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[SC] Wings of Flittering Hope (Celestials)

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Grade 0 (17)

1 First Aid Celestial, Peneul

4 Punishment Celestial, Shamihaza (c)

4 Critical Hit Angel (c)

4 Healing Celestial, Ramiel (H)

4 Fever Therapy Nurse (D)


Grade 1 (14)

3 Marking Celestial, Arabaki

4 Underlay Celestial, Hesdiel

4 Adamantine Celestial, Aniel

3 Nursing Celestial, Narelle


Grade 2 (12)

4 Candle Celestial, Sariel

4 Emergency Celestial, Dannielle

4 Wild Shot Celestial, Raguel


Grade 3 (7)

3 Prophecy Celestial, Ramiel

4 Solidify Celestial, Zerachiel


So... basic idea: Set up a back row of Hesdiel's, shove a Zerachiel, and swing with 27k RG columns in theory, and a 26k VG collums, all thanks to the beauty of a 12k booster.


Sariel is at 4 despite being 8k, because being able to set-up Zerachiel early, as well as allow Dannielle to bring herself out more often, just as a floater. At worst it's thinning out a G3 to allow me more reliable trigger checks, because I don't so much have a lot of CB's in the deck... I mean once LB is online, being an 8k doesn't hurt it as much because she can swing for 11 by herself.


So yeah... that's me attempt.

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