spell/Trap Card Zones cannot be used. Increase the ATK of this card by 200 for each Spell Card in both players' Graveyards. If this card would be destroyed as a result of battle, you may pay 1000 Life Points to negate it's destruction and switch this card into Defense-Position untill your opponent's next Standby Phase.


Okay now, time to summerize this card's effect. First of all we have the summoning requirement of "Emerald Exploitation" now although I haven't created this card, the card requires you to remove from play from your graveyard 1 of each of the seven different Chaos Emerald spell cards, this summoning requirement is like Rainbow Dragon so it makes this badass really difficult to summon, in addition because of this his summoning is treated as a RITUAL SUMMON, the next thing is that because of Chaos' drainage of powers so to speak in which he prevents any and all activation of Spells/Traps currently on the field by both players, he also introduces a prevention method which prevents either player from even setting anymore Spells/Traps as long as he is out as a summoning effect.


Now here is where this greedy b**** gets his power abuse from, for each Spell card from both players' graveyards his attack increases by 200, but not only that but he gains a Revival Jam like effect because as you all know if you splatter Chaos he simply reforms, thus why this effect was thrown in, all in all he would probably be a forbidden card, none the less if he was even limited he would dominate the entire field completely with his dominating effects.


"Come on Knuckles, lets hit em hard and fast!"



Knuckles The Echidna

When this card battles a monster reduce that monster's ATK by 100 for each Spell/Trap card on the field. If the ATK of this card is higher than the ATK of a monster this card battles, randomly send 1 card from your opponent's hand to the Graveyard. When this card battles an opponent's monster whose ATK is equal to this card, after damage calculation you can remove from play that monster and this card.


Okay so first of all, we have this effect that reduces an opponent's monster's atk by 100 for every spell and trap card, this means that he can get the advantage in a fight, I suppose this can relate to his actual fists but perhaps not so. The next effect relates to his treasure hunting skill in this sense if you end up dealing damage to an opponent you get to send a random card from their hand to the graveyard, finally the last effect was to add a little something to Knuckles, perhaps in the sense of risking his life for others?


"Looks like we have some treasure hunting to do Rouge!"



Rouge The Bat

Once per turn during your Main Phase you may randomly send 1 card from your Deck to the Graveyard to select 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard and add it to your hand. If you do not use the selected card during this turn you take 1000 Life Points of damage. When the selected card would be placed in the Graveyard it is instead removed from play. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle destroy all Spell/Trap cards on the field.


Okay, now we have the troublesome bat treasure hunter, you may have already realized the connection between this and Knuckles, but I'll explain that now anyway. Okay so first of all you get to randomly send a card from your deck to the graveyard to nab a card in your opponent's graveyard, simple connection is Knuckles gets them in the graveyard, and Rouge nabs them, this is simply her treasure hunting, now we have this 1000 life point damage if the card isn't used during the turn it was added to your hand, some cards can't be used in that turn, and thus you'd pay the price.


Now we come to her second effect which states the nabbed card gets removed from play afterwards which was just to prevent any abuse. Finally we have the final effect which I added because I felt she needed something else, this is that she destroys ALL spell and traps when she is destroyed, guess you could call that her being a traitor and taking the chaos emeralds, lol.


"Time To Activate The Power Of Chaos Control!"



Chaos Control

This card can only be activated if a Spell Card with "Chaos Emerald" in it's name exists on your side of the field. You may select 1 Hedgehog-Type monster from your Deck and remove it from play, and then shuffle the Deck. During your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation either Special Summon the selected card or Special Summon a monster from your Graveyard with an equal or less Star Level than the selected card.


Okay first off, this is yet another card for my contest entry, so now I'd like to say that I originally made this card so that a chaos emerald wasn't need and that it only special summoned a selected hedgehog from your deck, then I added in it's additional effect, and finally I added in the need of a chaos emerald. Okay now to explain the effects of this card, first of all I know other characters in the sonic universe have used chaos control or something similar but it is generally assumed to be a hegdehog concept.


Okay so first of all we have the effect which requires a chaos emerald on the field before it can be even activated then we have an effect which removes a hedgehog from play from the deck, then we have this effect that allows us to either special summon that hedgehog or to special summon a monster from the graveyard, an over all pretty awesome effect, now to explain why I chose these effects, firstl chaos control is used when a chaos emerald is involved, next chaos control was either used to transport the user to another place or transport the user and others to another place.


"I'm Gonna Need Some Help With This One...I Activate Heroes Of The Future!"



