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So What if it was a Vanilla? Reboot (60/?)

~British Soul~

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So, What if it was a Vanilla?


Pack art credit to E Hero Kyle


Back in 2011, I made a series called "What if it was a Vanilla" where I took an effect, fusion ritual or a synchro monster and untrained it to make it a vanilla with flavour text (Keeping the same ATK/DEF even if it has ? ATK/DEF). Unfortunately I lost interest in the series, but after the card maker got updated to include Xyz monsters, I thought about remaking the series again.


[spoiler=Set #1 (40/40)]


[spoiler=Archlord Kristya]

A follower of god, heralding from up above in the Heavens, descending onto the earth. This angel also has the power to help other fairies fallen in battle.



[spoiler=Atomic Scrap Dragon]

The result of three Scrap Dragons fusing together inside of a nuclear power plant. With this new power from the power plant, this dragon can be considered the most dangerous of the Scrap Dragons.



[spoiler=Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]
An Ancient Dragon that was sealed away many years ago. When the Worms invaded the Terminal World, the Ice Barrier tribe had to unseal this mighty Dragon to fight off the Invaders.



[spoiler=Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Horse Prince]

The horse prince is a member of a sacred brotherhood. Being a prince he has earned the right to command the sprit of a horse who burned to death and is extremely loyal to its master.



[spoiler=D.D. Warrior Lady]
Once abducted into the Different Dimension, this former Outlaw spent time training in traveling between dimensions, so that she could return and use her newfound powers to challenge her rival Dai Grepher.



[spoiler=Dark Grepher]
After taking his path of destiny into darkness, Dai Grepher had to make a choice of which evil he returns as, he could either become a dark version of himself or become a rampaging monster.



[spoiler=Embodiment of Apophis]
An evil serpent, who had been charged with guarding the royal tomb. In a previous life, the Apophis served as snake spirits for the snake deity, Apep.



[spoiler=Five-Headed Dragon]
A dragon of Darkness created in a ritual from 5 different dragons of 5 different attributes. Because of this combination, only creatures of Light are able to take this behemoth out.



[spoiler=Grandsoil the Elemental Lord]
An Elemental Lord wielding the power from the Earth. When it is called out, it has the power to raise the dead from either side.


[spoiler=Grinder Golem]

Constructed in an old factory, with no known purpose, this creature, complete with a buzzsaw and iron claws mysteriously went on a rampage torturing all who opposes him.



[spoiler=Hungry Burger]
Once a normal burger served by a boar chef in a greasy spoon, people didn't think it'd be dangerous until something went wrong and the burger went on a rampage, eating anything in its path.



[spoiler=Invader of Darkness]
Residing in another dimension, Gagagigo joined him and his army of fiends only to be betrayed later on which ended up with this fiend attacking Gagagigo.



[spoiler=Jar Turtle]

A turtle who houses the Jar of Greed on his back. Because of this he gains the benefits from the Jar and gives them to its owner.



[spoiler=Judgment Dragon]
A legendary dragon from the Light Realm, whose job it is to cause major destruction anywhere he treads. Very few have crossed paths with this famed creature and lived to tell the tale of the encounter.



[spoiler=Legendary Six Samuari - Shi En]
Wielding his Katana as a sign of his military experience, Shi En has the ambition of becoming a shogun someday, the symbol on his head shows that he is a candidate, however he has a rival, Kizan, who also wants to be a shogun.



[spoiler=Life Stream Dragon]
Once thought to have mysteriously disappeared, noone knew what had happened to this dragon. However it is said to only appear to the person who needs its powers most.



[spoiler=Loki, Lord of the Aesir]
Loki is one of the 3 Nordic Gods of Asgard. It is said that this half-giant god is a master of trickery, and has the power to shape shift.



[spoiler=Man-Eater Bug]
Although it appears to still be a nymph, it is said that the Man-Eater Bug has extraordinary powers for its small size, however very little has seen this Bug eat a full grown man and live to tell the tale.



[spoiler=Master Hyperion]
One of the 12 Titans of Greek Mythology, Known as the "Titan of Light", the rings in the centre of this monsters' chest resemble the solar system complete with each planet in orbit.



[spoiler=Meklord Emperor Wisel]
One of the three Synchro killing Meklord Emperors. Created from the destruction of its core, this Meklord Emperor takes on a human form and is able to get stronger whenever one of its parts is destroyed.



