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The September Banlist Warrants My Return (September TCG Fire Kings)


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This is what I will play when I start playing again in September. Most of the splashable outs to Garunix have been hit (Bottomless, Compulsory, D-Prison, Macro, D-Fissure, Rabbit etc.) and this deck has lost nothing but a Tenki and a TT.


The Side-Deck is just guess work, so ignore that. 



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God, this deck sucks. Fire King Avatar should always do the following:

-3 Garunix

+1 Torrential

+1 Heavy Storm

+1 Solemn Judgment


In all seriousness, the deck looks really solid. I don't have any suggested changes, since you are avoiding OCG cards.


Thanks, made changes :p


Yeah this is going to be IRL so no OCG cards. I'm considering taking out Breakthrough Skill cos it hasn't really put in much work and I only played it in the past for Laggias and Dolkkas so it isn't as useful any more. Not sure what to put in though.

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Fiendish Chain is probably the best effect negation this format, so maybe that?


I was kinda deciding between that, CED or the 3rd MST and I am starting to edge more towards Fiendish. It keeps their stuff on the field to run over with Firedog.

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