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[CFV] Celestial Danielle and Celestial Nalelu

Maeriberii Haan

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Celestial Danielle

G2 / POWER: 9000 / GUARD: 5000

[Auto](Damage zone):{CB1, other Celestial}When your other card is
place into damage zone and you have an AngelFeather VG, you may 
pay the cost. If you do so, call this card onto a RG circle, send 1 card
from the top of your deck into damage zone.




Celestial Nalelu
G1 / POWER: 7000 / GUARD: 5000
[Auto]:{Place one card with the name Celestial into your damage zone}
When this unit is called onto a RG circle and you have an AngelFeather
VG, you may pay the cost. If you do so, return 1 card from your damage
zone back to your hand.


So, Celestials has finally becomes non-vanilla.dek?


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