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[IMPORTANT UPDATE!] Are you having pixelated Card Art?


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Make sure you use your Card Arts at the size of 500x500 this way they will not be as pixelated. I have yet to try other pixel sizes so bare with me, but for now 500x500 will not make your card art pixelated (as much).





Left is 500x500 right is 400x400


Having worked around using 400x400 it seems that the details are almost the same on 400x400 but this is a hardly noticeable difference so do not threat. I'll get to work on other sizes.


Usable Pixel SIzes so far:



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If you are capable enough you can use search tools which allow you to search for a specific pixel size. Google has this function I'm also fairly sure image surfing places such as DeviantART and Photobucket also allow you to search for pixel sizes.




Although this may not be a perfect example this took me all of 1 minute. However finding card art to specifications is probably worth going to graphic designers for.

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