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Writer who told family to 'euthanize' autistic son may face charges


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**** the writer, but I'm completely against hate crime laws.  Sorry.  Killing a person because of what category of person they fall under is no worse than killing a person for money or because of some random argument.  Political pundits and talk show personalities say things just as awful and people suck their dicks over it.   Sorry, but he has the right to say whatever he wants, and we in turn have the right to tell him what a wanker he is. 


Now, harassment is a different issue.  Getting constantly up in someone's business about something is then cause for charge. 

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It was signed "A concerned pissed-off mother" or something like that. And I wish it was enthusi-size, sounds like a fun way to exercise.




And when I read this article, I just couldn't believe it. Saying stuff like, "Sell his non-retarded body parts to science" and other shat is just plain wrong. I'd be much more outraged by receiving this letter than from a bit of noise from a KID who can't even help doing what he is doing and has a completely legit medical condition which causes this. Stupid conceited people nowadays, I swear...

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I have autism myself, and I have never let it get in the way of anything in my life. Sure I have met people who wanted me dead, but that's because they just hated me in general.

If I had received the letter myself and was told to "Sell my non-retarded body parts to science", I'd simply tell the writer to go f*** themselves as they might not understand what it is like to have or know someone with autism.

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