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(Sept) Magic Planter.dek (2 variants)


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Just a little idea I had.


Mark 1:




Mark 2:




The central idea in both decks is to stun the opponent out and use Magic Planter to regain hand advantage.  The first variant is purely stun-based, whereas the second one has the fire fist engine to back it up.



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imo, the firefist engine would be more consistent, with only 9 monsters in the first variant, one bad hand or an EEV (gravekeepers, darkworlds, blackwings, any other deck that I can't think of that runs dark monsters above 2500) could end your entire deck. the firefist engine can resort to meatsheilding if things get too bad, and seeing as monsters are the main source of game winning plays, the increase in monsters would definitely be advantageous. not to mention bear might be able to get rid of some things that the first build would have trouble running around. I don't know what those things would be, but I know they exist... they always exist.

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