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My End-tro

fire dud

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hey guys I need a gif for my videos End-tro (See what I did there, instead of Intro. END-TRO... ha) so I just want someone to edit  [spoiler/]  http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs12/f/2006/337/4/b/Oogie_Boogie_Dance_Sprite_GIF_by_steven_psd.gif  [spoiler] That is what I want you to edit Onto the dancing gifs (Top row on the HEAD and bottom row on hands.)

Dancing boogie_oogie:  http://25.media.tumblr.com/67f853cf81fddc9d4ddb4b7119aaab75/tumblr_mi6gn34YgE1s3x9efo1_500.png   


That is all thanks.. if anything is unclear ('cuse I tend to explain things horribly) please just ask :P


Edit: I'll pay whatever :P+

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