Heroes From The Future

When you activate this card you may Special Summon 2 "Future Token" (Spellcaster-Type/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 500/DEF 500). During the turn this card was activated, you cannot Normal Summon or Set a monster. These tokens can only be used for the Tribute Summon of a monster. If a "Future Token" should be destroyed as a result of battle inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to the owner of the card which destroyed the token.


Righteo, here is the last card for my contest entry, go me. So first of all I'd like to apologize for the total horribleness of this card, I wasn't all that sure what to do for the effect but I wanted to do my original idea of the Future Token so this effect was really rushed to be honest. Now the basis of the effect is simply getting in some form of tribute for higher level monsters, however just so that things are evenly based, if they are destroyed the owner of the monster that destroys them takes damage, might say that is overpowered but if the attack is from YOUR monster then you take damage, so yeah probably slightly overpowered but oh well.


"Ever experienced TRUE EVIL? Well you are about to witness IT first hand...rise Mephiles The Dark!"



Mephiles The Dark

This card can only be Summoned by the effect of "The Sceptor Of Darkness". When this card is Summoned select 1 monster on the field, this card's name, Star Level, ATK, and DEF are then treated as the selected monster's name, Star Level, ATK, and DEF. When this card would be destroyed as a result of battle it is instead removed from play and you may Special Summon 1 "Mephiles Yokubou - The Dark Being" from your Deck to the field. If a face-up "The Sceptor Of Darkness" that is equip to this card is destroyed remove this card from play.


Okay well first things first...Sealed is a Sub-Type I'm introducing that requires a Spell Card card that is also a double-edged blade to Summon them. They do not require tributes to summon and as a result may have 0 ATK/DEF, not sure if this will apply but in Mephiles case I applied this, in addition that monster may or may not have a second form which is a "Released" Sub-Type which is only summoned when it's Sealed version is destroyed by battle. Now moving on you may have noticed he looks like Shadow, that is because he made himself look like Shadow when he was released, but I do plan to try and get a better image if possible later on.


Now before you say anything I know Mephiles has Time abilities but I decided to hold off on that for Mephiles Released form, as you can see the Spell Card is required for his summoning, in addition to this that card is then equip to him which is why I stated it's a double-edged blade, next Mephiles mimics a monster on the field much like how he did with Shadow and thus gaining a sort of form so to speak.


This in a way can make him both the most powerful monster on the field or the most weakest depending on what he actually copies, originally I had planned for Mephiles to be a single card until I decided to make him evolve and thus granting him his real power, of course I will probably change a lot of this, both the card itself as well as "Sealed/Released" monsters, ^^. The only other monster I plan to make that is of this Sub-Type will be Iblis, but again as I say I plan to change most of this card and the Sub-Type soon as this is just the first try.


"Gotten tired of Sonic, but he still wants to play!"



Sonic The Demonic Hedgehog

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by offering 1 face-up "Sonic The Hedgehog" on your side of the field as tribute. Increase the ATK of this card by 300 for each Spell/Trap card on the field. If this card would be destroyed, you may randomly select and remove from play 1 Spell/Trap card on the field, if you cannot this card is destroyed.


Okay before I start, I'd like to say that although I originally decided to make the Demonic a sub-type with it's own border color, I changed my mind afterwards. Also this card is the first entry to Lucas' contest along with Super Sonic and Demonic Amy. So first of all since he is the true evil within Sonic he obviously needed Sonic to actually be summoned in the first place. Next he gets an ATK boost from spell and trap cards and thus he has an anti-destruction effect that removes spell and trap cards, thus cutting his ATK down, so otherwise a pretty mean b**** to mess with.


"Witness the birth of true power, SUPER SONIC!"



Super Sonic The Hedgehog

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Chaos Emerald Empowerment" and removing 1 "Sonic The Hedgehog" from play from your hand, Graveyard, or your side of the field. When this card is successfully Summoned to the field, destroy every monster on the field except this card and increase both you and your opponent's Life Points by 200 for each monster destroyed by this effect. When this monster successfully inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points you may add 1 card from your Deck to your hand and skip your next Draw Phase.


Well here we go, yet another one of my long ass card effect text cards, firstly I'd like to say that this wasn't going to be part of Lucas' contest but I decided what the hell I may as well. Now the next thing is his summoning, not only will you need to fulfill the requirements of the Spell Card involved but you also need to remove Sonic from play as well, but of course the next effect is destructive in that it blows up everything with it's godly powers and restores life points to both players which of course is all out of Sonic's good nature, the next effect allows you to then bring any card from your deck when it inflicts battle damage and then skipping your next draw phase, this was intended to be seen as Sonic gathering his friends, but I suppose it isn't much like that is it.


