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Compulsory Emergence Device - TCG 2013 Fableds


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Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning x1
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1
Destiny HERO - Dasher x1
Destiny HERO - Malicious x3
Darkness Dragon Collapserpent x2
Wyburstar the Ivory Dragon x2
Fabled Grimro x2
Destiny HERO - Diamond Dude x2
The Fabled Ganashia x2
Fabled Kushano x1
Tour Guide From the Underworld x2
Fabled Krus x1
The Fabled Cerburrel x2
The Fabled Chawa x3
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Mind Control x1
Monster Gate x1
Destiny Draw x3
Night Beam x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Scapegoat x2
Reckless Greed x3
Extra: 15
Jeweled Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Crimson Blader x1
Jewel Flare Dragon Stardust x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Ancient Sacred Wyvern x1
HTS Psyhemuth x1
Vulcan the Divine x1
T.G. Hyper Librarian x1
Fabled Ragin x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
The Fabled Unicore x1
Formula Synchron x1
Ghostrick Alucard x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
Mechquipped Angineer x1

Because I'm obligated to post Fableds at least once per format. And this format had a huge change.


Lots of tech choices in here and ratio changes (See: 2 Cerburrel), but space is soooooo tight and IDK how to get to 40 cards, much less fit everything I wanna fit. Dasher is a silly tech, as well, but I'm interested in how it'll work out.


Um... not too much to say, though I'm considering negging Blader for Star Eater.

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Monster Gate- how often can you profit from randomly changing the level of a monster you control? Running on the assumption that you won't always be getting Scapegoat and this.

Kushano sacking will always be profitable if I have a Fabled in hand.


Malicious + Gate = $$$$$$$$


It's another target for D-Dude.

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Didn't know you ran Dasher.
Bump the deck to 42 and run Foolish Burial; You have quite a lot of cards that would benefit from this.

Tried it before, it's just dead as shit after the first few turns.


Negged Dasher to test Duplicity due to interactions with D-Dude in addition to the norm.

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How consistent has Diamond Dude been?


Rather, I mean does it manage to pull off it's effect or be ditched for DDraw often?

Not incredibly common that it goes off, but it goes off on occasion, is D-Draw fodder a good deal of the time, and is, at the very worst, quick fodder for Wyburstar/BLS.


Also wanna fit Creature Swap in here with all of the floaters and weak ass mooks, but wanna get down to 40 cards...

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