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Tele-DaD..cuz I still have 3 Malicious

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Monsters: 18


3: Destiny Hero Malicious

1: Gorz Emissary of Darkness

1: Dark Armed Dragon


3: Krebonz

2: Plaguespreader Zombie

2: Destiny Hero Diamond Dude

2: Mystic Tomato

2: Effect Veiler

1: Dark Grepher

1: Maxx C


Spells: 13


3: Mystical Space Typhoon

3: Destiny Draw

2: Forbidden Lance

2: Emergency Teleport

1: Allure of Darkness

1: Reinforcement of the Army

1: Dark Hole


Traps: 8


2: Dimensional Prison

2: Fiendish Chain

1: Torrential Tribute

1: Bottomless Trap Hole

1: Compulsory Evacuation Device

1: Solemn Warning

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