"Amy Rose, show him some of that temper of yours!"



Amy Rose The Demonic Hedgehog

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by offering 1 face-up "Amy Rose The Hedgehog" on your side of the field as tribute. This card cannot attack your opponent's monsters. When this card attacks randomly select 1 Spell/Trap card on your opponent's side of the field and destroy it, when this card successfully destroys a Spell/Trap card inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to both players' Life Points.


Okay, this is my second Demonic and also my last entry for Lucas' contest. So just like Sonic she is the true evil of Amy and thus needs Amy as a tribute which I will make after this card. So with regards to her effect I wasn't so sure about giving her that effect since I wasn't sure what to give the normal Amy, but after some thinking I decided to keep Demonic Amy with her effect. So first of all she can't attack monsters, this might sound bad but her real effect comes next in that she instead attacks spell and trap cards, and when she does both players lose 500 life points, the whole purpose of this b**** is to get rid of spell and trap cards thus making her a pain, as well as burning both players' life points.


"Amy...I need you now, get him with your PIPO HAMMER!"



Amy Rose The Hedgehog

This card can attack your opponent directly, if this card attacks using this effect, the Battle Damage it inflicts to your opponent's Life Points is halved. If this card is destroyed as a result of battle, you may select 1 Monster, 1 Spell, and 1 Trap from your Deck or Graveyard, your opponent must then randomly select 1 card and that card is added to your hand, the remaining cards are then removed from play. Depending on the card added to your hand, activate one of the following effects:

Monster Card: Select and destroy 1 Monster on the field.

Spell Card: Increase your Life Points by 500.

Trap Card: Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.


Okay so first of all, with regards to the image I wasn't finding any real decent images so I had to put up with that one, because it does the job in the end. Well the next thing is her first effect, pretty much a copypasta of gem beast amethyst cat but obviously a 7 star version with a bit more UMPH to her atk and def and well this pretty much sums up her attacking with her pipo hammer, now comes her really handy effect, when she is destroyed as a result of battle you select 3 cards from your deck or graveyard being 1 of each type of card, your opponent selects 1 and it goes to your hand, next depending on what type of card was added an effect gets activated, a monster depicts monster destruction, a spell depicts life point increase, and a trap depicts life point damage, so yeah this effect would go to Amy Rose helping "Sonic".


"Okay Cosmo, its your turn...show them what you've got!"



Cosmo The Plant

As long as this card remains in your Graveyard, increase the ATK of all monsters on your side of the field by 200 for each monster on your side of the field. If this card is sent from your hand to the Graveyard by a card effect it is added to your Deck and the Deck is then shuffled.


Okay well first things first...I chose to do Cosmo mainly because of Dark Spine Sonic making a Cosmo, however it also gave me a good idea for an effect when I saw his version of Cosmo. Well first off we have her effect that is similar to Marie The Fallen One however instead of Life Point gain she increases the atk of your other monsters, so a pretty handy effect so with regards to Cosmo this is like her giving her power to her friends after death. Finally we have her effect of being added to the deck when sent to the graveyard from your hand by a card effect, this basically sees Cosmo as sort of being reborn as a "seed" so to speak. I must mention as regards to her atk and def I wasn't sure what to do since Cosmo isn't a fighter like other characters.


"Now Blaze, Burn Through My Enemies And Turn Them To Dust!"



Burning Blaze The Cat

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Sol Emerald Charge" and removing 1 "Blaze The Cat" from play from your hand, Graveyard, or your side of the field. Once per turn, by removing 1 FIRE monster from your Graveyard from play you may add 1 Burn Counter to 1 face-up monster on the field. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, decrease the ATK of a monster with a Burn Counter by 400 for each Burn Counter on that monster.


Well here we have the next "super form" type character in the form of Burning Blaze, however unlike Sonic and his friends Blaze uses the power of the sol emeralds to become Burning Blaze. So first of all you need the card Sol Emerald Charge to actually be able to summon Burning Blaze, next we have her burner effect that uses fire attribute monsters to reduce a monster's attack so over all she is a decent card, however I am not too sure about her attack and defense though.


"Lend Me Your Power Sol Emeralds, And Lead Me To Victory!"



