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XYZ Deck

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Monsters: 25

3x X-Head Cannon

3x Y-Dragon Head

3x Z-Metal Tank

3x Elemental Hero Prisma

3x Phantom of Chaos

2x Cyber Dragon

2x Heavy Mech Support Platform

2x Honest

2x Freed the Brave Warrior

1x Morphing Jar

1x Cyber Vary

Spells: 15

2x Soul Release

2x Diffrent Dimension Fusion

2x Spell Absorption

2x Luminous Spark

1x Gold Sarcophagus

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mage Power

1x United We Stand

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Lightning Vortex


Traps: 10

2x Bottemless Trap Hole

2x Dark Bribe

2x Roll Out

2x Return From The Diffrent Dimension

1x Mirror Force

1x Magic Cylinder


Fusion/Extra Deck:

3x XYZ-Dragon Cannon

3x XY-Dragon Cannon

3x XZ-Tank Cannon

3x YZ-Tank Dragon

3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (<= As Soon as it gets out)


Note: Main Idea of this deck is to send parts of XYZ to the graveyard with Elemental Hero Prisma and than remove it with either Soul Release, Phantom of Chaos or Freed the Brave Warriror and than I play either Return From The Diffrent Dimension or Diffrent Dimension Fusion to get my XYZ - Dragon Cannon.


Note 2: I don't have all those cards yet.

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