[spoiler=Morphtronic Celfon]
A transforming robot that takes the form of a Cell Phone when inactive. He has the power to call on his friends by dialling a random number.



[spoiler=Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord]
An Elemental Lord wielding the force from the Water. When it is called out, it has the power to drain the resources from the enemy.



[spoiler=Obelisk the Tormentor]
One of the three legendary Egyptian Gods from 5000 years ago. The force of the mighty fist from this giant behemoth is enough to cause serious damage.



[spoiler=Plaguespreader Zombie]
Heralding from the Zombie World, this zombie is infected with a virus which when spread turns its victims to zombies.



[spoiler=Power Tool Dragon]
A dragon contructed by machinery and fitted with power tools, that are easily customizable. It is unknown what secrets are beneath the exterior of this magnificant creature.



[spoiler=Pyrorex the Elemental Lord]

An Elemental Lord wielding the destructive force of Fire. When it is called out, any creature on the enemy lines will be quaking in fear of the destructive power of this dinosaur.



[spoiler=Reborn Tengu]
Carrying a Wakizashi and a Katana, this supernatural creature takes on the characteristics of humans and brds of prey, and has the ability to call on others of its kind when in trouble.



[spoiler=Rescue Cat]
A cute kitty, that was once abandoned by their original owner. Since then she was sent to a rescue centre and became much happier and she doesn't mind helping out.



[spoiler=Scrap Dragon]
A dragon that was made entirely from junk that people had dumped in a junkyard. After a while it had become animated and started to destroy anything in his path.



[spoiler=Scrap Twin Dragon]

This dragon was formed when two Scrap Dragons collided and crashed into a junkyard. Now with two heads, this dragon has twice the destructive power.



[spoiler=Sephylon, the Ultimate Time Lord]

The strongest and largest of the 11 sacred Time Lords. Some say however that this almighty god is the Tree of Life itself and only reveals itself when the 10 other Time Lords have been awakened.



[spoiler=Slifer the Sky Dragon]
One of the three legendary Egyptian Gods from 5000 years ago. The power of this god is said to be virtually limitless and is said to weaken the power of any enemy creature that comes into its firing range.


[spoiler=Summoner Monk]
By chanting a mysterious spell, known only by himself, this monk has the power to call on other creatures to assist him in battle.


[spoiler=The White Stone of Legend]
Claimed to be nearly extinct, this white stone is one of the last few eggs of the legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon.


[spoiler=The Winged Dragon of Ra]
One of the three legendary Egyptian Gods from 5000 years ago. This god is rumoured to be the strongest of the three gods with hidden abilities including one that can change its form.



[spoiler=Thousand Dragon]
The result of the Baby Dragon aging a Thousand years, and uncovering his untapped gifted powers. It his said that his fire breathing skills make him a force to be reckoned with.


[spoiler=Tour Guide from the Underworld]
As her dark coloured tour bus turns up, you'd think that the tour guide would be hideous, but awaiting passengers would get a shock to see how cute the tour guide actually is.


[spoiler=Tytannial, Princess of Camellias]
An elegant princess of the Camellia kingdom. One of her duties as princess is to protect and rejuvenate the plant-life that may be threatened by the enemies of the Camellia Kingdom.


[spoiler=Warrior Lady of the Wasteland]
A wandering Outlaw who chose, for reasons that are to remain a mystery, to become rivals with the Warrior, Dai Grepher. The conflict between both warriors led to disaster as she ended up getting abducted during the battle.




A duel spirit who was considered too dangerous for general use. Because of this, Yubel was sent out into space in the hopes that the cosmic energies would make her safe to use, but all did not go as planned.





[spoiler=Set #2 (20/?)]


[spoiler=Ancient Lamp]


An ancient lamp that houses a mystical genie at the command of his master. The outer coating is made of a special armour that is strong enough to reflect even the strongest of attacks.



[spoiler=Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rooster]


Ranking 15th in the sacred brotherhood of the Fire Fist, nicknamed "General of Double Spears", he has earned the right to command the spirit of a rooster who died trying to protect him long ago.



[spoiler=Byser Shock]


A demonic torture device of unknown origin that is designed to deliver an endless barrage of electric shocks to its victim until they are dead.



