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[Pkmn] Plasma Eevee Toolbox

Miror B

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NOTE: All Eeveelutions are of the Team Plasma variety
Pkmn: 17
4x Eevee
3x Flareon
2x Glaceon
3x Leafeon
2x Umbreon
3x Deoxys EX
Items: 20
2x Colress Machine
4x Level Ball
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Silver Bangle
1x Super Rod
2x Switch
1x Tool Scrapper
3x Ultra Ball
Supporters: 13
2x Colress
3x N
3x Plasma Grunt
2x Proffesor Juniper
3x Shadow Triad
Energies: 9
3x Double Colorless
2x Fire
4x Plasma
Ace Spec: 1
Computer Search
The idea here is to toolbox Eeveelutions to be a flexible and formidable deck.
Flareon is there as a heavy 90 hitter when needed plus oneshotting Virizion/Genesect.
Leafeon is there to counter Blastoise/Keldeo while doing decent damage otherwise.
Glaceon is there to drop retreat costs to 0
Umbreon is there for survivability
Deoxys for Power Boost
That specific Eevee for mass searchability (and I'm not sure if the 0 energy Signs of Evolution one is legal or not >>)
No Grass energies because Leaf Blade on Leafeon honestly sucks.
Switch over Floatstone for Snorlax and because I really shouldn't need it any other time.
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-4 Darkrai EX (Not Really Needed with Glaceon)

-2 Plasma Badge

-3 Energy Search

-2 Hypnotoxic Laser (Uneeded IMO with Deoxys)

-3 Revive (Rotating Out)

-8 Dark (No Darkrai)

-2 Water (You Should never have to attack with Glaceon)


+2 Flareon (OHKOs Genesect, and is Great Late Game)

+1 Leafeon (Your Main Attacker)

+3 Deoxys EX (Continous PlusPower is too good to pass up)

+1 Colress Machine (Instantly powers Leafeon)

+2 Level Ball (Searches Eevees)

+3 Silver Bangle

+1 Super Rod (Recovers Eevees)

+1 Switch 

+1 Tool Scrapper

+1 Ultra Ball

+1 Colress (With Deoxys and Glaceon and whatnot, Your Bench will likely get filled pretty fast)

+3 N (One of the Bst Supporters)

+1 Plasma Grunt (Dumps Extra Eeveelutions for Flareon and a good amount of Draw)

+2 Plasma Energy (Colress Machine)

+1 DCE (Insatantly Powers Flareon)


Not sure how, but you also should probably have 3 Skyla in here as well.

The Main problem I see is that you don't really have any Pokemon that you want to start with, since Eevee is so liable to being killed. Maybe try to find room for Kangaskhan.


I'm probably missing something, but whatever.

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Not sure how, but you also should probably have 3 Skyla in here as well.

The Main problem I see is that you don't really have any Pokemon that you want to start with, since Eevee is so liable to being killed. Maybe try to find room for Kangaskhan.


I'm probably missing something, but whatever.

Never considered Deoxys cuz I thought it was an expensive card :s turns out the site I used is shit.


Usually I do want to start with Eevee in theory, since 1 energy = toolbox into whatever. Space is also an issue. I may just drop a copy of less important Trainers (like maybe one of them Bangles) for a few Skylas.


I am a bit worries about having 2 Fire Energies for Flareon but I'll try it.


For now I'll focus on getting Deoxys i guess xD

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Deoxys is being reprinted in a tin soon.

And you should mainly be using Flareon for its first attack. With Ultra Ball, Grunt, and Etc to discard spare Pokemon, it doesn't seem like you have too much trouble putting lots of Pokemon in the discard for it to wreck stuff.

And if you're going to drop bangles, you may as well drop them all - I feel 2 is too inconsistent to matter too much with Tool Scrappers everywhere (And Deoxys to make stuff more powerful anyway)

Still, I feel Kangaskhan is your ideal starter, since it can grab all 4 of your Eevees to your bench by turn 2, so you can start the diversity since you can search he Eeveelutions with Ultra Ball, recover them with triad, and stuff.

Also, I forgot, but you SHOULD run Plasma Ball since it searches Deoxys/Eeveelutions for absolutely free. 3 should work.

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Deoxys is being reprinted in a tin soon.

And you should mainly be using Flareon for its first attack. With Ultra Ball, Grunt, and Etc to discard spare Pokemon, it doesn't seem like you have too much trouble putting lots of Pokemon in the discard for it to wreck stuff.

And if you're going to drop bangles, you may as well drop them all - I feel 2 is too inconsistent to matter too much with Tool Scrappers everywhere (And Deoxys to make stuff more powerful anyway)

Still, I feel Kangaskhan is your ideal starter, since it can grab all 4 of your Eevees to your bench by turn 2, so you can start the diversity since you can search he Eeveelutions with Ultra Ball, recover them with triad, and stuff.

Also, I forgot, but you SHOULD run Plasma Ball since it searches Deoxys/Eeveelutions for absolutely free. 3 should work.

Hmm...so maybe...

-3 Bangle

-1 Deoxys

-2 Level Ball


+3 Kangaskhan

+3 Plasma Ball



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