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September format Bujins


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Wolfberk builds will be better next format as it goes into kag quicker

3 wolfy
2 bear
2 boar
3 yamato
3 crane
3 turtle
1 quilin
1 honest
2 vieller
2 gorz
2 tenki
2 onslaught
2 dress
1 reborn
1 h storm
1 book of moon
1 foolish
2 bunjinifcation
1 solemn
2 breakthrough
2 torrential
2 compulsive evacuation

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Wolfberk builds will be better next format as it goes into kag quicker

3 wolfy
2 bear
2 boar
3 yamato
3 crane
3 turtle
1 quilin
1 honest
2 vieller
2 gorz
2 tenki
2 onslaught
2 dress
1 reborn
1 h storm
1 book of moon
1 foolish
2 bunjinifcation
1 solemn
2 breakthrough
2 torrential
2 compulsive evacuation

1) This is TCG

2) This doesn't follow the September format at all

3) did you even read onslaught/wolfbroke, they can only get FIRE

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Really sorry thought the double gorz lost was real. Onslaught meant to get bear or boar to synchro or xyz plays wich set up the control for the match gonna Change it now as that and hunders is what I was planning to run next format lol

tbh if you're going to just post your own build then you may as well just make your own topic, since I see no reason to completely deviate from my own playstyle as that does nothing to help me or the deck.

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One Laggia/Dolkka that makes half of my deck not useable goes against the point of this deck. It's really situational and would more often than not end up hurting me more than hindering me. You NEVER want to get rid of Yamato unless you absolutely have to, and if I'm using two Bujins that aren't Yamato, then I'd much rather make Susanowo, who (With the Bujingis) is much more substantial and will take me farther in the long run, while also getting my engine going.

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ok then but

compul > bth

vanities is the nuts not to main in here

Bottomless VS Compulse is a preferential thing. Both can hit things the other can't.


As for Vanity's Emptiness, I'm only siding it because we're going into a slower format where Special Summoning isn't nearly as prominent.

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Just a thought: Maybe you could neg a Quilin and an MST to play 2 more back row? You have lance to bail you out if you hit a trap other than good ol warning, an I've seen builds do just fine with 2 Quilin. The additional back row is good for scaring the crap out of your opponent as well as stunning them, so I'd consider it.

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Just a thought: Maybe you could neg a Quilin and an MST to play 2 more back row? You have lance to bail you out if you hit a trap other than good ol warning, an I've seen builds do just fine with 2 Quilin. The additional back row is good for scaring the crap out of your opponent as well as stunning them, so I'd consider it.

I might give that some testing, though the third Quilin is to compensate for the lack of other Bujins, since SHSP isn't out yet.

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Maybe there's space for both colosseum and Dna. Remember that Dna does do some form of disruption, but more often will again aid in making those crucial plays should you not open yamato (as unlikely as it is now with 3 duality). Maybe you could -1 MST and -1 Quillin for +2 colosseum?

Seems like a good idea, though I may want to keep Quilin @3. I find myself needing the third every now and again. I'll fool around with some of the S/T ratios, though.

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