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Dark and Light Duelist

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I joined this forum awhile back, and totally forgot to make an introduction thread. I have been a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan for over 10 years. My first deck was the original Yugi deck with the Ultra Rare Dark Magician card in it. I still have it and all my other cards. I loved collecting structure decks and recently found out that there are 14 more TCG English ones I don't have. I am also thinking about getting the OCG Marik deck even though I can't read Japanese symbols and people tell me it's expensive. I also recently compiled a list of every card I own. It took me a few days to sort through 5 tins full of cards. Most of them are Spell and Trap cards interestingly. I was not thrilled that a few I swore I had were missing, like "Makuyra the Destructor" and "Swarm of Scarabs", even though I kept all my cards in those tins and packed away inside a white cardboard box for years and no one else ever touched it. I am going to replace them and buy some other good cards I missed out on, like "Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon", "Sanga of the Thunder", etc. To be honest, I collect them more than I duel with them. The "holographic" ones I have in a binder and never use since I don't want them damaged. I don't even know how to duel like they do in the tournaments, just for fun really. 

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