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1) I'd never swear infront of my parents, mainly because that's the way I've been brought up although Dad swears alot.

2) At work during delivery I'd swear, because there's no customers, the people I work with swear and it's a frustrating job.

3) Here. Never unless it was in a song title and even then I censor.

4) I'd swear when I'm alone in my room or the house.

5) Work generally, never. It's work afterall

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I never swear. I'd say less than a dozen times my whole life. :/

I know they're just words that people have put a negative spin on, but I'm not a person who says something just because. There are plenty of words to use in place of them. It doesn't bother me when others swear either, unless it is so excessive that it makes people seem idiotic.

In short: swearing to convey the meaning is fine, swearing because its swearing is dumb.

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A few swear words have become integrated into my normal speech, I.e., I say "What the hell?" when I'm surprised and I say "dammit" frequently when something doesn't go my way, and it's pretty much second-nature at this point.

I also swear when I want to express special feelings of contempt for something, I.e. "The fact that I have to take this stupid fucking class in order to graduate is complete and utter bullshit."

Otherwise, I do swear around my friends and sometimes even in casual discourse with my parents, but nothing superfluous at all.

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There was once a law that people tried to pass around here that prevented the use of swearing.


Not only did it violate a 1st Amendment Issue, it made me get the feeling of just going to driving to that particular town, bring a megaphone with me, stand in the middle of the town square, and just start yelling "fuck, cunt, shit, piss" all over the place.


I'm such a rebel. :D

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I don't swear excessively, and especially more recently, try to just use softer words that mean pretty much the same thing, but from time to time something slips out.

The biggest exception being "damn" which, let's be honest, most people don't even consider bad, which I say all the damn time.

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I definitely feel that there's not much point swearing for the sake of it (although this is mainly just me wanting to be polite and just not aggravating people). Although if I must swear, I make sure I do it with class (compound a normal swear word into a form that's unusual, or turn it into a portmanteau with something else; always works).

Although, being and being surrounded by Brits all the time is obviously swear-heavy.

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I don't swear excessively, nor do I particularly like when others do so, because it comes off as overly aggressive at times. However, I do tend to use the "casual" swears somewhat more frequently. Those being things like hell, damn, and crap. Even then, I try to limit their use when it would not be appropriate to do so, such as around parents or at work in a context where this would be frowned upon.


I very rarely use the big words, and usually only when I'm truly upset (but not enraged. I don't usually swear when I'm super mad). At worst, I say them under my breath when I'm alone, such as if something went wrong in a game. I guess that is sort of casually swearing, but not really, because I'm not expressing myself TO people.

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I used to be adamantly against myself swearing (and until I got tired of saying "ooooh, he said the 'd' word," others), but that isn't me anymore. Nowadays, I swear without giving it a second thought unless somebody like a teacher could hear it. I also forget that they exist a lot of the time, so I may go on in as normal as a conversation as I'll go without cussing at all. Of course, agitation is a factor.


I've also been trying to use "drat" instead of "damn" or "f*ck," not because "drat" isn't a swear word, but because it sounds so much more fun to say. #bringbackthedrat2013

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Cusswords have a more visceral impact because they draw from sex and religion, the most meaningful forms of expression. This is why they're feared and respected. 


The answer to your problems is 'you utter nitwit'.



It's not even close to a substitute for "go get shot and pissed on while burning in fucking hell you motherfucking cocksucker pussy-ass bitch".

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I've gotten a lot looser with swearing lately than I used to, but it's only second nature around my friends. Whenever I'm in public or at a party with close friends and family, I'll keep it on the down-low.

But pretty much no one I know has a problem with damn, hell, sucks, or crap, so I use those regularly unless I'm around kids.

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