Sol Emerald Charge

This card is used to Special Summon a monster that includes this card's name in it's card text. When this card is activated, you must remove from your Graveyard from play, 1 "Red Sol Emerald", 1 "Yellow Sol Emerald", 1 "Grey Sol Emerald", 1 "Aqua Sol Emerald", 1 "Blue Sol Emerald", 1 "Purple Sol Emerald", 1 "Green Sol Emerald" and also from your hand, Graveyard, or from your field, a card whose card name is written on the card text of the monster you are going to Special Summon.


Okay so here we have the card that is required to summon Bunring Blaze, so basically it removes the Sol Emeralds from play and also removes the normal version of the card you want to summon. Also I am not too sure what other characters have a super form that uses the Sol Emeralds but for my example, Blaze The Cat would be needed in order to summon Burning Blaze. On a side note I ain't too sure about the OCG, since it isn't that easy to write out for the effect I was trying to give.


"Not So Fast, I Activate Emerald Life Barrier!"



Emerald Life Barrier

This card can be activated during either players' turn. This card can only be activated when a card with "Emerald" in it's name exists in your Graveyard, if it does not this card is destroyed. As long as this card remains face-up on the field when a card effect would target a monster you control you may remove from play 1 card in your Spell/Trap Card Zone to negate the effect and return the effect to the monster that used it.


Okay so here goes, before I start explaining anything I must advise you that the OCG is a little iffy since the effect is based on Magnet Force, and the effect of Magnet Force was never really explained properly. The original effect did not include an emerald being needed but it seemed more appropriate with this set of cards, so the basis of the effect uses the power of the emeralds as well as removing 1 spell or trap from play to redirect a card effect back to the card that used it, in my example Osiris's second mouth would normally reduce Burning Blaze's attack by 2000 lowering it to 400, but with this Osiris gets it's attack reduced by 2000 instead of Burning Blaze.


"I Gotta Do This, I Activate Scattered Treasures!"



Scattered Treasures

Select 3 cards in your Graveyard and add them to the top of your Deck. Select and send to the Graveyard 5 cards from your Deck, the Deck is then shuffled.


Okay, so a little different from the usual cards in this set in that the card text is so small, lol. The basis of this card was to send as many Chaos Emeralds and Sol Emeralds to the Graveyard for summoning the likes of Super Sonic and Burning Blaze, but I figured I'd add the 3 cards returning to the deck simply as an extra, but I still ain't too sure about it.


"Don't Mock Me For This, I Activate Formation Incarnation!"



Formation Incarnation

When this card is activated you must pay 1500 Life Points, then select 3 Baby-Type monsters each with a different name from your Deck and Special Summon them to the field.


Well then here we have another support card, however this causes you to pay a hefty 1500, but in return you get to summon 3 baby type monsters which is the Sonic equivalent to chrysalis monsters in that they are used to special summon their adult forms. ^^


"Now You're Gonna Witness DARK Power!"



Dark Super Sonic The Hedgehog

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of a "Anger Of A Hedgehog" card equipped to a "Sonic The Hedgehog". When this card is successfully Summoned to the field, destroy every monster on the field except this card and decrease both you and your opponent's Life Points by 200 for each monster destroyed by this effect. When this monster successfully inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points you can send 1 card in your opponent's hand or side of the field to the Graveyard.


Okay so basically this card focuses on working the opposite way to Super Sonic, firstly he is summoned through the effect of Anger Of A Hedgehog which will be explained later. Secondly he decreases both players' life points instead of increasing them, and finally he is able to send cards to the graveyard instead of adding cards to your hand.


