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[Nw] Deep Within the Heart of Man


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The drip took up the bulk of time, quite a bit actually. Reminds me why I hate and love working from scratch. 

You should have seen the piece prior to me putting in 30 minutes simply into g-maps and layer modifications. 


I'd love to see what you could have done with this though, I've got a knack for playing it safe, you tend to be more outlandish.

Could be a cool mixture. 

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To be honest, and I'm not trying to attack your piece, but I'm not sure there's much I could do here. The direction you took here is very much suited for more scratchwork and not a bunch of stock manipulation as I probably would have done.


I probably would've messed around a bit more in the chamber, but mechanically, it points to pentool which I'm not exactly experienced with.

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