Kyng's Old Account Posted September 7, 2013 Report Share Posted September 7, 2013 A strange sound that fogs the mind,that feeds on despair and devours the kind,beckons of a champion, whom was old fame,yet carries the end of the great land Alfheim.Your quest has begun![hr][spoiler=Plot:]Alfheim is a significant realm in the World of the Goddess, for it is the home of the elves. Indeed a glorious and beautiful land, Alfheim yielded many prosperous years for Elves were more gifted than Men at the time - yet this time came to bring hubris. The Elves, self proclaimed to be the Goddess' Children, exerted such arrogance against the still young Humans of the world, that the ties between many of their kingdoms began to sever. Naturally the Elves lived without Humans, and thus believed they could do this again. However, none could foresee just how wrong they were.In the off-coast isles came forth a great eruption, a furious fire spewed forth the arrival of the wicked armies of the underworld, all under the command of the Nadirian Exarch and Warlord, Yfel. This began what was known as the Great Elven Purge - while the Elves were masters of many crafts, they were frail and quite easily overpowered by the relentless armies of Yfel. The fact that they lived more than two lifetimes encouraged the lack of breeding, thus their numbers began to greatly dwindle.Yet, when all hope seemed lost, the Goddess' virtues sparked within Mankind and a Great Warrior-King set out for Alfheim. Rescuing many of the Elves and having them seek asylum, the forces of Man began to combat Yfel's demons of Nadiria. This war endured two generations. The Great Warrior-King was granted two heirs, both incredibly talented warriors, the Champions of Alfheim, who served the final push - eradicating the Nadirians from Alfheim and forcing them back into the depths of the Cursed Caldera, the Nadirian Doorway. Mankind had forced away the wicked curse that ruined Alfheim.From then on, the two brothers began their just rule over this new land. Alfheim became a bastion for all life, and served as a permanent reminder of the elves' hubris. One brother ruled sovereign as King, responsible for the political affairs of the kingdom and the other served as General of the army, showing far greater military prowess. Alfheim seemed to achieve a time of peace.Recently a strange occurrence has taken place. A phenomenon called 'Echoes' began to occur. These echoes were mysterious messages one heard within their mind, which foretold strange things. What is known is that Echoes occur in hearts yielding strife and despair, hypothesized to be more vulnerable. This has brought such worry, such concern, the King has commissioned adventurers to diminish the strife in villages.This is where you come in. As an adventurer, you have been commissioned by the King to address a strange occurrence in a particular town. Your mission is to get to the bottom of the issue, and resolve it. The Echoes are very prominent in this settlement and need to be silenced. Only you and your comrades can stop it.[/spoiler][hr][spoiler=Rules:]1 – All relevant YCM Rules Apply.2 – This is a PG-16 RP.3 – Kyng is the Host of the RP, and have the final say about matters of the role play.4 – Respect the Fourth Wall.5 – This is an Anime/RPG-like role-play, and so will feature elements found in said environment (see" as a supporting document.) This can include but is not limited too: Chibis, Drastic Nose-bleeding, Hammerspace, etc.6 – Should this occur, all PvP is to be planned between the players and written out in one post.7 – Player Killing will be used to kill-off players only. There will be no means back into the RP if your character is killed off. If you wish to use PvP involving Player Killing, you must have the Host's consent.8 – You may have a total of 3 characters for this Role-play.9 – To be accepted into this Role-play, you must pay an entry fee of 1000 points per accepted character. These points are to be paid upon acceptance into this Role-play (submitting your app will cost you nothing.) These points are to show that you do plan to stay in this RP for the remainder of its run.1st Corollary: Your points will be returned to you if the RP dies due to the (lack of) action of the Host(s), the RP is ended by the Host(s), or the RP is completed.2nd Corollary: Your points will not be returned to you if you drop out of the RP, become inactive for [14 Days], or are kicked from the RP.3rd Corollary: If the RP dies due to inactivity by all players, points will only be returned to those who attempted to stay in the RP.4th Corollary: If you do not have the required entry fee, pay what you can. It will be up to the Host(s) to decide whether or not to allow your entry into the RP.10 – Applications will not be immediately accepted. Once a significant number of applications have been completed, a reviewing period will begin to determine accepted applicants.11 – Reserves are not permitted. However, you're more than welcome to post WIP Applications.[/spoiler][hr][spoiler=Database:][spoiler=Dragon Quest?]If you're thinking something along the lines of "Dragon Quest? I've never heard of that series before, do I need to know anything before joining?" please read this. The answer to that question is no. The Dragon Quest series is more popular in Japan than American (vice versa of Final Fantasy, in fact) but can really be understood as a simple Fantasy Setting. The basic premise of most Dragon Quest titles is to play a hero who is out to save the land from peril at the hands of a powerful evil enemy, with the hero usually accompanied by a group of party members.The series is one of the few long-running video game series to have a stable key development team; Yuji Horii (creator) , Akira Toriyama (artist) and Koichi Sugiyama (composer), so elements brought from these individuals are likely to feature as well. Some features will be renamed and modified to suit the needs of those less savvy with the genre.For those unfamiliar with the series, all you really need to do is take into account that you're in a High Fantasy Setting, really. Apart from reading this RP's Lore, you shouldn't need to know anything else, really. For example,while Dragon Quest makes use of Akira Toriyama's Art Style, using any other form will not be penalized in the slightest. You can also create your own non-canon abilities and spells, so long as there is contextual support for them.If you want to get further grasps on the series, here're some provided links to consider: - - - you want to use Canonical Skills and Spells, links for this will be provided below:[/spoiler][spoiler=Important Terminology:]1 - Alfheim: A fictional country in which this Role-play will take place. Alfheim is the home of the elves, and the land in which they first came from. After a great crisis, it is now home to many races and species.2 - The World of the Goddess: The Earth of this Game's Universe, named after the chief deity around the world.3 - The Goddess: A recurring deity in the Dragon Quest series, She is a creator figure who shaped the planet and brought each of its various races into being. She is attributed to be benevolent, and loving of all beings. She is acknowledged by Demons of Nadiria.4 - Nadiria: A recurring name of the evil underworld, Nadiria is the home of demons and many other wicked beings. It is also the realm from which Yfel came from, whom as an Exarch and Warlord served a subordinate position - it is not unreasonable to assume that Nadiria is home to an entire Demonic Empire.5 - Great Elven Purge: A massacre of the elves of Alfheim that took place between the eruption of The Dark Mountain and the arrival of the Great Warrior-King. This consisted of a horrific slaughtering of the majority of the elven population, the number of which has greatly diminished.6 - Great Warrior-King: A fabled, legendary ruler of a now long forgotten land, this Hero was a champion whom fought back against Yfel with his large legions of Men - with an Elven sorceress, he heired two sons, the legendary Champions of Alfheim.7 - Champions of Alfheim: The two twin brothers of the Great Warrior-King. They are: King Pollux Sigtyr, the brother whom assumed the role of the King of Alfheim and representative of the country politically; and General Castor Sigtyr, the brother whom assumed the command of the army of Alfheim and the stout protector of the country.8 - The Dark Mountain: A once inactive volcano that suddenly erupted with no warning, due to an opening of a portal between the World of the Goddess and Nadiria. When the lava cooled, the Nadirian Armies climbed out, but were later pushed back through the crater of this volcano, called the Cursed Caldera or the Nadirian Doorway.9 - The Echoes: A strange phenomenon that occurs when one's emotions and mind is vulnerable to susceptibility - the individual encounters a strange vision of events, horrific to the sight and ears, that traumatize all those whom endure it. They have been said to hold common patterns.More Terminology will be added should it be necessary.