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As one of the sites Top Holo creators, moi, i just wanted to say you should really post more examples using various Holo sheets, i own over 30 and can do alot of various Holo effects.


The one on your example is too dark and bland, the lines to thin, theres no Uber shine.


Then again i dont know your Holo method.

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4 hours? Well, I don't really have that kind of time O.o. What website was it?

Also, thanks for not spamming in my thread, liglis. Oh, wait....

Still can't find anything. I tried searching "holo sheets"....

Interweb failz :\

I've gone through 40 pages of results on Google after searching "holo sheets"....

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There was no need to close your thread ^_^


You can still do your versions of Holo'ing,


the site itself i have forgotton but the method is eched into my brain, however its my secret method;


and its only even worked for me on 1 graphics program called;


Serif Photoplus v.10


Your version of holo'ing is not incorrect thus you should still continue ^_^

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