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Battlin' Boxer deck [Sept. 2013]


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I'm planning on using this deck at locals soon, so I need feedback on if the deck is good enough

x3 Battlin' Boxer Headgeared
x3 Battlin' Boxer Sparred
x3 Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw
x3 Battlin' Boxer Switchitter
x2 Battlin' Boxer Counterpunch
x2 Goblindbergh
x1 Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos
x1 Tragoedia

x3 Mystical Space Typhoon
x1 Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force
x1 Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force
x1 Rank-Up-Magic Numeron Force
x2 Forbidden Lance
x1 Foolish Burial
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Warrior Returning Alive
x1 Reinforcement of the Army
x1 Mind Control

x3 Fiendish Chain
x1 Torrential Tribute
x1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
x1 Bottomless Trap Hole
x2 Call of the Haunted

Extra Deck:
x1 Number C104: Umbral Horror Masquerade
x1 Number C105: Battlin' Boxer Comet Cestus
x1 Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory
x1 Number C39: Utopia Ray V
x1 Number C39: Utopia Ray
x2 Number 39: Utopia
x1 Number 104: Masquerade
x1 Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus
x3 Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke
x1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn
x1 Heroic Champion Excalibur
x1 Lavalval Chain

Side Deck:
x1 Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos
x2 Gozen Match
x2 Curse Seal Of Forbidden Spell
x1 Shadow Imprisoning Mirror
x1 Light Imprisoning Mirror
x2 Solidarity
x2 Effect Veiler
x1 Maxx "C"
x1 Flying "C"
x1 Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness
x1 Return From a Different Dimension

EDIT: Recent changes:
*removed numeron & barian's force; added 1 lance & 1 gold sarc
*Removed both Masqerades and added blade armor and gagaga cowboy.

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[quote name="manesa1" post="6266202" timestamp="1378025602"]I think that would be a great deck to use case the battling boxers work really well with each other and with goblindbergh you will be able to summon more in one turn letting you bring out an xyz[/quote] I know. I always liked the deck ever since it's play on Zexal. But I do need some recommendations though...

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Anyway, I'd probably main Maxx C, and maybe an Effect Veiler.You could add flamvell firedog for glassjaw.

I like the idea on effect veiler, but Maxx C... I'll pass on that. Sure, it's good to get sparred, counterpunch and blaster early, but other times Glassjaw gets stuck in the hand, which causes problems. However I can use it for certain scenarios, but I'd rather keep it in the side deck than main it. I've also considered splashing firedog, but I feel I'm gonna have to run a third lance to support it.
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I'll say it now, RUMs are not good with Boxers. Sure, you might get it off once or twice, but dedication to RUM is based around having the resources to abuse it, and BBs go through their resources far too fast to made good use of them. I say drop them all, add an extra Lance and 2 Dualities.

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I'll say it now, RUMs are not good with Boxers. Sure, you might get it off once or twice, but dedication to RUM is based around having the resources to abuse it, and BBs go through their resources far too fast to made good use of them. I say drop them all, add an extra Lance and 2 Dualities.

You do strike a good point... I'll probably side them, but I at least gotta keep one of the RUM's in, due to the extra deck contents. I agree with a third lance, since it saves my ass from things like compulsory and bottomless, but duality is different. About 90% of the time I'm able to do a 1st turn lavalval chain or lead yoke. I've tried it before and it kinda made me go minus a bit. I appreciate the input though.
Well, I got some fixing to do...
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You do strike a good point... I'll probably side them, but I at least gotta keep one of the RUM's in, due to the extra deck contents. I agree with a third lance, since it saves my ass from things like compulsory and bottomless, but duality is different. About 90% of the time I'm able to do a 1st turn lavalval chain or lead yoke. I've tried it before and it kinda made me go minus a bit. I appreciate the input though.
Well, I got some fixing to do...

I'd ditch most of your Chaos Xyz cards. They don't get their effects if they're summoned by ranking up something other than their intended material. The only exceptions are CXyz Ultimatrainer and Number C106: Giant Hand Red (which gets its effect as long as any Number is attached to it). With that in mind, you should probably either ditch everything but Numeron Force (since it's the best one) and focus solely on Comet Cestus and Utopia V/Victory as your Chaos Xyz cards, or stick with nothing but Limited Barian's Force so you can also rank up to Giant Hand Red, assuming you have that.

For that matter, Number 104 Masquerade is not very good, since it a) only negates during the Battle Phase, and B) needs 3 materials. The only reason to run it would be if you don't have any alternatives.

Oh, and if you have them, Blade Armor Ninja and/or Heroic Champion Gandiva would also be good extra deck choices. Incidentally, since they're warriors, they can be ranked up to Utopia Victory by Numeron Force. It won't gets its attack boost effect, but it'll still seal spells/traps while its attacking.
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I'd ditch most of your Chaos Xyz cards. They don't get their effects if they're summoned by ranking up something other than their intended material. The only exceptions are CXyz Ultimatrainer and Number C106: Giant Hand Red (which gets its effect as long as any Number is attached to it). With that in mind, you should probably either ditch everything but Numeron Force (since it's the best one) and focus solely on Comet Cestus and Utopia V/Victory as your Chaos Xyz cards, or stick with nothing but Limited Barian's Force so you can also rank up to Giant Hand Red, assuming you have that.For that matter, Number 104 Masquerade is not very good, since it a) only negates during the Battle Phase, and B) needs 3 materials. The only reason to run it would be if you don't have any alternatives.Oh, and if you have them, Blade Armor Ninja and/or Heroic Champion Gandiva would also be good extra deck choices. Incidentally, since they're warriors, they can be ranked up to Utopia Victory by Numeron Force. It won't gets its attack boost effect, but it'll still seal spells/traps while its attacking.

I've already taken that into mind when I made changes recently. However, Numeron force is quite situational in my case as it negates the face-ups on my field as well, making it a difficult decision to use when I draw it with multiple lead yokes on field. I'd rather use the original RUM honestly. Or better yet limited barian's force, cause it lets me go from lavalval chain to comet cestus or victory.

EDIT: Well, the suggested changes are giving desirable results. No need for further suggestions.
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