[/spoiler][spoiler=Races to play:]This fantasy Role-play is not restricted to humans. Rather, thanks to the opportunity given by Dragon Quest X, there are a number of already available races one can play as should they wish to. This Role-play has its own spin on this races, however. Hover over the text to find a brief description of these races:[acronym=Humans are a fairly standardised race. They have all-around stats that enable them to suit many professions] Human[/acronym] - [acronym=The now less in numbers Elves were always incredibly adept with magic, preferring to use this over physical battle to compensate for frail forms.] Alfheimian Elves [/acronym] - [acronym=With money always in pocket and craftsmanship under their belt, these short stouts can use strong buffs to aid their deceiving raw strength.]Terracotta Dwarves[/acronym] - [acronym=Merfolk are unrivalled in terms of the beauty of their songs, and nimble battle style. They are powerful spellswords, wielding storm magic. They use lighter armour well but can easily yield heavy gear.]Merfolk[/acronym] - [acronym=Nadirian Ogres are one of the few civilised and kind-hearted Demons. They sacrifice speed and magic to make themselves incredible warriors, using adept skills to bolster themselves.]Nadirian Ogres[/acronym] - [acronym=Unmatched in terms of speed, the Fae swiftly dish out rapid successions of damage. While their damage output is minimal, they rely on their attacks accumulating into geater damage.]Fae[/acronym] Please note that you are not restricted to these races. They are only examples of some available choices to you, but if you do wish to make your own race your character ensure that you do the following:[spoiler=In the Race Section of the app, use the Acronym Command provided to provide description of your created race.][b]Race: [/b][acronym=Insert Race Description here](Insert Race Name here)[/acronym][/spoiler]Balance the particular character's stats so that they are not overpowered. Ensure the character is humanoid. Also note that the image references are simply general guides to follow to give you a general idea of said race’s .[/spoiler][/spoiler][hr][spoiler=Application Form:]This is a frame-work of your app. Use this as a skeleton of what you will use to create your character. The following below is what is necessary for your application; however you can alter it somewhat. You may: add additional relevant sections (such as a biography/trivia/etc.), add character catchphrases, etc. You may not: shrink/grow font size for mandatory sections (such as 5 lines for Personality), delete/rename sections of the initial app, use inappropriate content for both YCM and the plot, etc.It is highly advised you read what the Database has to offer before continuing!Your application’s contents should be appropriate for the setting, so make sure it is!*do not forget to specify where you want your application’s feedback should it be needed before acceptance, either via OoC Thread, or PM![hr]Personal InformationCharacter Name: (Nothing ridiculous please; your RP character’s name)Race: (See the list provided in the Database)Sex: (Male or Female, no other's will be accepted)Age: (Nothing ridiculous please)[spoiler=Personality:](Spoiler Please: 5 lines of text minimum in order to be acceptable. Please note)[/spoiler][spoiler=Appearance:](Spoiler Please: Images are acceptable so long as they're appropriate with the plot, if not 5 lines of text without an image.)[/spoiler]Combat Information[spoiler=Equipment:](Spoiler Please: Describe a full, in depth list of the equipment your character uses (this means anything your character has currently equipped, and that which can be equipped upon their person. This can include the clothes they wear, their weaponry, jewelry, etc.))[/spoiler][spoiler=Inventory:](Spoiler Please: Describe a full, in depth list of the inventory your character uses (or, in other words, any items that do not classify as equipment.))[/spoiler][spoiler=Attacks/Technique(s):](Spoiler Please: Describe a full, in depth list of the attacks and techniques (any ability that would not be qualified as an attack) your character uses.)[/spoiler]Other Information(You may include any and all information that has not been used above, so long as you maintain the formatting. A popular choice would be your character's favourites, a little bit of trivia about your character, or even a theme song. Any information added here will always act in favor of your application of being accepted.)[hr]Please Copy the Code below to make your Application:[spoiler=Application Code:][b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b] [b]Character Name:[/b] (Nothing ridiculous please; your RP character’s name) [b]Race:[/b] (See the list provided in the Database) [b]Sex:[/b] (Male or Female, no other's will be accepted) [b]Age:[/b] (Nothing ridiculous please) [spoiler=Personality:](Spoiler Please: 5 lines of text minimum in order to be acceptable. Please note)[/spoiler][spoiler=Appearance:](Spoiler Please: Images are acceptable so long as they're appropriate with the plot, if not 5 lines of text without an image.)[/spoiler] [b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b][spoiler=Equipment:](Spoiler Please: Describe a full, in depth list of the equipment your character uses (this means anything your character has currently equipped, and that which can be equipped upon their person. This can include the clothes they wear, their weaponry, jewelry, etc.))[/spoiler][spoiler=Inventory:](Spoiler Please: Describe a full, in depth list of the inventory your character uses (or, in other words, any items that do not classify as equipment.))[/spoiler][spoiler=Attacks/Technique(s):](Spoiler Please: Describe a full, in depth list of the attacks and techniques (any ability that would not be qualified as an attack) your character uses.)[/spoiler] [u]Other Information[/u] (You may include any and all information that has not been used above, so long as you maintain the formatting. A popular choice would be your character's favourites, a little bit of trivia about your character, or even a theme song. Any information added here will always act in favor of your application of being accepted.)* We do NOT accept people based on their speed of posting their application, but rather the effort that they have put into the application.[/spoiler][/spoiler][hr]Character Roster:Wyllt EmrysLoke ShepherdAlessandra Von BlackmooreLumine Thuris Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aix Posted September 7, 2013 Report Share Posted September 7, 2013 Sounds promising. I don't believe I've joined one of your RPs before, so I suppose I may do so now. Expect an app from me later. Though, the Races are 404 Forbidden. lol 12th rule. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted September 7, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 7, 2013 Sounds promising. I don't believe I've joined one of your RPs before, so I suppose I may do so now. Expect an app from me later. Though, the Races are 404 Forbidden. lol 12th rule.Thanks for the flag-up, more accessible pics have been provided! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asriel Dreemurr Posted September 8, 2013 Report Share Posted September 8, 2013 I'm gonna give some thought to joining this RP. Pretty sure I know what type of character I'd want to play anyways. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
