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Dragunity v. 2.2 [Now with 66% more Tempest]

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2 Blackwing Zephyros

2 Dragunity Aklys

2 Dragunty Arma Mysteltainn

3 Dragunity Dux

2 Dragunity Legionnaire

3 Dragunity Phalanx

2 Hatsune Veiler

1 Gorz


2 Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms


1 Dark Hole

3 Dragon Ravine

1 Monster Reborn


3 Terraforming


2 Bottomless

2 Mirror Force

1 Solemn

2 Starlight

2 Torrential




1 Catastor

1 Gae Dearg

3 Vajrayana

1 Scrap Dragon

2 Stardust

1 Hyper Librarian

1 Thought Ruler

1 Gaia Dragoon

2 Hieratic Atum

1 Maestroke

1 Utopia




2 D.D. Crow

1 Dark Simorgh

2 Maxx "C"

2 D-Fissure

1 Heavy Storm

3 Chain Disappearance

3 Fiendish

1 Chimeratech


Side definitely needs some work, since I haven't updated it since last format. Would also like to tech some other things if possible, along with some other fixes for the main Deck.


UPDATE: After trying the Cards of Consonance + Gold Sarc, I've decided to stick with it. I also go into Scrap Dragon more than I do TRA, so I may drop him now. Still need fixes to the Side, especially Sides against Mermails, Fire Fist, Dragons, etc.

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-1 Zephyros
-1 Gorz
-1 Aklys
-1 Legionnaire
-2 Torrential
-2 Veiler
-1 Starlight

+3 Cards of Consonance
+3 Gold Sarc
+2 Fiendish (move 1 from side deck to main)
+1 Tempest

-1 Thought Ruler
-1 Atum
-1 Utopia
-1 Maestroke
+1 Jeweled RDA
+1 Ptolemy
+1 Bounzer
+1 Trident Dragion

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-1 Zephyros -1 Gorz -1 Aklys -1 Legionnaire -2 Torrential -2 Veiler -1 Starlight +3 Cards of Consonance +3 Gold Sarc +2 Fiendish (move 1 from side deck to main) +1 Tempest -1 Thought Ruler -1 Atum -1 Utopia -1 Marstroke +1 Jeweled RDA +1 Ptolemy +1 Bounzer +1 Trident Dragion

Took out a Zeph.


I'm going to leave Gorz in just in case I do get into a situation where I'm about to be OTK'ed, but if it proves to be dead, I'll take it out later.


Also skeptical about taking out Aklys + Legionnaire since it's pretty much a guaranteed +1. Twice.


Also skeptical about not running any Veiler.


I'm also gonna leave in Thought Ruler just to see how he works this format, given he's a 2700 beater that can also negate stuff. If he doesn't work out, I'll drop him for a Trident/Ptolemys.

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[quote name="Arin the Radiant" post="6257840" timestamp="1376670978"]Took out a Zeph.   I'm going to leave Gorz in just in case I do get into a situation where I'm about to be OTK'ed, but if it proves to be dead, I'll take it out later.   Also skeptical about taking out Aklys + Legionnaire since it's pretty much a guaranteed +1. Twice.   Also skeptical about not running any Veiler.   I'm also gonna leave in Thought Ruler just to see how he works this format, given he's a 2700 beater that can also negate stuff. If he doesn't work out, I'll drop him for a Trident/Ptolemys.[/quote] You have to run the Gold Sarc engine and the Cards of Consonance engine though, it makes the deck sooooo much better.

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You're not going to be OTKed much this format and Ravine will make Gorz very dead. I'd make a case for Mist Valley Baby Roc, it's a fun tech that you can grab off Gae Dearg and make a level 8. Otherwise you can cut the Gorz and the 2nd Starlight for 2 Safe Zone, and cut one Stardust for the new Stardust.

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