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Create Your Own Jutsu!

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Create your own jutsu! Rules: It must be serious, include the elemental release, rank,hand signs,chakara usage, and any specifications to which clans may use it.It also must have on how u use it and a full description.




RELEASE: Lightning


HAND SIGNS: Ox-Spread Hands- Cross Arms- Rabbit- Clap- Monkey- Spread hands- Cross Arms- Ox-Rabbit- Monkey- Clap


*Requires mastery of Chidori

**Kakuman means Million in Japanese


Caster's eyes grow Lightning Blue as both hands flood with electricity. Countless bright particles no bugger than a penny flood around your hand. Your agility increases ten-fold and you sprint and jab the Kakuman-Chidori onto the opponent. Instantly kills and destroyed part of land. After, your speed is returned to normal and then halved for 30 min. Causes minor bleeding in your hands.








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