encapturer Posted September 9, 2013 Report Share Posted September 9, 2013 I know reserves are not in effect, but I'm expressing interest in joining. ...Because... there's not much going on in this thread. Also, now the race spoilers are broken X.x. I guess since links automatically come with the 'spoiler' "external link". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted September 9, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 9, 2013 I'm gonna give some thought to joining this RP. Pretty sure I know what type of character I'd want to play anyways.I'm glad to hear you're considering joining.I know reserves are not in effect, but I'm expressing interest in joining. ...Because... there's not much going on in this thread. Also, now the race spoilers are broken X.x. I guess since links automatically come with the 'spoiler' "external link".Likewise with Keto. As for the activity, I'm not surprised - Weekends are slow on YCM, plus school season started up. I should've picked a better time, but eh.How's the race spoiler broken, may I ask? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted September 9, 2013 Report Share Posted September 9, 2013 You know my stand on it. Your RP is my ticket to a new RP character style... So I'm going to be working on an app now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted September 9, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 9, 2013 You know my stand on it. Your RP is my ticket to a new RP character style... So I'm going to be working on an app now.Aye, that I do. Remember, I'll be bloodhounding your app to help you on your learning curve XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted September 9, 2013 Report Share Posted September 9, 2013 Challenge has been accepted, Kyng!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted September 9, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 9, 2013 [spoiler=Wyllt Emrys]"Follow me! I know the way!"Personal InformationCharacter Name: Wyllt Emrys (Uirito Emisu, ウイリト エミス)Race: HumanSex: MaleAge: 72[spoiler=Personality:]Wyllt Emrys is a man of two faces and is quite temperamental between the two based on what the environment has thrown upon him: a wise and stern sage, and a lovable sex maniac.As a wise and stern sage, Wyllt has shown to be a very stout and proud master of the arcane arts. With adept understanding of magic, Wyllt shows a very eclectic understanding and appreciation for its use, which extends from the use of curative magics, to the destructive bending of the elements, and even spells that tinker into the likes of necromancy. As a sage, he is also always very curious about the ongoings of how magic works, and takes great pleasure in the aiding and use of Spellcrafting - that is, the process of creating one's own personalized spells for use - so long as that magic is used with responsibility. This reflects another trait branched from this route: he places great emphasis on how careful one must be when using magic, and would never stand for magic's reckless or malicious use. From this one can also gather that he is adamant upon the prophecy of self-defence and thus is unlikely to start a fight. That is, of course, unless his absolutely lecherous side doesn't cause one. If the situation has it, Wyllt will go above and beyond the average sleaze, engaging in the full spectrum of perversion — from dabbling in pornography to blatant sexual advances to outright molestation. A big fan of big breasts, it is unsurprising that Wyllt will indeed take much pleasure in making terribly outdated puns and attempts at "gettin' him sum". However, while being an absolute pervert, this does not mean he does not have a side of him which reflects another shade of this warm heart. A very kind, exceptionally trusting, and simple fellow, Wyllt enjoys the company of those around him, and treats those closest to him as no less than like grandchildren. With a heart of unbridled compassion, there is no question how Wyllt does take time and patience, enjoying the simple things in life almost as much as how the workings of magic go.[/spoiler][spoiler=Appearance:]Height: 5'5" (165cm)Weight 97 lbs. (44kg)[1][/spoiler]Combat Information[spoiler=Equipment:]Wooden Staff: As seen in Wyllt's character appearance, this is nothing beyond a simple wooden staff, useful for enabling Wyllt to channel and focus magic through. It also serves the goal as a walking stick.Straw Hat: As seen in Wyllt's character appearance, he wears a worn, pointed straw hat. Nothing in particular is special about it, even its rain-protective abilities are limited.Simple Robes: As seen in Wyllt's character appearance, he wears loose robes for comfort as well as ease for casting spells. It keeps him warm and enables him to move with ease and little difficulty.Bag of Holding: A unique and valuable tool, as well as being an Alfheimian Relic, it was stolen as soon as it was created - after many generations without surfacing, Wyllt simply bought the thing in an auction of ransacked goods from an unrepairable Alfheimian Elven Temple post-purge. Wyllt stores larger items more easily through the magic of compression. As per all his equipment, it is seen in his character appearance.[/spoiler][spoiler=Inventory:]Crimson Ring: A simple ring with an enormous, crimson jewel.Bunny Suit: An attire this lovable pervert has amassed, determined to keep it 'just in case'. It consists of a Bunny Girl Corset, with a matching Bunny Tail, Ear Headband, and Stockings.[/spoiler][spoiler=Attacks/Technique(s):]General Attacks/Techniques:Magic: Wyllt has the ability to use magical forces to varying degrees. As a Sage Wyllt is essentially a hybrid class of Mages and Priests, having access to both powerful offensive spells and useful healing spells. Sages specializes in Magical abilities overall, Wyllt being no exception to this. He can use healing spells, and Sages are the only Vocation that is able to learn Kazing, the only spell with a 100% success rate at revival. However in general, Wyllt is outclassed in healing output by the Priest. In terms of offensive Magic, Wyllt is very capable, evinced by his capability to learn the ultimate magical attack spell, Magic Burst. To be kept in mind is the difference in speed between two classes -Sages are much slower than the Mages.Spellcrafting: Wyllt is an avid practitioner in the art of creating new spells. These new spells are any type or kind of spell that is non-canonical to the Dragon Quest series. Wyllt is able to initiate and assist in the process of creating new spells.Adept Intelligence: Wyllt has a notable degree of intelligence upon matters. As a sage it is reasonable to find him to study many things. Wyllt is very aware of the history of Alfheim, having studied this during his time as an apprentice. This enables Wyllt to take the role of an guide to the remainder of the party.Specific Attacks/Techniques:[spoiler=Wyllt's List of Skills]Disruptive Wave: Removes all magical effects upon the opposition, such as buffs or debuffs.Wizard Ward: Increases magical resistance.Spooky Aura: Decreases hostile's magical resistance.Focus Pocus: Restores some of the user's MP overtime.Channel Anger: Channels aggression into magical might.[/spoiler][spoiler=Wyllt's List of Spells]Heal: Restores small amounts of health to a single ally.Zam: Strikes a single enemy with the power of darkness.Squelch: Cures a single ally of the effects of poison.Evac: Exit instantly from dungeons, caves, and towers.Bang: Damages all enemies with a small explosion.Zammle: Smites a single enemy with the power of darkness.Divine Intervention: Weakens a group of enemies against attack spells.Bounce: Throws enemy spells back at them.Midheal: Restores a fair amount of health to a single ally.Zing: Resurrects a fallen ally, but sometimes fails. [1]Multiheal: Restores a large amount of health to all party members.Boom: Engulfs all enemies in a large explosion.Kabuff: Raises the defence of all party members.Moreheal: Restores a great amount of health to a single ally.Magic Barrier: Protects the whole party from attack spells.Kazam: Smashes a single enemy with the power of darkness.Kazing: Resurrects a fallen ally every time. [1]Kaboom: Blasts all enemies with a violent explosion.Kazammle: Strikes a single enemy with stygian lightning.[1] - Resurrection Skills and Spells of any kind will only ever function on allies within a battle, for the sake of this RP.[/spoiler][/spoiler]Other Information[spoiler=Trivia:]• Wyllt has shown a strong business sense in ties with his perverse demeanour. He has kept himself afloat all these years, all thanks to very successful sales of the Angel Leotard. • Among the reasons why said outfit sells well includes application of the Chainmail Bikini Trope - despite how little it covers, this Leotard is a competitive rival to Dragon Scale Armour.