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[TCG Sept. 2013 Banlist] X-Sabers


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Haven't dabbled into X-Saber much, but this build includes the normal numbers with their MD monsters (including hand loop), so I'll explain my tech.


Redox - Makes Rank 7's rather easy with Boggart into Fulhelm, and is a nice Reborn/way to ditch Ragi. Also helps manipulate Graveyard for Grandsoil, or go into Gottoms with Pashuul.

Grandsoil - 2800 beater that has a built in Monster Reborn is a pretty nice thing to sit on or blow their backrow with, and a great finisher on a cleared backrow / a Trap Stun push play.

Maxx "C" - During dropped turn, dissuades over extension of Summoning, slows opponent down while effectively Jar of Greeding myself. Fuels Redox/Grandsoil.


Soul Taker - With Agents coming back and Evilswarm not being hit, Kristya/Ophion are realistic fears that I feel need a Main Deck answer, and this is what I came up with.

Lance - Protects Hylunei/hand loop is the main purpose, but just generally a great card. It also did well vs. an Infernity, forcing a Barrier since I was going to remove their only Attack Position Infernity.


Double E-Call - I would like to draw 1, as a free Synchro and search via Darksoul is nice regardless, and I want to draw it more consistantly.


I think that is all that needs explained, except my probably bad attempt at Extra Deck for the deck. Vulcan/Wurm are to answer Sack/Key Bettle Safe Zone plays that would down the deck otherwise, and the Level 8s are just in case sort of things even though there are very few ways to actually go into them.

So yeah, I need help probably

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