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Nintendo 2DS

bury the year

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Well I don't have a 3DS yet, and I was planning on getting one just for X/Y, but now I'll just get this instead. The 3D feature will see little use with me. I don't like how it looks though, seems very awkward that the input buttons are so high up with start and select being beneath them.

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I would have gotten the 3DS anyway cause I take it out with me a lot and having the ability to put it in my pocket means a lot to me.


On that note, this is an absolutely brilliant idea on Nintendo's part, and I would love to get one to just have it. But I don't have the money for it and I would rather get a 3DSXL before this. >>

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This was to be expected. For like seven years, I've been wondering why people admire 3D so much even when they keep on criticizing it, and I suppose the 3DS exposed (at least to Nintendo) what a failure of a move that was.


While I'm going to miss the clamshell design, it's not like I haven't gotten used to playing on an iPad so I can adapt. Besides, in a way, it's back to roots. Wasn't the original Gameboy a bit like that? Around ten years ago, I used to love holding that thing in my hands and playing Pokemon Red. When I got my Gameboy Color -that could fold-, it was a little...awkward at first, but I'd adapted to it by the time I got a DS. Still, once again, I'm going to miss folding it. I liked the folding part. Made it easier to carry around too. Oh well.

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