• Wyllt's name is inspired heavily by Merlin the Wizard. His first name belongs to the surname of the most prominent character who served a prototype to the creation of Merlin, while his surname is that of the second character whom also served as the other half to the wizard to be known as Merlin.[/spoiler][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aix Posted September 9, 2013 Report Share Posted September 9, 2013 [spoiler=WIP]Personal InformationCharacter Name: Talrion Thorn (Tarurion Sōn タルリアン ソーン)Nickname: Thorn DogRace: Alfheimian ElfSex: MaleAge: 29 [spoiler=Personality:](Spoiler Please: 5 lines of text minimum in order to be acceptable. Please note)[/spoiler][spoiler=Appearance:]Talrion is moderately tall, standing a bit above most people at 6'0", with a rather muscular build that boasts both great strength and great speed as it isn't overly bulky (think of Trunks's build from DBZ). He has, as typical of his Alfheimian Elven blood, very smooth pale purple skin, the envy of many girls, human and elven alike, long pointed ears and fuchsia hair that sticks straight up in a mass of spikes atop his head bringing up his height by almost a foot. His thin, slitted sinister-looking eyes are pure white, pupils included, and above them sits very thin and angular fuchsia eyebrows. Talrion typically wears a chainmail tunic with the sleeves torn off leaving a ragged edge at the shoulders that is still visible with the scarlet surcoat he wears over top. He has quite baggy greyish purple pants that are tucked into his brown leather boots. He wears plain leather bracers on both arms. Talrion typically holds himself proudly with his hands behind a very straight back. His sneering expression challenges anyone who stands before him to try to take him on while likely intimidating and belittling them at the same time.[/spoiler]Combat Information[spoiler=Equipment:](Spoiler Please: Describe a full, in depth list of the equipment your character uses (this means anything your character has currently equipped, and that which can be equipped upon their person. This can include the clothes they wear, their weaponry, jewelry, etc.))[/spoiler][spoiler=Inventory:](Spoiler Please: Describe a full, in depth list of the inventory your character uses (or, in other words, any items that do not classify as equipment.))[/spoiler][spoiler=Attacks/Technique(s):](Spoiler Please: Describe a full, in depth list of the attacks and techniques (any ability that would not be qualified as an attack) your character uses.)[/spoiler] Other Information (You may include any and all information that has not been used above, so long as you maintain the formatting. A popular choice would be your character's favourites, a little bit of trivia about your character, or even a theme song. Any information added here will always act in favor of your application of being accepted.)[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted September 10, 2013 Report Share Posted September 10, 2013 [spoiler=Loke Shepherd] "Unlike you...I am of two minds about everything...and both are fighting for control." Personal Information Character Name: Loke Shepherd (Roki Shepādo, ロキ シェパード) Race: Human Sex: Male Age: 19 [spoiler=Personality:] Ever since he was young, Loke has always strayed away from everyone and anyone, remaining to himself and not opening up to anyone. Because of these, many have said he showed the most celibacy that anyone has ever seen before. As Loke has shut himself off from everyone, he has terrible people skills and can not interact with people whatsoever, however he can definitely force his plans and opinions on someone...even if it's by force. While he fights, he always likes to end things quickly, trying to incapacitating his opponents by any means necessary (meaning anything goes). However, with his own personal preference, Loke refuses to end someone's life and prefers to make his opponent's suffering last as long as possible. Though, a small part of him wishes to be apart of a group, like a wolf with his pack, he wishes he could belong. However, Loke isn't the only one that has personal preferences. Fen, the Werewolf mind within Loke, is more of the blood-thirsty voice within his host's head. Fen would rather kill his opponents quickly than to resort to such "childish" behaviors of prolonging their deaths. He does what he can to lure Loke into a false sense of security at every turn, having his host have even more hatred inside of him...almost to the point of having Loke become a mirror image of himself. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance:] [/spoiler] Combat Information [spoiler=Equipment:] Silent Knight: Loke's primary weapon, which is slung across his back. This priceless blade was stolen from a royal noble who was passing through the small town Loke stopped by, after he was looking for "The Creature". Other than the normal style of fighting, this blade is able to act as a medium for the magic Loke accesses. Monk Robes: As seen in Loke's character appearance, he wears these robes for comfort, along with the ease/swiftness of attacking. Its light, allowing Loke to more agile in battle. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Inventory:] Skull Ring: A simple black ring with ivory bone-like designs on the ring, matching the ivory skull that stands in the middle. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Attacks/Technique(s):] General Attacks/Techniques Lycanthropy: A part of Loke that he believes he was cursed with. With this supposive curse on him, Loke is able to invoke a transformation into the beast known only as a Werewolf/Lycanthrope. When the transformation is initiated, Loke's strength and speed increase greatly, causing him to become a greater threat. However, with the Lycanthropy ability, Loke has encountered the Werewolf's mind that is deep within the form, one he calls Fen. Because of this, Loke is always trying to fight for control over his mind. Werewolf Physiology: This entails that Loke (thanks to his Lyncanthropy) has gained enhanced abilities that include: agility, reflexes, jump, endurance, durability, hearing, smell, night vision, speed, stamina, and strength. These traits also transfer when Loke transforms into his Werewolf/Lycanthrope form, however, enhanced bite is added to the list. Specific Attacks/Techniques Full Moon: As the name suggests, this technique can only be active during the time of a full moon. However, the use of this technique brings Loke fear, as Fen will be able to fully take control of his body under the Werewolf/Lycanthrope transformation. Once this happens, Fen's mind will be in complete control, being able to go through a blood rage whenever he feels like it...and not willing to show any mercy. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Weakness:] Silver: A basic weakness for Werewolves/Lycanthropes. Silver is the main thing that can harm a Werewolf/Lycanthrope, however, as human, Loke is only feels slight discomfort, while as a Werewolf its major discomfort. Transformation: While the transformation itself has no exact precautions, Loke, before initiating the transformation, must unequip the items he has with him, otherwise they will break upon transformation. [/spoiler] Other Information Loke's Theme / Loke's Battle Theme ~Loke's name originate/mean the following: Loke is a play on the name "Loki" who is the Norse God of Trickery and the father of Fenrir. Shepherd originates from the Middle Ages of England, and means "One who watches over the sheep", this is another play on the fact that he is sort of a "wolf" in sheep's clothing. ~The name of the Werewolf's mind within Loke is Fen, which is short for the name "Fenrir" who is the son of the Norse God of Trickery: Loki. ~The Transformation weakness was brought upon by the fact of the "Skyrim" rule of Werewolves not being able to use items during battle. