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Pokemon: The Origins

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Indeed. Plus Prof Oak has a lovely assistant? What madness is this?

You'd know if you played the games. I knew at least a decade ago that the woman in his lad was an assistant, and it didn't take me very long to at least figure out she wasn't that ugly.


So the next episode also focused on Team Rocket, but I'm glad it was actually the events from the games. Then afterwards, I really don't like Fire Spin. I mean, I don't know how good it is now, but I just find it too be both so weak and so inaccurate. I did immediately remember how those kinds of moves worked in Gen I though, dang.

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This has to be watched by everyone during the english release. We have to get an actual anime using this style.

This is an actual anime.


It would be a treat but it fell miles short compared to the current anime for me. I mean there are way too many fillers, but I enjoyed the gym battles/leagues/other touneys way more than this. Thankfully enough they have been decreasing their filler and like I said I'm in it for the comedy as well, which barely shows up here, so all's good.


Still, I could see plenty of people, especially most of the older fans liking this a lot more so it would still be great to see a series come from this.

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I don't understand why you would take that literally, when obviously it means a full length series. Though I guess I could have added more detail.

Well I knew, because otherwise I wouldn't have had that last line mention series like I was trying to make it look like I knew what you meant. I dunno. I think I was just a little too sarcastic that time. I know how many other forms of actual anime there can be than just a full length series, so I was half just making sure. But I guess since many people seem to only mention anime like that is what they mean I can stop being stupid.

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I didn't even realize that they didn't cry their names.

Interesting stylistic choice, I can dig it.


I also liked that detail with Brock, though I guess you could've implied the fact when the games started Gym Leader rematches. 


If not a series, then they should definitely do a sequel OVA following Gold. Because we all know animated Gold vs Red would be breathtaking.

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The battles were too short, and two of the most sculpting battles of the series ended in the same exact way. I love the series, however, it was not only far too short for me but the battles as a whole were repetitive.


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