[spoiler=Destiny HERO - Plasma]

A Destiny HERO that has a connection to British Culture. Tainted by the light until its defeat, this HERO had been absorbing souls, including that of its creator, and when it reaches full power, no monster can resist him.



[spoiler=Doomcaliber Knight]


Wielding a blade similar to Baou's Wicked-Breaking Flamberge, this undead knight has returned to the world of the living seeking revenge on those who have wronged him.





A vicious machine fitted with drills of various sizes designed to barrage its foes and pierce their defences.



[spoiler=Exodia the Forbidden One]


After destroying the force that was attacking the Egyptian capital in ancient times, Exodia was sealed in 5 stone tablets by his guardian who vowed never to use him again.





A grotesque monster with atrocious claws. Because of its savage behavior, it's very smart to run away immediately, should you see it.



[spoiler=Goblin Zombie]


A goblin revived by magic. It's now somewhat stronger than when it was alive.





Capable of reproducing itself in the blink of an eye, the barbs that grow on this plant's tentacles have been known to cause significan pain.



[spoiler=Lord Poison]


Digging its roots into the ground, it is said that the poison produced in this creature's thorns have the power to reawken plants that have been long dead.



[spoiler=Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon]


Once a legendary dragon associated with Priest Seto in Ancient Egypt, now corrupted by an unknown dark force held by a man from an apocalyptic future.



[spoiler=Malicevorous Fork]


Using a fork that he liberated from a rich family as a pitchfork, this fiend has been spending most of his time causing trouble with angry mobs as well as making mischief.



[spoiler=Malicevorous Knife]


Wielding his knife like a sword, this fiend has been known to cause disaster at formal dinners by using his knife for malicious purposes.



[spoiler=Malicevorous Spoon]


After being locked in a jail cell for many years, this fiend waited until the time was right to steal a spoon and use it as a shovel to escape.



[spoiler=Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys]

A sacred phoenix who holds a connection with an Egyptian Goddess. It is widely believed in Egyptian mythology that Nephthys is the mother of Anubis, making her the true queen of the underworld.



[spoiler=Star Eater]


Born from a supernova that came into being after a Delta Accel Synchro summon, this gigantic dragon has the ability to consume actual stars and absorb their power.



[spoiler=Viser Des]


A demonic torture device of unknown origin that is designed to endlessly torture its victims by locking their head in a vise with the intention of killing them.



[spoiler=Windrose the Elemental Lord]

An Elemental Lord with the power of the storm force Winds. When it is called out, it'll unleash storm force winds to blow away the enemy's defenses no matter how tough they may be.



[spoiler=Zeman the Ape King]

An evil monkey king who infected the Spirit World with the Minus Curse along with his master. Using the Minus Curse, Zeman and his minions were able to take prisoners and trap them in stone tablets.






Exodia the Forbidden One was the 50th Effect monster that I untrained to become a vanilla

Doomcaliber Knight was the first card to receive HQ alt art

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  • 4 weeks later...

One problem with all these "vanilla-to-effect" or "effect-to-vanilla" reboots is quite simply the ATK and DEF; everyone keeps them the same. Which to be honest wouldn't happen. Because Normal Monsters don't have effects, they tend to get higher ATK than non-limited Effect versions (think about Level 4s. The two highest ATKs of any Level 4 without a limiting effect are Alexandrite Dragon and Gene-Warped Warwolf, both because they don't have effects).


In short, I think these cards should gain some ATK and/or DEF in return for the loss of their effects.


Now that I've said that, I will end on a high note: Love the flavour text. You've put a great deal of thought into these and I think they're brilliant.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the necrobump, but I didn't want to start a new thread... again.


In short, I think these cards should gain some ATK and/or DEF in return for the loss of their effects.


Now that I've said that, I will end on a high note: Love the flavour text. You've put a great deal of thought into these and I think they're brilliant.

Thanks for the feedback, but as already stated in the OP, their ATK/DEF are not changing.


I've also added alt art (anime-art strictly speaking) for Doomcaliber Knight, Drillago, Goblin Zombie, Lekunga and Lord Poison as their HQ anime art exist on this site: http://prod.yugioh.com/ I will continue to do this for other cards with alt art in the anime.


Pack art (which was created in 2011) has been added into the OP as well.

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