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asriel Dreemurr Posted September 11, 2013 Report Share Posted September 11, 2013 So my app is done, can I get some feedback? [Spoiler= Alessandra Von Blackmoore] Personal Information Character Name: Alessandra Von Blackmoore Race: Human Sex: Female Age: 29 [spoiler=Personality]The young Lady Von Blackmoore is a loud and proud member of her family, telling in a loud voice to anyone interested the tales of her ancestors and the history to which she is linked. This being the case, she isn't exactly what one might call “Ladylike” and has often been accused of being more manly than is proper, especially by her mother and other noblewomen. Of course Alessandra has never allowed such things to bother her, particularly because as the only child of her parents she is hair to the family holdings. In many ways she can be considered to follow the long warrior tradition of heads of the Von Blackmoore line, and follows a code of honor not unlike the chivalrous ways of the knights. She will never fight an unready opponent, and will often go so far as to limit herself in battle to make certain that a fight is even. Those who are in need of aid can always look to her for it, and she could be described as loyal to a fault. That is to say that any to whom she allies herself will be supported even if at the cost of her own life. This can lead to her being seen as much more rough than a woman ought to be, and she delights in such a perception as she sees that as the real her. Of course the virtuous, knightly woman is not the only part of her. Alessandra can, as she would put it, take on the guise of a proper noblewoman and behave in all the ways proper in court. Wearing a beguiling smile on her face, and taking advantage of her feminine assets to convince men to do what she wants. She also loses a bit of that honor when behaving as such, instead adopting much of the underhanded tactics of nobility including telling half-truths and adopting a more ruthless way of dealing with opposition. Certain things she would never use under other circumstances, such as poisons or the more cowardly weapons such as daggers, become acceptable when she dons the guise of a noble and all the while speaks with honey on her tongue and a smile on her face.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance]Alessandra is a rather tall woman, standing just under six feet even, and even though she would prefer otherwise is unmistakably female. A curvaceous figure and a rather large bust make it impossible for any suit or armor or garment to actually fit her and at the same time deceive any into thinking she was not a woman. Her blonde hair hangs long down to the center of her back, and is often held up in buns to prevent it being taken advantage of in the heat of battle. Aside from her curvaceous form, her body is actually quite muscular and bears more than a few scars, none of which can be found on the young woman's face. The majority of the larger scars on her form can be found on her chest, or on her thighs (after all, those are the biggest parts of the human body). Her face is what many would describe as classically beautiful, soft in appearance and clear of disfiguring marks. Her eyes, as is common among the Blackmoore line, are deep emerald in color.[/spoiler] Combat Information [spoiler=Equipment] Lanze Von Blackmoore An ancient weapon traceable back to the very first time a warrior of the name Blackmoore entered battle on behalf of the land, this spear has many stories associated with its origins. Among them are that it was stolen from some great demon lord in the past, and then used to strike him down, and also that the blade upon it is a trophy from when the first Blackmoore slew a Dragon in the past and formed its fang into the spear. Whatever the truth, this weapon is remarkably powerful. The blade upon it is capable of penetrating almost any armor to strike at the foe beneath it and the whole of the weapon is considered nigh unbreakable. Furthermore, it seems to have some little-understood properties. Firstly, in the hands of any but a Blackmoore the weapon is so heavy that it cannot be lifted and much less wielded in battle regardless of their strength. Second, it seems to shun any sort of magic which one attempts to use upon it and as such cannot be enchanted or enhanced. [Spoiler=The Spear][/spoiler] Long Sword It is a foolish warrior who enters battle with but a single weapon. As such, Alessandra also carries an expertly crafted long sword for when her polearm would be too unwieldy to use in the environment. This weapon, though not as powerful as the Lanze, should not be discounted. The expertly made edge can cleave through flesh and bone alike, and the sharp point to which it comes allows for thrusting blows to find their way through armor. Unfortunately, this weapon does not have the same properties as the Lanze, and as such can be wielded by non-Blackmoores and affected by magic. [Spoiler=The Sword][/spoiler] Shield A sword can be wielded in one hand, and as such is often paired with a shield. Alessandra does this as well, and carries with her a heater shield. Much thicker than the rest of her armor, this defensive armament can cover her entire chest when held in front of it and thus grants her a great deal of protection. Furthermore, that extra weight can be used to bludgeon those unfortunate enough to be caught in battle just as well as the heater can turn aside a blow. This shield has been enchanted to grant protection against magic, and as such denies its effects in much the same way as the Lanze. [spoiler=Heater Shield][/spoiler] Half-Plate Armor Alessandra is clad, most often, in a suit of armor known as half-plate. That is to say it incorporates solid plates of metal to cover more vulnerable areas, and elsewhere it covers the body with scale-mail to reduce the weight carried and allow for easier movement. The plated pieces of this armor can shrug off most blows with ease, and the scale mail makes for good protection against slashing blows. Two weaknesses are important to note. Firstly, Alessandra simply does not wear a helmet if she can help it. Secondly, the scale mail covering her is not much use in protecting against piercing strikes such as a thrust from a spear or a well-aimed arrow. [Spoiler=The Armor] Note: This image is given to grant a visualization of the armor Alessandra wears. Disregard everything else about the image. [/spoiler] Dress Despite her preferences, Alessandra was convinced, by her mother, to bring along a dress into which she can change for occasions when her armor is not appropriate. The dress, of course, offers little if any protection and in fact does as much to restrict her movement as it does to accentuate her feminine features and cover her scars. Needless to say, she hates it. [Spoiler=The Dress][/spoiler] Undergarments It's hardly comfortable to sleep in armor, and less comfortable to wear it against one's bare body. As such, Alessandra has a few sets of undergarments to wear and change out of when they become too dirty. She also wears only them when she sleeps, and as befits a noble they are of quite good quality. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Inventory] Armorer's Kit You can't always count on having a proper blacksmith to maintain your arms and armor in the wild, and not all of her equipment is as impervious to damage as the Lanze. As such, the young Lady Von Blackmoore carries with her a full kit of supplies to make in-the-field repairs to her equipment. This includes, but is not limited to: sharpening Stones, a hammer, tongs, bellows, a small anvil, polishing cloth, metal polish, a needle, thread, and patches galore. Cutlery Set Any adventurer worth their salt carries a set of cutlery. That is, thing with which to eat and drink. This includes a fork, a knife, a spoon, a bowl, a plate, and a flagon out of which to drink. Backpack You need to have something to carry non-combat items in, and as such Alessandra carries a backpack. It has all her Inventory in it, and room to spare for loot and such. Bedroll It's pretty much just a mattress that can be rolled out to sleep on. Comes with two blankets, one for hot nights and the other for cold. