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i am using 5 trishulas, and i summon them turn 1

Dog  King

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3 Junk Synchron
3 Tuningware
3 Cyber Valley

3 De Synchro
3 Machine Dup
3 Upstart Goblin
3 Magical Mallet
3 Tuning
2 Magical Stone Excavation
2 Hand Destruction
2 Into the Void
2 Forbidden Lance
1 One Day of Piece
1 Foolish Burial
1 Heavy Storm
1 Card Destruction
1 One for One

1 Life Equalizer
1 Blasting the Ruins
1 Wall of Revealing Light

5 Trishula
1 Junk Destroyer

This deck isnt good but it shows you can trish loop 5 cards from their hand in a turn

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Yeah the plan.... Get tuningware in grave, other 2 must be in deck, junk synchron and dup in hand. Go junk, tuningware, dup, 2 more tuningwares, go junk destroyer clear field, lance is incase of tt and stuff, if they have judgment or warning gg lol unless you have decree. Now you draw de synchro and start looping into trish. Also i found the deck will deck out lol so maining blasting the ruins, equalizer and wall is funny to finish them off.

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[quote name=".Wat" post="6257351" timestamp="1376580723"]Explain to me how plant synchro can summon 5 trishulas in one turn and draw 15 from it[/quote] Explain to me how this deck can even function. The skeleton (tuning ware + machine dupe + junk synchron) is a neat idea, but the problem is that you are going to have absolutely no consistency at all, even with consistency cards like upstart and reload. You're going to get dead hands that can't do jack shit, and even your live hands are going to be mediocre. Not to mention that TRISHULA IS AT 1. You can only run ONE TRISHULA. Even if it were unlimited, you wouldn't be able to run FIVE Trishulas.

[quote name=".Wat" post="6257376" timestamp="1376583431"]Yeah the plan.... Get tuningware in grave, other 2 must be in deck, junk synchron and dup in hand. Go junk, tuningware, dup, 2 more tuningwares, go junk destroyer clear field, lance is incase of tt and stuff, if they have judgment or warning gg lol unless you have decree. Now you draw de synchro and start looping into trish. Also i found the deck will deck out lol so maining blasting the ruins, equalizer and wall is funny to finish them off.[/quote] Meet me on DN in 1.5 hours. My name there is sora1499.

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The problem being it is unrealistic, and this is TCG Deck Section. Making illegal decks is silly, especially ones that are not only illegal in the amount of a certain card can be ran, but the rule that dictates the maximum of any card not on the Limited/Foribidden List that can be ran.

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I've played this befkre. Its so fucking funny XD

He runs 1 trish and loops into that same trish 5+ times. How?
Turn 1: get 1 tuningware into the graveyard via anymeans. 2 have junk synchron and machine dupe in hand.
Summon Synchron, revive tuningware, dupe into the other two, synch into 8 (since you can't go 9 just yet) draw 3, de-synch, then resynch into trish, and draw another 3 cards. By this point you either draw intto your final desynchros AND your magical stones to repeat the process. You can effectively draw out near your entire deck our deck out using this method.

Btw...no one for one?

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I've played this befkre. Its so fucking funny XD
He runs 1 trish and loops into that same trish 5+ times. How?
Turn 1: get 1 tuningware into the graveyard via anymeans. 2 have junk synchron and machine dupe in hand.
Summon Synchron, revive tuningware, dupe into the other two, synch into 8 (since you can't go 9 just yet) draw 3, de-synch, then resynch into trish, and draw another 3 cards. By this point you either draw intto your final desynchros AND your magical stones to repeat the process. You can effectively draw out near your entire deck our deck out using this method.
Btw...no one for one?

I added blasting, life equalizer and wall to finish them off lawl, its pretty funny.

Added one for one.
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