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If you were a superhero

Fusion X. Denver

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Just for fun, tell us what you'd be like as a superhero!

I'll go first.


Superhero name: Valor

Superpower(s): Super strength, endurance and stamina

Moral agenda: I'd avoid killing unless it was my last resort. And I'd try to avoid using powers irresponsibly, though in all honesty, I might take more time off from crime-fighting that I'd be proud of.

Costume: I'd go for a black mask with sunglass lenses, jeans, worn-out sneakers, black gloves and t-shirt, also a jacket and under-armor (don't want to wear tights and I'm trying to cover up any identifying features)

Active Areas: Suburban New Jersey and Connecticut, Manhattan, Boston

Weakness: Can't adjust well to extreme temperature changes

Fighting Style: I'd mainly grapple with my opponents and try to submission them or use their body against them. Or bash them with my hammer.

Weapon(s): Hammer 

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Here's one. Might add more if i feel like it.


Superhero name: Ghostly Image

Superpower(s): Selective Intangibility & Super Speed (Roughly 60mph going casually)

Moral agenda: I don't care if criminals get hurt by my hand. I'll take them out as I see fit most likely with their bones broken. So I'd be more along the lines of an Anti-Hero/ Borderline Villain. I also would only strike at night since I cant use my Intangibility in Sun light.

Costume: Black vinyl body suit with grey/silver stripes, Black motorcycle helmet.

Active Areas: Anywhere within a 50 mile radios of Jax FL.

Weakness: Sunlight or an equivalent to it. It takes away my Selective Intangibility.

Fighting Style: My fighting style would be similar to the Flashes in that I'd zip around my opp. The difference however is I'd do it while intangible with only the palm of my hand tangible so that I can hold pipes and other objects to bash my victims unconscious.

Weapon(s): Anything I can kind find within in my radios of speed influence.

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[spoiler=spoiler'd for ease of reading XD]Superhero name: TehTeaKing ('Cause why not XD)

Superpower(s): Nightvision(permanent). Shadowing (can travel almost instantly through shadows, and so is more convenient when used at night). Mind Shatter Pulse (causing pain in the head, and may even result in implosion depending on the desired severity (has a 10m range, may effect bystanders, so it's quite risky in crowded areas)).

Moral agenda: If I were really pissed, someone would die, kinda brutal like that. Then again it depends who it was and what they did. And eye for an eye. Seeing as I'd have nothing in my personal life worth living, I'd dedicate most of my time to my crime-fighting, and am pretty much nocturnal, sleeping during day.

Costume: Black suede shoes, black jeans, dark purple t-shirt, black unbuttoned shirt(over t-shirt), ninja-style balaclava, bulletproof vest underneath. (pretty much casual clothes with some protection and identity concealing.

Active Areas: Wherever I happen to be. More active during the night. And seeing as shadowing allows for almost instantaneous travel through shadows, well, you get the idea, can pretty much travel anywhere inside the shadow.

Weakness: Holds (grapples etc). Fighting in light (permanent nightvision makes it quite difficult(becauselogic))

Fighting Style: Will try to fight with the upmost fairness, and rely on my speed and technique over my strength. Only in the most desperate cases would I use my powers (except nightvision) to defeat my opponent.

Weapon(s): Metal gauntlets, miniature wrist-shields but if needed - anything I could get my hands on.[/spoiler]

I just realised it's quite similar to D.A's in regard to the night thing, and other stuff. Great minds think alike XD


[spoiler=previous thoughts]

 I kinda used to say that if I did have any 3 powers, they would be

  • Teleporting : For getting places and for use in battle.
  • Minor Shape Morphing : For things such as maybe face changing or morphing small things from my body, such as a sword arm, or something. So not rediculous shape shifting into a rock or dragon or something XD (dragon does sound cool though.)
  • Invisibility : Gets you out of tight situations, and you can get around unnoticed, of course only his body would be affected, so you'd have to carry this out naked -.- But he could just shape shift him some "clothes" or something.

 Perfect 3 for an assasin or something, I dunno, would be fun. XD [/spoiler]

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Superhero name: Vanity

Superpower(s): Limited Shapeshifting, meaning, the ability to transform into any existing animal (Extinct animals count. I can turn into a Triceritops, but not a Dragon, for example) or take any human shape, giving me similar ability to whatever I copy. I can not copy abnormal traits from a species, meaning I can't turn into another super and use their powers, only copy their shape. I can, however, turn into an Gorilla, and receive its amazing strength, as it's the trait of a species, not any one Gorilla. Transforming into anything but a human melds my outfit into my skin temporarily, transforming into a human causes my clothing to transform appropriate to my desire.

Moral agenda: I outright forbid myself from intentionally taking a life, no matter whose. The authorities know better what to do with criminals than I do, I'm just a vigilante. I may occasionally abuse my powers to make minor physical adjustments to myself, so that I look how I want, not how I naturally do, but that's the extent of my abuse.

Costume: White form-fitting suit with no design. A masquerade-style extravagant mask to hide my face.

Active Areas: A constant one-hundred-and-twenty-or-so miles around wherever I am when duty calls, usually around Minneapolis, where my headquarters would be established.

Weakness: The presence of silver anywhere nearby, as my power is essentially expanded Lycanthropy.