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Attacks/Techniques] Balanced Stance Alessandra's default stance, it favors neither defense nor offense and does not impose penalties onto actions of either category. Aggressive Stance A stance favoring fast, devastating attacks. This stance allows Alessandra to attack much more quickly than normal, but slows any attempt at making a defensive move. Defensive Stance Just as it says on the tin, a stance favoring defending against strikes from any direction. Offensive moves are slower to initiate and less powerful when they strike, but Defensive actions are much more effective. Armor Tear A quick succession of strikes with the Lanze are unleashed against the foe. None of these are meant to strike flesh, rather to quite literally tear through the opponent's armor and render it useless. Magic Deflection Alessandra can send any offensive spell used against her hurtling off course. Outside of her Defensive Stance the spell is thrown off at random, but while in that Defensive Stance it can be sent hurtling back towards the one who attacked her and thus harm them however they intended to harm her. Glaive Flurry Alessandra spins about rapidly, bringing the blade of her spear through several circular motions and thus striking all those around her several times. In her Aggressive Stance, the wounds inflicted are cut in such a way as to leave those targets bleeding profusely if they are not slain. In the Defensive Stance, the spear is spun only once but it is turned to strike with the flat of the blade and thus stun those it strikes. Sufficiently light foes may be thrown by the Defensive Flurry Rage of Blackmoore A quick combination of blows. The foe is first struck at from the right and left, in that order, before the spear is brought around in a hard upward arc between their legs. In addition to any damage this would do, they are also thrown into the air. As the foe begins to fall, the Lanze is thrust up into them so that they are impaled, and then swung to hurl their bleeding form off of it in a random direction. In Aggressive Stance, the thrown enemy can be turned into a projectile to strike another foe. Counter Attack Usable only in Balanced Stance, Alessandra parries or otherwise prevents harm from a foe's attack and then responds with a strike often too quick to be countered itself. Usually, this targets a vital area of the foe. Furious Charge Usable only in Aggressive Stance, Alessandra rushes her chosen target at much faster than she is normally able to move. The force behind the first blow from any attack she makes at the end of the charge is greatly increased. Lightning Parry Usable only in Defensive Stance, Alessandra moves to parry quicker than the eye is capable of perceiving motion. This allows her to defend against attacks which would normally be moving far too quickly to be stopped. This cannot trigger Magic Deflection.[/spoiler] Other: Alessandra was originally in Alfheim with her parents on a diplomatic visit to meet with the Champions of Alfheim. Her parents do not know that she stayed behind with the intention of becoming an adventurer and investigating The Echoes. Alessandra snuck off from the guards her mother and father left to make sure she didn't get into any trouble, and may very well be followed by them. Despite being a noble, Alessandra has rather simple tastes when it comes to food and drink. Simple bread and water is often more than enough to satisfy her, with the odd meat or vegetable thrown in for health benefits. When not engaging in combat, sleep, revelry, or something else which would prevent her from doing so, Alessandra is going to be found training her body to maintain her physique. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asriel Dreemurr Posted September 12, 2013 Report Share Posted September 12, 2013 Guys? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted September 12, 2013 Report Share Posted September 12, 2013 I've been busy with my classes, so I haven't been working too much on my app. But rest assured, Kyng, my app will be completed when I get a free moment! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted September 12, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 12, 2013 Certainly, you may Keto. Sorry, was busy working on my own application. XDAll grounds prior to her personality pass the necessary grounds of entry. I noted her name was familiar, and spotted it has affiliations with your Drakenguard Application not too long ago - however I find this character is sufficiently distinguished to evade any expy grounds. The fact she is a female will also make a balanced gender pool. Her personality is a renegade noble to a degree, though seems to be a character of good moral standards nonetheless. That will most definitely suit her well in this kind of environment. Her appearance is also satisfactory in this degree.Her combat information most definitely is caution-worthy. I can understand how her lance is lighter in her grasp, but then you state it cannot be affected by magics - how would you then explain its ability to not be wielded well by non but a Blackmoore? It seems contradictory and, if so, needs amending. Otherwise, carrying such a large lance, as well as a sword, and shield to boot, all on her person seems quite heavy. Even with the armour, she's got the build of a Mighty Glacier. I want to confirm with you that this is the build you're going for. As such, if this is the case, a number of attacks and techniques must be changed - attacks with quick successions are likely to be slowed, and her Counter Attack ability would be easier to counter itself, if she is a Mighty Glacier. I would also like to see context for the Magic Deflection Ability, because as things stands it seems randomly thrown in there with no placement.Her other information is definitely intriguing. I do enjoy how you have placed yourself into the lore and made your character suitable for the setting in doing so, as well as putting the threat of her own guards pursuing her would most definitely add a nice spice of content to the RP.All in all, a pretty sound application with few tweaks needed. Based on your response, I will see if you'll be accepted or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asriel Dreemurr Posted September 12, 2013 Report Share Posted September 12, 2013 Alright, a bit of explanation. The Magic Deflection was put in there because I felt that Alessandra as a character needed some ability which would allow her some defense against magical attacks. I included the sword and shield because, well, characters out to have some flexibility with their weapons in the case that their primary weapon is removed from them and that particular pairing seemed to fit well as an alternative to her spear. The Lanze's thing about being too heavy to be lifted by anyone but a Blackmoore was just a bit of something I threw in there and can easily be changed. As for the armor, I would like to point out a historical fact about Half Plate in that Medieval Knights would train to the point of being able to do backflips in it. Anyways, she's not meant as a Mighty Glacier and rather more of a technique fighter, hence why I included the three different stances. Anyways, I can make some alterations to things as they stand and if necessary reduce the number of weapons she's carrying. Though in a lot of RPGs that include encumbrance a character can typically wear a suit of medium or heavy armor as well as carry a sword, shield, and some two handed weapon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted September 12, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 12, 2013 The Magic Deflection was put in there because I felt that Alessandra as a character needed some ability which would allow her some defense against magical attacks. It is still without context. It seems thrown in just to create a more powerful character when, contextually, it seems unnecessary and impossible for her to attain said ability. I included the sword and shield because, well, characters out to have some flexibility with their weapons in the case that their primary weapon is removed from them and that particular pairing seemed to fit well as an alternative to her spear. I've no issue with the sword and shield, it makes the character more diverse - I like it. The Lanze's thing about being too heavy to be lifted by anyone but a Blackmoore was just a bit of something I threw in there and can easily be changed. Good to hear. As for the armor, I would like to point out a historical fact about Half Plate in that Medieval Knights would train to the point of being able to do backflips in it. I'm not doubting her armour. I'm doubting her ability to wield so much and move so agile. Anyways, she's not meant as a Mighty Glacier and rather more of a technique fighter, hence why I included the three different stances. Anyways, I can make some