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The Mind


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Nobody is completely safe from the horrors of the night. But human minds are powerful. They can keep the evil away, after we train them to believe what it is best that we believe.


But it is really our subconscious which can handle the void of night, which can bear the burden of its existence and even dismiss it. Unfortunately... our conscious mind, it is not nearly as powerful. Once we gradually become aware that in fact, we are being followed by something too ominous to comprehend, that’s when we are most vulnerable. And of course, it takes sleep to get them away; it requires the subconscious to take over again to fight them off.


Whenever we find something particularly disturbing, in a way we cannot quite figure out, that’s when the surface begins interpreting what the deepest layers are keeping locked out. Slight feelings of paranoia as you look over your shoulder, perhaps. Listening into the silence to notice that faint sound not too far away? Or is it simply, that you mundanely realize: “hey, all this staring at a screen in the dark will hurt my eyesight”.


This is your subconscious, frantically clawing at your brain to grasp, to understand the deep danger it is getting into, through reading about the darkborn and the occult. It is trying to get your consciousness to give power back to itself, to maintain the boundary. Once paranoia settles in, know that your subconscious is slowly giving way, because without full control of its most important function, it cannot fulfill it. You’ll look around more often, stop clicking and listening in shorter intervals. Then you’ll finally think you’ve heard it.


And once you think you’ve heard it, you no longer merely think you’ve heard it.


[This piece's short length has been consulted about and Rinne has approved of its posting.]

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