Fighting Style: I adopt the style of whatever predator I choose to turn into during combat. Basically, though, favored tactics include turning into a Peregrine Falcon, diving at my enemies repeatedly for quick, small damage, or for fighting airborne foes, turning into some massive animal, like a Rhinoceros, Gorilla, or Tyrannosaurus Rex (Depending on the environment) to charge or beat down my enemy, turning into Hippopotamus or Shark to fight aquatic enemies, or improvising for any sort of situation that can be solved by being an animal.

Weapon(s): The natural weapons of whatever I transform into.

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Superhero name: None

Superpower(s): Magic (Teleportation, telekinesis, manipulation of telekinesis into artificial super strength, RPG stoneflesh type things)

Moral agenda: At first, saving people, after a while, world freakin domination

Costume: Black Turtleneck mutha*****

Active Areas: Everywhere

Weakness: Surprise attacks, particularly from bullets that I don't see coming

Fighting Style: Teleport around people, combine telekinesis with brute force punches and kicks

Weapon(s): None

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Superhero name: Redshift

Superpower(s): I have enhanced strength and speed, you know, quite above the average guy's. I have the power to fly and use energy(chakra, ki, w/e) in the form of energy balls and blasts. I can also use this same energy to temper my katana so much so that it can slice steel and concrete with ease. And then I can use a LOT of energy to enter a red shift mode in which all my surroundings are slowed 100x over, and my field of vision becomes 360 degrees around me. Of course, I can only maintain this for a moment, and it leaves me completely drained afterwards.

Moral agenda: I fight for justice, honor, and also because I look fantastic in spandex. Generally, I won't kill anyone, but if an innocent person's life is threatened, I will show no mercy.

Costume: My costume is a crimson suit, dark red gloves and boots, and a crimson scarf. I also have a mask which is split into a dark crimson on the right, and a lighter crimson on the left. The mask totally covers my face.

Active Areas: Generally around Burlington, Greensboro, and Winston-Salem.

Weakness: Ultraviolet light and any elecromagnetic radiation with a higher frequency than it. It makes my body go into spasms.

Fighting Style: I fight generally with the sheath of my sword. Using my great agility and flight, I can perform a wide variety of kicks and swings. When the situation is grim and life-threatening, I can use my energy attacks and of course I'll use my sword.

Weapon(s): My crimson katana that I have dubbed: Hertz. The sheath is a practical non-lethal weapon while the blade can be used for more serious threats.

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Superhero Name: Lunar Eclipse

Superpower(s): Super Speed, Flight , Teleportation, Invisibility, Power of Illusion, Able to summon mythical creatures and harness power from the moon, and Supreme Defense.

Moral Agenda: Protect the civilians....as well as everyone else. Preclude the crime around the city.
Costume: Black white and gray with a long cape and quiver.
Active Areas: Around the southern and western parts of the U.S and some parts of Europe and Asia.

Weakness: The female gender and tacos.

Fighting Style: I'd mainly rotate between ranged and melee depending on the situation. If I'm stuck in a situation I'll summon something or use illusion.

Weapons: Chakrams, Lexicon, Sword, Bow and Arrow, Claymore, and a Sythe.

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Superhero name: Darkplant
Superpower(s): Trolling, somehow being famous and respected even though being a major d***
Moral agenda: None
Costume: A cosmic ego
Active Areas: The internet
Weakness: Mathematics and Science
Fighting Style: Posting random funny pics and pointing out smart-ass stuff and gaining reps through them
Weapon(s): The keyboard. Beats anything


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Fighting Style: Posting random funny pics and pointing out smart-ass stuff and gaining reps through them


Oh, you got me.


Superhero name: Enrise

Superpower(s): Defy reality

Moral agenda: Well, considering I deem morality to be subjective to one's belief and etc. (A whole 'nother story), and that I would defy reality, morality would mean nothing to me. I guess.

Costume: Again, defy reality. Costumes? So out of style. But if you insist, why not trench coats with chains and sh*t? That'd be pretty badass, and awesome.

Active Areas: Uh, omnipresence because f*ck reality.

Weakness: *Ahem*

Fighting Style: Really?

Weapon(s): Y'know, what's the point in answering the rest of these? I figured that since defying reality would be said superpower, everything else would be proven to be adequately answered as they would only be like rhetorical questions. I shouldn't need to answer them, because they're already answered with my super power. Fighting style? How about just erasing the enemy from existence? Or summon torture devices? Or hell, why not just disintegrate every bone in their body painfully while beating them with a giant inflatable d*ldo? Weakness? If I can defy reality, that means I can determine whether or not I want there to be any weaknesses; since I'm not stupid, no weaknesses. Simple as that. Active areas? Because I can defy the laws of reality, etc., why not have omnipresence? At least the two can have some connection to each other. But really, this is getting annoying since after the costume section. I mean, the costume part was silly, because I can conjure up any thing I could imagine. The trench coat bit was only because I have my trench coat next to me right now, so it naturally came to my mind. But the rest after that was annoying to answer. Even this section is annoying to answer. But I think I should answer it honestly, and I think I am doing just that. I feel as if it were a more, moral, thing to do, so I'm doing it. Continuously till I feel as if it were finished off... And I'm finished.


tl;dr - Defying Reality, 'nuff said.

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