alterations to things as they stand and if necessary reduce the number of weapons she's carrying. Though in a lot of RPGs that include encumbrance a character can typically wear a suit of medium or heavy armor as well as carry a sword, shield, and some two handed weapon. That is all well said, but even so she would have her movement restricted by the additional objects equipped which would impede her movement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asriel Dreemurr Posted September 12, 2013 Report Share Posted September 12, 2013 The Magic Deflection was put in there because I felt that Alessandra as a character needed some ability which would allow her some defense against magical attacks. It is still without context. It seems thrown in just to create a more powerful character when, contextually, it seems unnecessary and impossible for her to attain said ability. Well, I can easily remove that. It was simply included as a creative way to use the Lanze's scornful nature towards magic. I included the sword and shield because, well, characters out to have some flexibility with their weapons in the case that their primary weapon is removed from them and that particular pairing seemed to fit well as an alternative to her spear. I've no issue with the sword and shield, it makes the character more diverse - I like it. The Lanze's thing about being too heavy to be lifted by anyone but a Blackmoore was just a bit of something I threw in there and can easily be changed. Good to hear. As for the armor, I would like to point out a historical fact about Half Plate in that Medieval Knights would train to the point of being able to do backflips in it. I'm not doubting her armour. I'm doubting her ability to wield so much and move so agile. Anyways, she's not meant as a Mighty Glacier and rather more of a technique fighter, hence why I included the three different stances. Anyways, I can make some alterations to things as they stand and if necessary reduce the number of weapons she's carrying. Though in a lot of RPGs that include encumbrance a character can typically wear a suit of medium or heavy armor as well as carry a sword, shield, and some two handed weapon. That is all well said, but even so she would have her movement restricted by the additional objects equipped which would impede her movement. This I'll have to put some thought into. I really don't want her to be stuck moving particularly slow compared to the rest of the party but at the same time I don't to have an overpowered character. I did originally intend to include an ability allowing her to quickly change from one weapon to the next, as when she's wielding the Lanze her sword would be sheathed and the shield slung across her back or otherwise put somewhere to be readily accessible. And when wielding the sword and shield she'd have the Lanze stowed somehow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted September 13, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 13, 2013 Chaos, your app is accepted since you've ammended the issues. Pay the entry fee, and you're good to go.Keto, am I waiting on you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted September 13, 2013 Report Share Posted September 13, 2013 Entry Fee sent. And thank you for the acceptance ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asriel Dreemurr Posted September 13, 2013 Report Share Posted September 13, 2013 Chaos, your app is accepted since you've ammended the issues. Pay the entry fee, and you're good to go. Keto, am I waiting on you? Yeah, Sorry Kyng. I'll have my amended app up in a few hours when I get back from classes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asriel Dreemurr Posted September 13, 2013 Report Share Posted September 13, 2013 Alright, i made some modifications. Whatcha think, Kyng? [Spoiler= Alessandra Von Blackmoore] Personal Information Character Name: Alessandra Von Blackmoore Race: Human Sex: Female Age: 29 [spoiler=Personality]The young Lady Von Blackmoore is a loud and proud member of her family, telling in a loud voice to anyone interested the tales of her ancestors and the history to which she is linked. This being the case, she isn't exactly what one might call “Ladylike” and has often been accused of being more manly than is proper, especially by her mother and other noblewomen. Of course Alessandra has never allowed such things to bother her, particularly because as the only child of her parents she is hair to the family holdings. In many ways she can be considered to follow the long warrior tradition of heads of the Von Blackmoore line, and follows a code of honor not unlike the chivalrous ways of the knights. She will never fight an unready opponent, and will often go so far as to limit herself in battle to make certain that a fight is even. Those who are in need of aid can always look to her for it, and she could be described as loyal to a fault. That is to say that any to whom she allies herself will be supported even if at the cost of her own life. This can lead to her being seen as much more rough than a woman ought to be, and she delights in such a perception as she sees that as the real her. Of course the virtuous, knightly woman is not the only part of her. Alessandra can, as she would put it, take on the guise of a proper noblewoman and behave in all the ways proper in court. Wearing a beguiling smile on her face, and taking advantage of her feminine assets to convince men to do what she wants. She also loses a bit of that honor when behaving as such, instead adopting much of the underhanded tactics of nobility including telling half-truths and adopting a more ruthless way of dealing with opposition. Certain things she would never use under other circumstances, such as poisons or the more cowardly weapons such as daggers, become acceptable when she dons the guise of a noble and all the while speaks with honey on her tongue and a smile on her face.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance]Alessandra is a rather tall woman, standing just under six feet even, and even though she would prefer otherwise is unmistakably female. A curvaceous figure and a rather large bust make it impossible for any suit or armor or garment to actually fit her and at the same time deceive any into thinking she was not a woman. Her blonde hair hangs long down to the center of her back, and is often held up in buns to prevent it being taken advantage of in the heat of battle. Aside from her curvaceous form, her body is actually quite muscular and bears more than a few scars, none of which can be found on the young woman's face. The majority of the larger scars on her form can be found on her chest, or on her thighs (after all, those are the biggest parts of the human body). Her face is what many would describe as classically beautiful, soft in appearance and clear of disfiguring marks. Her eyes, as is common among the Blackmoore line, are deep emerald in color.[/spoiler] Combat Information [spoiler=Equipment] Lanze Von Blackmoore An ancient weapon traceable back to the very first time a warrior of the name Blackmoore entered battle on behalf of the land, this spear has many stories associated with its origins. Among them are that it was stolen from some great demon lord in the past, and then used to strike him down, and also that the blade upon it is a trophy from when the first Blackmoore slew a Dragon in the past and formed its fang into the spear. Whatever the truth, this weapon is remarkably powerful. The blade upon it is capable of penetrating almost any armor to strike at the foe beneath it and the whole of the weapon is considered nigh unbreakable. Furthermore, it seems to have some little-understood properties. Firstly, while the weapon seems that it should be incredibly heavy or even unbalanced due to its size it weighs little more than a wooden pole of similar length. Second, it seems to shun any sort of magic which one attempts to use upon it and as such cannot be enchanted, enhanced, or affected by destructive magic. When not in her hands, the Lanze fits into a specially designed harness slung across Alessandra's back allowing her to comfortably carry it. [Spoiler=The Spear][/spoiler] Long Sword It is a foolish warrior who enters battle with but a single weapon. As such, Alessandra also carries an expertly crafted long sword for when her polearm would be too unwieldy to