Copyright To Card Images Below

Silver The Hedgehog - DigiKat04 of DeviantArt

Shadow The Hedgehog - mistajonz of DeviantArt

Sonic The Hedgehog - gureiduson of DeviantArt

The Dark Agenda - nocturnalMoTH of DeviantArt

Rouge The Bat - metalguppy of DeviantArt

Mephiles The Dark - sonicfreak66 of DeviantArt

Mephiles Yokubou - The Dark Being - Unknown Artist

Knuckles The Echidna - BaneNacent of DeviantArt

Perfect Chaos - JakMakai of DeviantArt

Chaos Control - Mega777

Heroes From The Future - E09ETM of DeviantArt

Super Sonic The Hedgehog - goldhedgehog of DeviantArt

Sonic The Demonic Hedgehog - Kiguri of DeviantArt

Shadow The Demonic Hedgehog - Kiguri of DeviantArt

Amy Rose The Demonic Hedgehog - Kiguri of DeviantArt

Rouge The Demonic Bat - Kiguri of DeviantArt

Knuckles The Demonic Echidna - Kiguri of DeviantArt

Amy Rose The Hedgehog - metalguppy of DeviantArt

Cosmo The Plant - cjl1217 of DeviantArt

Burning Blaze The Cat - Trakker of DeviantArt

Sol Emerald Charge - Pory02 of DeviantArt

Scattered Treasures - masamunerevolution of DeviantArt

Formation Incarnation - NetRaptor of DeviantArt

One Turn Of Power - SV-Spinny of DeviantArt - Removed Until Further Notice

Technological Evolution - wirestyle of DeviantArt - Removed Until Further Notice

Darkspine Sonic - MRi of DeviantArt

Darkspine Super Were Sonic - Psykotsu of DeviantArt

Sonic The Werehog - Metal-Kitty of DeviantArt

Dark Super Shadow The Hedgehog - gamebuddy123 of DeviantArt

Chaos Zero - Sonic X

Chaos One - Sonic X

Chaos Two - Sonic X

Chaos Four - Sonic X

Hyper Knuckles The Echidna - Kryptid

Super Shadow The Hedgehog - WendyAtticus

Future Amy Rose The Hedgehog - !nancher

Dark Super Sonic The Hedgehog - kyuyoukai

Shadow The Werehog - SkyTheMoor

Anger Of A Hedgehog - CPC

Darkspine Shadow - BluePioneer[/align]

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They look pretty good. Because it's Pop-Culture, I'm not really bothered by the fact that they're all Hedgehog-type. You could probably get away with having Sonic and Shadow 6 star monsters instead of 7. And I like that you explained why you gave them their effects and how they relate to who they are. Nice job. :)

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I probably should have made Silver a 7 star, but oh well. I wasn't all that happy with the Shadow image but I am hopeless at finding card images for this sort of thing. As for making them Hedgehog I figured since they were Sonic based it only made sense to make them their respective animal.


EDIT: Changed Silver to a 7 star so that it matched with Sonic and Shadow. If you guys think they should all be 6 stars let me know.

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Id like to think that they could hit the field faster than what they can now, meaning that they shouldnt be 2 tribute monsters. and in saying that, I think they need a special summoning spell card [but I guess you wouldve figured that out already] :D

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What exactly is it? And the Spell card basically summons "Future Tokens" that allows tribute summons basically.


I gathered a bunch of pictures all to do with the same character. All different styles though [all drawn or painted differently] and wanted good card makers to all contribute by making 1 or 2 cards out of the pictures available. The only requirement is that the name of the character [if used in the card name] remained the same, which is Pepper, and that the person who made the card does so in a way that it could fit into a popular set that they had previously created.


All i ask is a look, and seeing how you like females, and cant turn them down then I thought youd be a good candidate. Plus youre a Mod, and thus popular enough, and a good card maker that others will bypass the fact that Im new and will join together to do something like a open team project.


If youre not interested then a simple no thanks is suffice.

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What exactly is it? And the Spell card basically summons "Future Tokens" that allows tribute summons basically.


I gathered a bunch of pictures all to do with the same character. All different styles though [all drawn or painted differently] and wanted good card makers to all contribute by making 1 or 2 cards out of the pictures available. The only requirement is that the name of the character [if used in the card name] remained the same' date=' which is Pepper, and that the person who made the card does so in a way that it could fit into a popular set that they had previously created.


All i ask is a look, and seeing how you like females, and cant turn them down then I thought youd be a good candidate. Plus youre a Mod, and thus popular enough, and a good card maker that others will bypass the fact that Im new and will join together to do something like a open team project.


If youre not interested then a simple no thanks is suffice.

[/quote']*Perks Hentai Ears* GIMME FEMALES!

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Damnnnnnnnnnnnnn that Trap is so awesome. Who ever says its overpowered should die! I love it actually, and the effect is beyond genius.


Okay ill tone it down now lol. Its really awesome! The whole Set is 10/10


If you continue the Set, dont rush it. Just take your time to make them extra special.

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Indeedly so. Shadow's image as I've said already is the only one that puts me off slightly, I have a few other images for some other cards and I'm not entirely sure if my Chaos Control effect would work all that well but oh well. Mephiles The Dark's effect will basically work along with Dark Agenda and other cards like it to do some deadly damage, believe me if you've faced him on STH he is a pain to beat on the last level as Shadow.


With that in mind though, Rouge and Knuckles will also create a deadly combo to use against your opponent with their traits kept in mind of course.

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