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Pancham makes Crystal Beasts


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Carbuncle is best at 2, 3 Abundance clogs like a mother f**ker drop 2 of them, I recommend Cobalt Eagle over Amber Mammoth because it makes lightning chidori faster.  Hamon is bad, it kills your back row.  But if you still want Hamon, run more crystal blessing because with that and xyz, you put CB's in the grave quick. I never really like crystal tree or rare value, but thats up to you. There's no reason to run Heavy Storm in Crystal Beasts, and you need some torrential tributes since those are basically better abundances (play them offensively).  And then terraformings for the field spell. Since you run the field spell, maybe run malefic cyber end over hamon, since cyber end is basically free while Hamon fucks up your win condition.

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