use in the environment. This weapon, though not as powerful as the Lanze, should not be discounted. The expertly made edge can cleave through flesh and bone alike, and the sharp point to which it comes allows for thrusting blows to find their way through armor. Unfortunately, this weapon does not have the same properties as the Lanze, and as such is actually somewhat heavier than it and can be affected by magic. When not in her hands, the sword sits in a scabbard hung at her waist from which it can be easily drawn and within which it is easily carried. [Spoiler=The Sword][/spoiler] Shield A sword can be wielded in one hand, and as such is often paired with a shield. Alessandra does this as well, and carries with her a heater shield. Much thicker than the rest of her armor, this defensive armament can cover her entire chest when held in front of it and thus grants her a great deal of protection. Furthermore, that extra weight can be used to bludgeon those unfortunate enough to be caught in battle just as well as the heater can turn aside a blow. This shield has been enchanted to grant protection against magic, and as such is capable of absorbing, deflecting, or otherwise stopping harmful spells from striking her. When not held at the ready, this shield hangs by its handle from a small hook on the back of her backpack. [spoiler=Heater Shield][/spoiler] Half-Plate Armor Alessandra is clad, most often, in a suit of armor known as half-plate. That is to say it incorporates solid plates of metal to cover more vulnerable areas, and elsewhere it covers the body with scale-mail to reduce the weight carried and allow for easier movement. The plated pieces of this armor can shrug off most blows with ease, and the scale mail makes for good protection against slashing blows. Two weaknesses are important to note. Firstly, Alessandra simply does not wear a helmet if she can help it. Secondly, the scale mail covering her is not much use in protecting against piercing strikes such as a thrust from a spear or a well-aimed arrow. It is more protective against it than chain mail, but it remains a weakness. [Spoiler=The Armor] Note: This image is given to grant a visualization of the armor Alessandra wears. Disregard everything else about the image. [/spoiler] Dress Despite her preferences, Alessandra was convinced, by her mother, to bring along a dress into which she can change for occasions when her armor is not appropriate. The dress, of course, offers little if any protection and in fact does as much to restrict her movement as it does to accentuate her feminine features and cover her scars. Needless to say, she hates it. [Spoiler=The Dress][/spoiler] Undergarments It's hardly comfortable to sleep in armor, and less comfortable to wear it against one's bare body. As such, Alessandra has a few sets of undergarments to wear and change out of when they become too dirty. She also wears only them when she sleeps, and as befits a noble they are of quite good quality. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Inventory] Armorer's Kit You can't always count on having a proper blacksmith to maintain your arms and armor in the wild, and not all of her equipment is as impervious to damage as the Lanze. As such, the young Lady Von Blackmoore carries with her a full kit of supplies to make in-the-field repairs to her equipment. This includes, but is not limited to: sharpening Stones, a hammer, tongs, bellows, a small anvil, polishing cloth, metal polish, a needle, thread, and patches galore. Cutlery Set Any adventurer worth their salt carries a set of cutlery. That is, thing with which to eat and drink. This includes a fork, a knife, a spoon, a bowl, a plate, and a flagon out of which to drink. Backpack You need to have something to carry non-combat items in, and as such Alessandra carries a backpack. It has all her Inventory in it, and room to spare for loot and such. Bedroll It's pretty much just a mattress that can be rolled out to sleep on. Comes with two blankets, one for hot nights and the other for cold. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Attacks/Techniques] Balanced Stance Alessandra's default stance, it favors neither defense nor offense and does not impose penalties onto actions of either category. Aggressive Stance A stance favoring fast, devastating attacks. This stance allows Alessandra to attack much more quickly than normal, but slows any attempt at making a defensive move. Defensive Stance Just as it says on the tin, a stance favoring defending against strikes from any direction. Offensive moves are slower to initiate and less powerful when they strike, but Defensive actions are much more effective. Armor Tear A quick succession of strikes with the Lanze are unleashed against the foe. None of these are meant to strike flesh, rather to quite literally tear through the opponent's armor and render it useless. Quick Draw Alessandra has trained to be quick with her hands. As a result, she is able to switch between her sets of weapons rapidly. In fact it takes her less than three seconds to draw her sword and shield while setting the Lanze in its proper resting place. Glaive Flurry Alessandra spins about rapidly, bringing the blade of her spear through several circular motions and thus striking all those around her several times. In her Aggressive Stance, the wounds inflicted are cut in such a way as to leave those targets bleeding profusely if they are not slain. In the Defensive Stance, the spear is spun only once but it is turned to strike with the flat of the blade and thus stun those it strikes. Sufficiently light foes may be thrown by the Defensive Flurry Rage of Blackmoore A quick combination of blows. The foe is first struck at from the right and left, in that order, before the spear is brought around in a hard upward arc between their legs. In addition to any damage this would do, they are also thrown into the air. As the foe begins to fall, the Lanze is thrust up into them so that they are impaled, and then swung to hurl their bleeding form off of it in a random direction. In Aggressive Stance, the thrown enemy can be turned into a projectile to strike another foe. Counter Attack Usable only in Balanced Stance, Alessandra parries or otherwise prevents harm from a foe's attack and then responds with a strike often too quick to be countered itself. Usually, this targets a vital area of the foe. Furious Charge Usable only in Aggressive Stance, Alessandra rushes her chosen target at much faster than she is normally able to move. The force behind the first blow from any attack she makes at the end of the charge is greatly increased. Lightning Parry Usable only in Defensive Stance, Alessandra moves to parry quicker than the eye is capable of perceiving motion. This allows her to defend against attacks which would normally be moving far too quickly to be stopped. This cannot trigger Magic Deflection.[/spoiler] Other: Alessandra was originally in Alfheim with her parents on a diplomatic visit to meet with the Champions of Alfheim. Her parents do not know that she stayed behind with the intention of becoming an adventurer and investigating The Echoes. Alessandra snuck off from the guards her mother and father left to make sure she didn't get into any trouble, and may very well be followed by them. Despite being a noble, Alessandra has rather simple tastes when it comes to food and drink. Simple bread and water is often more than enough to satisfy her, with the odd meat or vegetable thrown in for health benefits. When not engaging in combat, sleep, revelry, or something else which would prevent her from doing so, Alessandra is going to be found training her body to maintain her physique. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aix Posted September 13, 2013 Report Share Posted September 13, 2013 Realized that I actually don't have time for multiple RPs. I underestimated how much homework I would get this year. Sorry, I'll be staying out of this one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted September 14, 2013 Author Report Share Posted September 14, 2013 Don't worry Aix, thanks for posing interest anyway. Fortunately, with Keto, we have the minimum required players to have this thing start.Keto, you're accepted. Send the fee and we're good to go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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