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Madolche TCG Sept 2013

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For what it's worth I think the stun build is the best one. I play with only 1 mew and 2 gelatos (and 3 magileine) and no double summon or spell striker and more traps instead. now I'm really not sure about the new format, but in the current format it has been working really good, and it could even stand up to Dragon Rulers quite good.  Also the double summon doesnt really seem good here because you run no butler and only 2 magileines anyway...

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Palooza is an amazing card if used right, it's good as a 1-off since it's searchable. Chateau-Ticket is not a card you should run in 3s(or even 2s), so i suggest using 2-1 ratio for them(since they are insanely searchable especially with 3 Messen, also they're recycleable. Double summon is bad because only things you want to summon from it is Magileine. Rather than Cruffsant, I suggest you run either Baaple or Marmalmaid, since in a slower format, they're quite good, and Mar's 2000(2500) allows it to survive against popular main decked monsters now by battle. Foolish is just bad here, don't use it. If you want to spam hootcake, just run splashable good monsters like Thrasher or TGU instead of using Striker. Also, Messen will be a vanilla most of the time, so 3 will clog your hand when you want another good monster. Also, you should run more traps, since this seems to be not the Psychic or the YOLO build.

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Cruff is the best summon for ticket after you go into your invoker/queen combo, so keep it at one. As for Hoodcake spam, just stick to the hand traps veiler/maxx c/trag..especially trag since it works so well in the deck. Stopping otks and shit, plus his control effect is another way to put cards in the grave for hoot cake. 

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