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This is my Hieratic deck. I am a bit rubbish at deck building and editing so suggestions are welcome.


3x Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit

3x Hieratic Dragon of Eset

3x Hieratic Dragon of Su

3x Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet

2x Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord

2x Wattaildragon

2x Curse of Dragon

2x Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb


3x Hieratic Seal of Convocation

3x Hieratic Seal of Supremacy

1x Xyz Unit

1x Draconnection

1x White Elephant's Gift

1x Mystical Space Typhoon


1x Hieratic Seal from the Ashes

1x Hieratic Seal of Reflection

2x Xyz Reflect

2x Lumenize

1x Mirror Force

1x Breakthrough Skill

1x Dark Bribe

1x Call of the Haunted


2x Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis

2x Hieratic Dragon King of Atum

2x Photon Strike Bounzer

1x Number 25: Force Focus

1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis

1x Shark Fortress

1x Number 61: Volcasaurus

2x Number 19: Freezadon

1x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger

1x Number 39: Utopia

1x Thunder End Dragon





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-2 Overlord

-1 Wattail

-1 Curse of Dragon


-3 Supremacy

-1 Xyz Unit

-1White Elephant


-1 Ashes

-1 Reflection

-2 Xyz Reflect

-2 Lumenize

-1 Call of the Haunted

-1 Dark Bribe

-1 Breakthrough Skill


That's -18 cards.  Most of the cards here are outclassed or unneeded.  We're trying to increase consistency.


+1 Luster Dragon #2

+1 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

+3 Cardcar D


+3 Upstart Goblin

+1 Dark Hole

+1 Mystical Space Typhoon

+1 Book of Moon


+1 Mirror Force

+1 Solemn Warning

+1 Bottomless Trap Hole

+2 Fiendish Chain

+2 Dimensional Prison or Threatening Roar


Extra Deck:

-2 Sun Dragon

-1 Number 19

+1 Constellar Ptolemy M7

+1 Gauntlet Launcher

+1 Atum



That's what I would do.  Reason I say to take out the Rank 8 engine is because the Rank 5 and 6 Xyzs are so much better.  Thunder End Dragon and Tachyon Dragon are probably the only decent Rank 8s.  

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I don't understand: Why do I need Book of Moon and 3 Cardcar D?


Book of Moon isn't necessary per se, but it can save you from a lot of stuff.  Say you have Atum, and a couple of other monsters out and you attack into Mirror Force and don't have Starlight Road.  If you set Book the previous turn, you can flip it and select Atum to flip it face down, thus saving it.  A lot of effects target Face-up monsters, so Book can save you from those effects.


3 Cardcar is for draw.  As I said, we're trying to increase consistency.  You can't pull off your combos if you can't draw the cards you need.  

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Book of Moon isn't necessary per se, but it can save you from a lot of stuff.  Say you have Atum, and a couple of other monsters out and you attack into Mirror Force and don't have Starlight Road.  If you set Book the previous turn, you can flip it and select Atum to flip it face down, thus saving it.  A lot of effects target Face-up monsters, so Book can save you from those effects.


3 Cardcar is for draw.  As I said, we're trying to increase consistency.  You can't pull off your combos if you can't draw the cards you need.  

But Cardcar D wastes turns, as you don't get your battle phase.

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But Cardcar D wastes turns, as you don't get your battle phase.


Your Traps are there for a reason you know...Set 2-4 backrow for protection, then use Cardcar.  Trust me, the extra draws help tremendously.


And if you REALLY don't wanna use Cardcar, then try Maxx "C".  It does take a bit of prediction, but if you know your opponent's gonna Special Summon, you can discard Maxx "C" on their turn, and have the potential to draw 2+ cards with it.


And if nothing else, Maxx "C" will keep them from Special Summoning and making the big plays giving you the opportunity to make your big plays next turn.

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