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Cozmosus' Pokemon Scratches and Splices [UPDATE: September 20th]


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Hullo, all! I have not been on here in forever, so I decided to come back and post a few random sprites I made, old and new. Have a gander at them and feel free to comment and critique. Some of them are old, some of them are new, some are good, some are bad. I'm fine with anything. I also need ideas for what to do, since I'm not creative enough myself to make stuff like this up anymore. Is that what being older does to you?



[spoiler=New: September 20th]

KricketotKoffing_zpsa1cccc7d.pngKricketoffing. Koffetot. Whatever you want to call it, this combination of Kricketot and Koffing is done twice over.

ZubatKingler_zps13363aca.pngThis is what you get when a Zubat and a Kingler make love. I actually just noticed this, but the only difference was the giant mouth. Then again, I put a lot of work into scratching that mouth on. 'Twas tough work.

ZubatPichu_zps26d49b31.pngAnd then everyone's favourite bat pokemon crossed over with Pichu. Look at that cute wittle face!

GardevoirSerperior_zps7d58b782.pngI really like how this one turned out. Gardevoir and Serperior. Not much colour work, but sticking all the parts together and on top of each other took a while and was fun to do.



DelibirdClaydoll_zps09797edd.pngThis one's a cross between Claydoll and Delibird

LuxioTentacruel_zps91b935ff.pngHere we have the rare Luxio crossed with Tentacruel Sort of tough to get the colours right and I had no idea what to do with the tail, but it is what it is, and this is what I saw to be the completed product matching my own skill level.



PluslXatu_zpsfeabfa64.pngI could only find the one old one. This is Plusl and Xatu.




[spoiler=New: September 20th]

Spiritome_zpscfc20b21.pngSo, here I remade Spiritome's hands. I did actually use Haunter's hands way back when, which is why I needed to make new ones.



Phantini_zps86d78932.pngThis here is Phantini. A ghost pokemon that manipulates the shadows. I know his pose looks like Kecleon, but I just did what was relevant to my hand drawn image.

Amphisphere_zps4a2cb7dd.pngAmphisphere. I don't know why, but I felt compelled to make an evolution for Electrode.

Eveeon_zpsa4099297.pngHere we have a normal type evolution for Evee. It's name and look are both generic, but I like the concept of having a more powerful Evee. Now that I've learned of Mega Evolutions, maybe that's next.

Dunglop_zps4d965146.pngDon't ask me why I feel the need to make evos and prevos for Pokemon that obviously don't need them. It must be a habit. Which is why we have Dunglop here.

Spiritome_zps652b9020.pngThis one I particularly like. I think he's my favourite. Spiritome. You get Spiritomb to hold a special book or something and something else happens and something something EVOLVE! I noticed that I used Haunter's hands for this one. Maybe I should change that. Meh, it's old, so updates aren't necessarily a bad thing.

UPDATE: I remade Spiritome's hands.



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It's not a scratch if you use other Pokémon's parts...

And I didn't know that a few years ago, which is why I'm in the process of remaking all of my old work, though I can guarantee that I did, in fact, scratch the rest of it. And though I do remember using Kecleon's body as  base for Phantini, I recently made sure to go back and check, and the bodies do not match, though I probably used it as a reference.

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