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Nocturne Academy [OoC/Started/Not Accepting]


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Now, should someone arrive at the courtyard, not soon after a number of people, NPCs or otherwise, have assembled a loud argument will break out between a finely dressed blond boy about sixteen years old and two bulky twins (male), your choice how they look ;)

This will escalate into the twins actually attacking the boy.

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Hollow shall post after he has completed his morning classes. 


Those must be some hell of a set of morning classes.




Also congrats on the cardmaker! It looks wonderful.


On topic I'll post after a few other people do, since my characters probably don't have anything to contribute tot he scene


As am I. I do wonder, how many people have actively taken part in this RP when compared to the accepted roster?

I'm too lazy to look, and so should you. We'll leave it more of a mystery than the RP.

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If you want to speed things up, I'll just skip to Matt jumping in.

Nah, I'll wait for someone else to.


Also, if anyone really wants to include the kid's reaction to you jumping in to help, he's going to be surprised at first, then be somewhat ungrateful and take his leave.

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